Poetry Thread

Just like Mr. Dennis, I have started a thread on poetry, a beautiful art, especially for an aspiring scholar and romantic like myself.

Just post a poem that you have come up with. I will do what I can to contribute to the scholarly arts on this subforum.

Here is a poem I wrote:

She stays in my mind
For her only definition is compassion

Her heart is so fragile
It pains me to treat her in abrasive fashion

In a field of sunflowers
She illuminates brighter than the sun

For in my thoughts,
she is lesser than none.

When I look at her,
I think of her laugh and smile

With my passionate soul,
it will be a moment worthwhile.
I look upon the stars at night.
I see them shine like blinking lights.

I often think of life thats bright.
I wish that life would flight at night.

The life thats bright and flights at night.
Come stay with us to help our fight.

@ Mohammed
I think you have brought the poet out of me lol.

Here is my last one...

On the grid

The heat haze hisses down the track I see.
My foot is poised on five lights I see.
My sweat rolls down and my hands are tight.
I wait for go and my smoke you will see.

The tention grows and I look to the right.
I see your wheels, your not out of sight.
My hand grows tired, on the clutch I feel.
The lights go down and its one, two, three.

I press down hard, I can smell the burn.
The car moves quick and I make the turn.
The crowd roars wild and flags fly high.
We all turn right and I make my fight.

I dodge to the left, I dodge to the right.
I press my kers to move from out of sight.
You brake to soon and my move is made.
Eat my smoke, the place was mine to take.
A bit of english politics.....

You give us taxes.
You give us bills.

We pay your life.
We pay your thrills.

You lie to us.
You spy on us.

So please Mr Cameron.
Stop taking silly pills.

I wrote this poem dedicated to the many beautiful women that have fearsome fathers that consider them "Daddy's Little Girl".

I have two titles:

The Protective Patriarch or The Stalwart Bear

He values the dearest kin of his life.
For he cares about her like his wife.

Tall and broad, others see him in awe.
Strength and skill, his anger is raw.

In front of the delicate lily, stands an impregnable tower.
For earning his trust is the only weakness of his power.

Care and protect her from harm!
Or else this bear will cleave you with a strong arm.
Does that qualify ?


A last embrace, last words to say
Before the war took their fate away
Before to kill became his forced task
And bleeding fields were covered with sins
His wounded heart is crying out for home

Away away my love to where all darkness will be gone
Away away to our land
Where you will be forever in my arms again

Days of dust, of cruelty and death
Broke his soul until there was nothing left
Only her love that carried him through all

He passed high mountains and rough rivers
He wrote a 1000 letters to be near
He walked a 1000 miles
Just to see her smile again
Just for returning home

Away away my love...

Tell the wind I'll survive just to feel you again
I will fight 'till the end to lay my promised love
Forever in your hands
This poem is called Trying Times; this is the fourth poem I have written.

In times good and bad
We keep ourselves from becoming mad

When we purge the blight
Let us not forget what is in sight

Destiny smiles upon the brave
Tragedy plagues upon the knave

Purpose makes the path clear
For it is the key to what we hold dear

In times distressing
We keep from regressing
Love Poem 2:

Kindled by the fire
We share our mutual desire

Hearts beating fast
Thinking of good moments past

Building our powerful affection
We build our amorous connection

When we go to rest
We will see this moment as the best
Long Live Ulfric Stormcloak!

His heart filled with sadness
He sees the Empire driven by madness

Looking out for the best
Others see him as a jest

Driven by ambition
He seeks to improve his land's condition

Bold in the face of fear
He will restore everything that is dear
Womanly Prowess (aka the female version of Feats of Strength)

Unrelenting in her quest
She wants nothing but the best

Finesse is her fire
Determination is her desire

She comes in everyday
Seeking to improve her way
An Elegant Flower

Seeping into my heart
A damsel with the allure of art.

Hair with the hue of flame
Her disposition is tame

Elegance is her charm
One must approach without harm

She must be treated with royalty
Only then, one can earn her loyalty

Do everything to make it last
Time will go by fast
Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow--
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.

I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand--
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep--while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?
Tall and broad, comes a brutish savage.
Wherever there is chaos, he will ravage.

With little protection, his skin is layers deep.
Wielding giant weapons, he cleaves his foes in one sweep.

His shouts fill his enemies' hearts with fear.
Run away if you hold your life dear!

Hatred in his heart, his foes will only know his wrath.
He charges at them, bringing forth a real bloodbath.

When all is calm, he leaves a trail of dead.
He cries in victory as he holds up the commander's head.
Aspect of Purity

Full of vitality, she brings life to everything she touches.
All creatures become docile in her presence.

She is evil's greatest nightmare.
Fearing one day, they will lose their plight to her radiance.

With love and compassion, she strives to change the world.
She spends day's end pondering in reflection.

In her everyday dealings, she gives everyone a fair chance.
Overlooking the bad and dwelling on the good.

Many wonder who she really is.
It almost seems she is an angel in human form.

Determined in her mission;
She aims to bring humanity to establish an unbreakable connection.

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