rF2 Porsche Carrera Cup GB @ Brands Hatch Indy - Fri 11th March 2011

rFactor 2 Racing Club event

PCC rocks!
R1 was great! big field, close racing. Kelvin, my bad when we touched I was mirror driving should have just kept looking out the front. Sry man.

R2 was going good got spun in the T2 hairpin and dropped a bit.
Tony M very sry bout the spin in T1,I was lookin at Mart rejoining and I had the brakes locked and only just nudged ya but it was enuff.
Was waitin for u to rejoin 1st:redface:

About 3 turns later my scrn froze in the esses and when it came back I thot I saw a few car shaped blobs drive by. Hope I didn't hose anybody.

Next week we need a slightly larger trak.:cool:
Had tons of fun ! :D

Q1 : Not bad, but nothing special either. Got me 16th on the grid.
R1 : Good start, coupled with few guys infront making a bit of a mess and I've found myself inside top 10. Bad strategy thou. I knew my tires wouldn't last long, so I pitted, but that got me lapped and sent me back into oblivion.

Q2 : Worst time then Q1, but still 16th on the grid.
R1 : Got the strategy right this time. Start was tough thou. Tap here, push there and it wasn't long before I ended up in last place. After that I just switched in proper race mode and started nailing lap after lap. Crawled my way back up to 13th which was amazing considering it's my first time driving these cars that are soooo wrong. Who the heck thought it was going to be fun to race in cars with the engine hanging 3 feet behind the stop lights ?! :D

Anyways, I had great fun and I'll surely be looking forward next time around for these. Hope my inexperience didn't caused a lot of carnage and destruction.
Cheers !
I got spun in R1 and by Ben Horrill and he should have stop but... its all good, bumpin is racing! :-P At least I didn't get a DNF.
Was a better race in R2, I got spun again and again at least I finished. Sorry Doizer you were already on your way out and I had no place to go and tapped ya.
Anyway Good racing guys was fun.
Thanks host!
After doing little practise here I decided to start from the back of the field.

Took it really easy for the first few laps and just picked off the few that had gone off. Kept it nice and easy to ensure I didnt go off into one of those boobie traps. Managed to come home 7th.

Maintained the strategy for R2 but the field seemed quite well behaved. Could only manage 10th this time. Still, happy that I did it that way, I did not fancy starting in the middle of the pack on this one.

Gratz to Kelvin, Gary and all podium.

Thx for the racing and organisation Lee.
Qualy 1: Tried very very hard to make it into the 45s but I couldn't. There was a lap that I was more than 0.3s faster than my official qualy time, but I did a mistake in the last turn, so... anyway,got a 13th spot, right at the middle of the pack.

Race 1: I did a terrible start. Right foot was too heavy on the throttle pedal, so I slid. I was lucky that nobody hit me. Then, I went very easy in order to avoid the cars crashing and spinning on T1 and T2, so, I found myself in 14th place after them! And I was in 12 or 11th right at the opening of the lap 2. I was climbing the field easily, following Gabriel Savu until the last minutes, but, right before that warning "time remaining: 1 minute", I made a mistake on the last turn and dove into the gravel, getting stuck at that. Luckily, I only lost 2 places, and finished at 9th.

Qualy 2: Same as Nikolas. Made a worse time than Q1 but got a better position, 11th. Right at the middle of the field, again. XD

Race 2: I was running at 9-10th place most of the time. Could defend myself from Adam most of the time, but couldn't defend from Oscar, who was really faster than me. After some driver mistakes in front of me, I clumbed to 6-7th position, and the 5th one in the last laps, receiving the checkered flag in the top 5 for the 2nd time here, in RD.

My congratulations for the winners, Gary and Kelvin, and the organisation of these events.

Well that was very entertaining to say the very least.

Q1 : Went well in most respects, I set a good time and got 6th although I knew that I could easily have been 3rd with a cleaner lap.
R1 : Lap 1 was a farce of carnage, 3 wide racing and swapping posistions... something which i benefited from coming onto lap 2 in 2nd with a decent gap in behind me. It didnt take long for Nick and Gary to latch onto me and they both started to pressure me lap in lap out. After about 10 laps or so my concernatration gave in on me and a mistimed turn in point for the final corner sent me off the track and put me back down in 4th. After this I made it my mission to not lose the back of Nick and Gary who by this point were fighting over 2nd. Lowe and behold a few laps later the unexpected happens when both Nick and Gary make the same mistake that sent me off in the final turn in the same way at the same moment, opening up the flood gates for me to cruise it home in a (to me anyway) wonderful feeling 2nd posistion.

Q2 : Talk about not being able to hook up fast laps... 8th on the grid would have to do for this one.
R2 : On the start Jarl seems to bog down sending everyone from 4th back squirming left right and center into and out of turn 1. By the exit of turn 2 I am up to 5th and a somewhat knarly move from me gets me past Toby (sorry for that one) and into 4th by turn 4. However a few mistakes and a nice dive from Toby and Kelvin later I was put back in my place, or 6th as the case was. Another few laps lead to my biggest undoing which happened to be a nice spin off of turn 3 whilst battling with toby. This sent me back to 12th and left me with a very sad face. However, I put my racing head on and powered my way through the feild albeit mainly through people spinning off, and eventually found myself back behind Toby and racing hard. A few laps saw me and toby in 5th and 4th respectively. We went on to swap posistions and trade paint several times until I was left just ahead of Toby in 3rd after a few of the other front runners had span out. It was looking like a last lap dash for 3rd was on until toby mistimed his throttle and span off of the penultimate corner of the penultimate lap, a shame after such a long and hard fought fight. Nevertheless I brought my car home in 3rd and took another podium leaving me grinning ear to ear and more than happy with the evenings racing.

Thanks to Lee for setting all of this up and giving us all a great evenings racing.


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