Penalties on custom tracks

Hello, people!

Still pretty new to AC, started getting into it a couple of weeks ago, so not sure how this works and is implemented.

I notice that a lot of the custom tracks I play seem to have no corner / track cutting rules and penalties. I have had instances where I go wide on the first corner of a chicane, cut a ton of grass and go back on track after the chicane, overtaking several cars in the process, and I get no penalties or warnings.

Is there a fix or a solution to this? I mean, the obvious answer is "don't cut the track or slow down on your own", but I'd really like to have some more "official" solution to the issue, if possible.
Can't remember which ones I was on when it happened, exactly.

Now that I think about it, the same thing happened on Zandvoort, which is an official Kunos track. I completely skipped the chicane-like sharp turns 11 and 12, cutting across, overtaking 2 cars, and I still got no penalty.
Open "\documents\assettocorsa\cfg\race.ini" please and check if "PENALTIES=1".

If its set to "PENALTIES=0" change it to "PENALTIES=1".

After that check if SRS is disabled in Content Manager, settings -> CM -> Integrated

If it is enabled, disable it.
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