I’ve had the above in my old G27 pedals for a long, long time now. The G27’s are the only part of the Original rig I’ve never changed. I’ve moved on to Direct Drive wheel, VR, motion, you name it, but now having the itch to renew my pedals. Reason I hesitate is down to having no experience of any other pedal set, other than the original G27’s before I installed the hydraulic pedal, I’ve also had zero issues.
So my question, has anyone else used the Perfect Pedal, or still using it and if so, what are Your thoughts on other pedals? I’m thinking about a set of Heuskinveld pedals (not sure which ones) but keep having this nagging doubt that a loadcell brake won’t perform as well as the hydraulic one. Any help appreciated
So my question, has anyone else used the Perfect Pedal, or still using it and if so, what are Your thoughts on other pedals? I’m thinking about a set of Heuskinveld pedals (not sure which ones) but keep having this nagging doubt that a loadcell brake won’t perform as well as the hydraulic one. Any help appreciated