PC2 PC2 in VR mode thru Sim Vibe SC 4

Is there any way to start PC2 in VR mode thru Sim Vibe SC 4 ? The only way I can do it is by having Sim Vibe SC4 enabled then opening Steam clicking on the play button for PC2 and selecting VR Oculus Rift . Once the game starts I then Alt /Tab out and click on my Sim Vibe SC4 PC2 tab .
Won't it work in a batch (script) file? I don't have Sim vibe but if it's just an executable, then it might work? I do that to start Crewchief, Joy2key, OTT. I start AC separately since I use CM, and rF2 too because I have to start SteamVR first. HTH.
Is there any way to start PC2 in VR mode thru Sim Vibe SC 4 ? The only way I can do it is by having Sim Vibe SC4 enabled then opening Steam clicking on the play button for PC2 and selecting VR Oculus Rift . Once the game starts I then Alt /Tab out and click on my Sim Vibe SC4 PC2 tab .
how do you even enable sim vibe SC4? is there a button that enables it or do you enable it just by opening sim commander?