Porsche 919 Hybrid Evo Smashes Nordschleife Lap Record

I just have one question...
Anybody know who was tasked with rolling the wheelbarrow up to the car after this run?
This driver would certainly need one to carry his 'attachments'.
JHC...a car is never meant to travel this quickly over a closed course with corners.
It is freakin' amazing watching this thing, as the hybrid drive 'pulled' it away after turns.
Man!...that is fast.
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I give a lot of credit to Timo Bernhard for having the confidence in his skills to go this fast around such a narrow track. I'm sure that the car could go faster still, but even on this lap he's taking some corners at speeds that could've resulted in a crash resembling Kubica's at Canada 2007. But he kept it on the track and helped Porsche not only break the record, but set a new benchmark that may stand for many years more.
Wow, I drive Nord's just like he does, though usually using different gears since my sim cars are mostly 5/6 speed gearboxes. Oh yeah, one other difference, I know I'm "gonna die" in every corner!
I think the "Mutkurve" shows the best how crazy this car is. Going through that left turn at 270 kph braking down from 330 and judging by my experience in sim gt3s: he could have done it with 300 and brakes too much. Similar to taking the turn at 195 kph instead of 225 kph with a gt3 because you prefer not to die 9/10 times.

The 90° turns he does with slightly above 100 kph somehow remind me of a maglev train!
Bellof's record still stands. This Porsche is not an homologated race car.

It's like if in cycling somebody would beat the record of the Alpe d'Huez climb with an electric engine in the bicycle. :whistling:
Stunned...reaches Carousel in 3m05s then reaches Little Carousel at 4m29s into lap!! The electric motor "instantaneous" acceleration out of corners sure helps.
369km/h top speed ,i like it a lot, is there any tweaked version of 919 or a mod to reach this speed and aero performance in AC? (i'm not able to watch the video right now)
that car is a technical masterpiece and huge credit to the driver for having the balls to go for it

would love to see the state of them tyres after that run with the speed and g forces that thing must have been pulling
Bellof's record still stands. This Porsche is not an homologated race car.

It's like if in cycling somebody would beat the record of the Alpe d'Huez climb with an electric engine in the bicycle. :whistling:
I'd like to think that it's just the progress of technology. Bike records are still registered although the people have carbon bikes and bearings with way better efficiency.
According to you they would have to ride with steel frames and outdated parts.
That the record isn't official: yes, it's no race and not an official racecar. To bash the car because it's hybrid is just not making sense. Same could be said about Bellof not driving with steam.
I've been looking forward all month to this. So glad Porsche uploaded the onboard right away. The acceleration when he unleashes all the hybrid power is incredible. At 2:46 he's charging along at about 318 kph, then hits the button and bam.. 349 kph. Crazy.

The scary thing is he could have gone quicker.
It is insane, but to be honest... i think this is not a record beat, the car is not homologated as RaceCar (oficial) and 5:19 against 6:11 in the 80's with Stefan car... i think this guy drive 30% and 70% the car, that downforce and hybrid engine without moving the rear, the super tyres that (i think) will not resist 1 or 1/2 lap more until they die... doing this with Porsche 962c in the old nords will be forever the best lap around the Nords. (for me)
Sry the bad english
Amazing new lap record time - obliterates the old one.
Now, mercedes - get an unrestricted W09 out there next year please, with a good driver behind the wheel and see that record plummet below 5.00 :cool: