Porsche 911 GT3 R is missing from my download!!

Like the title says: paid my €15, syncd with the workshop, and then I only have three cars. The Audi, the BMW and the McLaren are there, the 911 GT3 R Porsche is nowhere to be seen. How can I fix this, or who do I talk to at Studio 397 or Steam? I don't want to have to pay twice, but the Porsche was the one car I was really looking forward to, and of all the cars, it's the only one that's missing. Does anyone have an idea? Am I the only one with this problem?
Go to your rF2 inventory and find the Porsche in workshop then "Unsubscribe" and restart your rF2. Now shut down rF2 and once again go to your rF2 inventory and this time "Subscribe" to your Porsche in workshop and now start up your rF2 which should now force your Porsche to install.
No luck, I can't even see any of the bloody cars in the rF2 workshop. Steam support says everything is correct at their end, and to contact Studio 397 support. Some chance of recieving a reply from them till after Christmas I'd think. Bit of a poor show really, I suppose I should get over it, but it's disapointing. The one car I was looking forward to the most is the very one that is missing from the download....grrrr
Easy Method:: Go to your games "Library" and place your cursor over "Your Name" which will bring up a drop down menu then click on "Inventory." Now choose your "Porsche" and if you don't see your Porsche then be sure the rFactor tab is selected and not the Steam tab. Once you choose your Porsche you then click on "View Workshop Item" and here is where you do your "Subscribe and Unsubscribe" as mentioned.
Easy Method:: Go to your games "Library" and place your cursor over "Your Name" which will bring up a drop down menu then click on "Inventory." Now choose your "Porsche" and if you don't see your Porsche then be sure the rFactor tab is selected and not the Steam tab. Once you choose your Porsche you then click on "View Workshop Item" and here is where you do your "Subscribe and Unsubscribe" as mentioned.
Easy peasy when you know how :thumbsup: