Porsche 911 Gt3 Cup (992) iRacing Dashboard

Misc Porsche 911 Gt3 Cup (992) iRacing Dashboard 2021-12-26

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BollaBeng submitted a new resource:

Porsche 911 Gt3 Cup (992) iRacing Dashboard - Dashboad for 992 Cup car in iRacing

Hello everyone,

this is my first try at creating a dashboard and it happens to be for the Porsche 911 GT3 Cup (992). I tried to replicate the ingame dash as good as possible, but had to cut off a bit from the dashboard to make the size fit in my 4" VoCore screen. Since iRacing does not really support real time tire, fuel, water and oil pressure, I did just use placeholder numbers and replaced fuel pressure with fuel used in the last lap.

To install the dashboard simply unzip the downloaded...

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That's great.. where is the AutoSizeScale option in SumHub?
Just found out this option is not easily accesible when editing the dashboard so I uploaded a new version with a workaround along with small fixes. You whould find the option now when editing the Dashboard within the Dashboard studio and clicking on the widget Porsche 911 GT3 Cup 992. If you scroll down in the properties tab you should see the AutoSizeScale.

The way I choose the right scalar is: Choose either the width or height of the dashboard (800x480) and divide the width or height of your screen by it. If you would have a let´s say 1024x768 screen the scalar would be 1024/800= 1,28. Check again though if the other parameter of height or width is not too high for the screen resolution.
Hi there,
I like this Dashboard and use it with iRacing on a USBD480 Display over Simhub!
I was wondering if there is a way to make TirePressure data working correct.
Any Idea? I cannot find TirePressure TelemetryData from iRacing and so the Tire Pressure is still the default which makes me a bit confuse and I would love to have the correct Tire Pressure information on the Dashboard!

Any Idea/Advice how to fix this?
Thanks in advance
Hi there,
I like this Dashboard and use it with iRacing on a USBD480 Display over Simhub!
I was wondering if there is a way to make TirePressure data working correct.
Any Idea? I cannot find TirePressure TelemetryData from iRacing and so the Tire Pressure is still the default which makes me a bit confuse and I would love to have the correct Tire Pressure information on the Dashboard!

Any Idea/Advice how to fix this?
Thanks in advance
Sorry for the late reply. Unfortunatly I have no idea how t get that to work. Afaik iRacing does not supply live telemetry data regarding tire pressure. The tire data will only update once you are in the garage or in the pits.
I would love for that to work better but as far as I know there is no way.
I tried quite a few variables supplied by simhub including iRacing specific ones. Sadly can not provvide a solution there unless iRacing does make the data available.