PlayStation 4 GFX Settings

Misc PlayStation 4 GFX Settings 1.1

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PlayStation 4 GFX Settings - Great for those who want to run ACC on a potato.

Do you want to know what it's like to play the console version of ACC?

All I have atm is a hand-me-down gaming PC from 2011 and a PS4 Slim. So after purchasing the PC version (PS4 version is too limited) I spent the week tinkering with all the video settings to see if I could mimic the look and feel of the PS4 version.

The sim is running at 1080p with a max fps of 34
Opponent visibility is set to 10 for my potato but the PS4 can do up to 19. So if your potato is better than my potato by...

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Hi Jad

The engine.ini changes (eg. suggested in steam forums) made a big difference on my 2012 SweetPotato PC. Well worth investigating for more FPS, along with disabling all mirrors (huge FPS drain for me).

Thanks for the info. Do you have a link to the steam thread?

Yeh I already had mirrors and on board monitor turned off. The radar is sufficient.