The mods area is for modding, or save games that are designed to be played, not help requests.
There are many people posting save games that say "help me and return a completed save". That just clogs up the save game section of the mods area, and drowns out custom saves that are designed to be played out of the box.

If you need help, you can come here to the actual forum. If you need to post the save game, then you either attach a zip file directly to the post, OR upload it to mega or google drive and link it to your post.

I am not a moderator or admin. I'm just an average user who wants to make it easier for people who are looking for mods get those mods, and make it easier for people looking for help get helped, without those 2 goals interfering with one another.
Thanks! Guys please use the report button to help us to remove these questions in the resource manager. It's costing us way too much time to go through it constantly.

If there is a voluntary moderator available please get in touch with me.
Okay so I downloaded the floodlight mod:
and it seems like author has stopped work on it, it works fine for the most part but the shop trigger for the lightbulbs is broken, I tried downloading visual studio and looking through the code but I have no idea what any of it means, I managed to find a code for the lighbulb but I have no idea what it does and whats broken, can someone help me get it fixed?

using HutongGames.PlayMaker;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

namespace Floodlight
  public class LightbulbBoxBehaviour : MonoBehaviour
    public static readonly Vector3 TeimoBuyPos = new Vector3(-1551.1f, 4.8f, 1182.8f);
    public List<GameObject> ShopList;
    private bool _bought;
    private bool _buying;
    private FsmBool _guiBuy;
    private FsmString _guiText;

    public static float Price
        return 300f;

    public void Activate()
      ((Component) this).get_transform().set_parent((Transform) null);
      ((Object) ((Component) this).get_gameObject()).set_name("lightbulb(Clone)");
      ((Component) this).get_gameObject().set_layer(LayerMask.NameToLayer("Parts"));
      ((Component) this).get_gameObject().set_tag("PART");
      ((Rigidbody) ((Component) this).get_gameObject().GetComponent<Rigidbody>()).set_isKinematic(false);

    public void SetBought()
      this._bought = true;

    private void _buy()
      M0 component = GameObject.Find("STORE/StoreCashRegister/Register").GetComponent<PlayMakerFSM>();
      FsmFloat fsmFloat = ((PlayMakerFSM) component).get_FsmVariables().GetFsmFloat("PriceTotal");
      fsmFloat.set_Value(fsmFloat.get_Value() + LightbulbBoxBehaviour.Price);
      ((PlayMakerFSM) component).SendEvent("PURCHASE");
      this._buying = true;
      ((Component) this).get_gameObject().SetActive(false);

    private void _pay()
      if (!this._buying)
      ((Component) this).get_gameObject().SetActive(true);
      ((Component) this).get_transform().set_position(LightbulbBoxBehaviour.TeimoBuyPos);
      this.ShopList.Remove(((Component) this).get_gameObject());
      this._buying = false;
      this._bought = true;

    private void Awake()
      Material material = new Material(Shader.Find("Standard"));
      material.set_mainTexture(((Renderer) ((Component) this).get_gameObject().GetComponent<Renderer>()).get_material().get_mainTexture());
      ((Renderer) ((Component) this).get_gameObject().GetComponent<Renderer>()).set_material(material);
      this._guiBuy = PlayMakerGlobals.get_Instance().get_Variables().FindFsmBool("GUIbuy");
      this._guiText = PlayMakerGlobals.get_Instance().get_Variables().FindFsmString("GUIinteraction");
      GameHook.InjectStateHook(GameObject.Find("STORE/StoreCashRegister/Register"), "Purchase", (Action) (() => this._pay()));

    private void Update()
      bool keyDown = Input.GetKeyDown((KeyCode) 323);
      RaycastHit raycastHit;
      Physics.Raycast(Camera.get_main().ScreenPointToRay(Input.get_mousePosition()), ref raycastHit, 1f);
      if (!Object.op_Equality((Object) ((Component) ((RaycastHit) ref raycastHit).get_collider()).get_gameObject(), (Object) ((Component) this).get_gameObject()) || this._bought)
      this._guiText.set_Value(string.Format("lightbulb ({0} mk)", (object) LightbulbBoxBehaviour.Price));
      if (!keyDown)

    public LightbulbBoxBehaviour()

Update: Seems like the triggers work but you have to look directly from above at it
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Well, I'm new in this so well sorry for any error...
So, i recently downloaded a ECU mod (DonnerTechs's), and when i bought it on the mechanic some parts (the eletronic screen and the cruise control menu) fall under the mechanic ground, and I can't pick them up.
I was taking them to car and they simply fall in the ground like its a black hole
How can I recover theese parts?

Update: I tried using ImproveFPS mod, so I could remove the repair shop, and i could only recover the cruise control, the eletronicl screen is in the void, how can I get it back?
Well, I'm new in this so well sorry for any error...
So, i recently downloaded a ECU mod (DonnerTechs's), and when i bought it on the mechanic some parts (the eletronic screen and the cruise control menu) fall under the mechanic ground, and I can't pick them up.
I was taking them to car and they simply fall in the ground like its a black hole
How can I recover theese parts?

Update: I tried using ImproveFPS mod, so I could remove the repair shop, and i could only recover the cruise control, the eletronicl screen is in the void, how can I get it back?
My mods aren't working for some reason. I have them all in the right folder, it loads in-game and says which ones I have on (Minimap mod). When I actually start the game it says in the chatbox that the minimap mod was disabled because it caused too many errors??

Tried literally everything I could think of.

Suggestions please?
Hi, so yesterday. I decided to make a subwoofer box from scratch for Satsuma. I changed the 3D model, imported it into MSC, and now i need to change it's position. Maybe someone could help me? I found one tutorial. But it seems to don't work. Any help would be appreciated :)
Hi, so yesterday. I decided to make a subwoofer box from scratch for Satsuma. I changed the 3D model, imported it into MSC, and now i need to change it's position. Maybe someone could help me? I found one tutorial. But it seems to don't work. Any help would be appreciated :)
You need to make a full mod that can be loaded by MSC ModLoader.

Then you can acces the position, rotation, scake of GameObjects in the game
The mods area is for modding, or save games that are designed to be played, not help requests.
There are many people posting save games that say "help me and return a completed save". That just clogs up the save game section of the mods area, and drowns out custom saves that are designed to be played out of the box.

If you need help, you can come here to the actual forum. If you need to post the save game, then you either attach a zip file directly to the post, OR upload it to mega or google drive and link it to your post.

I am not a moderator or admin. I'm just an average user who wants to make it easier for people who are looking for mods get those mods, and make it easier for people looking for help get helped, without those 2 goals interfering with one another.
hi how do i upload my saved game my summer car plz
So I was just installing new parts and when I wanted to start the car but it doeesn´t do anything. I changed the grill, wheel, gear lever and the exhaust (and pipe). Maybe I unscrewed something.
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