Pedals - Anything between v3's and HE Ultimates?

I currently own (and are selling) the HE Ultimates, they're too hard for my driving style and also cant justify having pedals that expensive for how often I race.

I still have my set of v3's which feel nice but I'm wondering if there's any pedals that are in between the two? I've had a go on the sprints for literally 2 minutes and I wasnt sold on the clutch, although coming from the ultimates I was expecting a downgrade but it didnt feel right, I dont know if it was how they were set up maybe?

My questions
-Any other pedals I can consider in between that range
-If you own sprints how does the clutch feel? Can the brake resistance be set low enough for my girlfriend to be able to play (she could only press the ultimates at about 10%... haha)
-If anyones looking to upgrade, I'd be happy to consider swaps.
