It seems little bit strange to me the fanatic-community.
This because reading comments....
No one more-less speaks about reliability of sounds if compared to the real car....
Anyone talking about this but only
- No one must ask money for mods..... Why?
- People write about the not-realism of driving of a 917k mod. But my question is: anyone here has never driven a real 917k.
I do not
I love simulators for the sensation they give to me. Phisical... Difficulty to drive.... Little bit realism....and sound.
I've placed xsim 3dof. Sparco seat, 6points harmness, all fanatec, 7+2 loudspeakers with onkyo 1100w and ocuous dk2.
If i want realism i take my m3 to real trackday on the contrary if me and my son wants to challenge everywhere everywhere we take a "more less" real car for ac game and have fun and sensations.
917k is this.
Difficutly to drive properly.
Fantastic sound.
This sound mod is fantastic imho.
Each of us, fanatic of this car knows that the best project is the ongoing one in acforum.
But not yet realdy.
Till that time this can be a very interesting solution.
And finally, as per the acforum project or for some good mod i have really no difficulty to pay.
Both to say thanks to who passed several nights in front of a pc (not charlize theron)
Both because if the mod is good a correct cost if compared to the mod is not so tragic imho to have the sureness of updating and reliable contacts.
I've already payed many mods. Cars. Tracks. Apps and also filters.
No problem for me. It is a correct way to say thanks to these valued people.
Obviously this is my personal point of view on this argument.
I ask only to people to evaluate the objectivity in this topic.
The realism of sound.
Nothing more.
Ciao all