rF2 Porsche Carrera Cup GB @ Mid-Ohio - Fri January 14th 2011

rFactor 2 Racing Club event
crazy racing! Had a good time while this being the first time I have driven this mod. got a few nocks along the way but I guess with 26 cars on the grid it's to be expected.

thax Lee for putting up the event, Adam for admin on the night & grts to the winners.
Simon, I think that T1 was rather gentle, it was worse in T2, you missed that being punted earlier :).

I had fun today, enjoyed driving in P6 for couple of laps (even if undeservingly ;)). Of course I blew it all and ended up 16th. In R2 I tried to take a very narrow line in T1, braked nicely, started to pass some cars and touched someone. It was my fault and the car span, putting me in 22nd. Crawled up slowly, mostly because of other people mishaps, but it was nice to race anyway.

Also I wanted to say again that I'm sorry for the rough pass on me, Chris. I had too much Nurb in mind when I misjudged a couple of "aimed-to-be-narrow misses". Shouldn't have done that, luckily none of the touches were really hard and affected mostly me :).
I guess it was me in race one turn two coming from the inside of the corner braking too late. Got punished for this in both races (20th and 18th I think) but I can also understand it if I will earn infraction point(s).

Well the time can not be turned back. Sorry for messing up your friday event. :frown:

*I felt like signing off from this event way before, kind of had it in the blood that this would end bad.

*Gary I do not know if you meant me who was supposed to be driving behind you in a white/blue Porsche who in fact wasn't me. I used to be in front of Pawel Bienkowski who gave me light flashes. Anyway I hit the grass and the wall when some driver was loosing control in turn nine over the bump as I was making room thinking he is going to spin.
For me, perhaps the worst event in my time at RD! (in terms of bad luck)

Despite putting in low 22's in race trim in offline praccy, i just couldn;t get a decent or clean lap in at all in qualie. Ended up in the midfield, but didn't even start the race as my screen froze on the warmup results. When it unfroze, the leaders were halfway round the lap and i had a 20s gap to the next guy. Went out and picked up a few places to eventually finish 13th.

Qualie 2: went slightly better, but pushed too hard on a couple of occasions and ruined my laps. Slap bang in the midfield again, i gingerly went round the first lap, but was caught out by a slower car. I braked, but the guy behind tapped me round and kept going. Took a deep breath and continued. After a few laps, i came across Bob and a few others having a battle, and as i got a run on him towards the final turn his car speared violently across the track at right angles and did a few spectacular somersaults after pranging me. I gave it a 9/10. Tank slapper in a porsche = certain death!
Kept going with a surprisingly undamaged car, but a lap or two later i came across Paul's stationary car at the same point, and with nowhere to go i went straight into him. A visit to the pits later and i exited in front of Gary.

Seeing the blue flag, i moved over and let him through immediately.

Started running at a decent pace, keeping myself ahead of the 2nd place duel, and almost caught Gary back up after he was having 'difficulties'.

Thanks for running this Adam, hopefully i'll have better luck next time! Wd podium finishers.
Well, 2 really intense races.

Q1 managed a P.B. and took 2nd on the grid. Didnt expect this as hadnt been that fast in practise.

Good a good start off the line and held it tight as wasnt quite sure where Jack was. He got a better exit and got side by side into T2. Chased from then on trying a couple of times a move into T3, just couldnt quite get it done all the while Anders was puting increasing pressure from behind. Few laps in and got a Tiny tiny touch from Anders on the rear quarter, this spun us both and we ended up 5th and 6th. No biggie, racing incident. Managed to fight back to 3rd and was following Kev trying to put as much pressure as possible to see if I could force a mistake.
He pulled over to let me past for some reason (maybe didnt want the pressure or thought he was being lapped?) so tried to chase Jack down again.
Very last lap and I lost it through the twisty section. Turns out so did he, had it not been for that I would have had my first win. Never mind, settle for 5th.

Q2 couldnt get a decent lap together so could only manage 5th on the Grid.

Again got a decent start off the line and was cautious through T1 and 2 while brakes and tyres warmed up somewhat. Settled into 5th and had a great view of the ongoing battle between the top 4. Lap 3 had a couple of spinners which put me up to 3rd. Had Anders and Gary a couple of seconds ahead so tried to close the gap a little. watched Anders loose it over the hump which got me up to 2nd with Jack closing and Anders following him. Gary was just gone into the distance, couldnt do anything there and had Jack and Anders closing fast which put me under a lot of pressure.
Lap 10 and jack gets a run on me up to T3 but he goes in too deep and overshoots allowing me to re-pass and Anders too. Couple of laps later and I run wide into T3. Anders pounces immediatley and manages to hold me off round the outside. Had some minor contact round there, Sorry about that. Getting late in the race and Anders double shifts spinning in front of me at T3. had to put a little more brakes on which caused me to loose it as well. This allowed Jack through to take 2nd. managed to still come home in 3rd.

Overall, fantastic racing all round. Thx to Lee for organising and Adam for standing in as admin.

Grats to Kevin and Gary on the wins.

One thing I did notice tonight was drivers being somewhat unaware of cars coming up to lap them. I dont know if there was a problem with blue flags but I seen on a few occaisons ppl not yeilding and even blocking into braking zones.
Dont expect ppl to immediatley move out the way but maybe just run it wide through the next corner and go a bit slower. It serves no purpose to race a car lapping you, its only gonna end in tears.
This mod is good fun too bad i didnt know track better so didnt really have the pace to challenge for top spots
Race1: qualifying 13th or something but by evading all traffic got up to 5th and later even 3rd but couldnt hold on to that but i did my best and it was exciting race
Race2: 10th on grid got good off the line but then into t1 someone brakes much earlier than i expected so run right into him and fall back to very last spot since i decide to let everyone by cause i caused that mess, then after that got into some awesome fights for positions and made alot mistakes but still race 2 was way better than first one!
After taking a look at the replay from the start of race 1, I think a restart should of occured as there were 3 incidents in two corners. However, at the time, I only saw the one I was caught up in and had no idea what happened at turn 1 or what happened at the front.

Quali 1: Equalled my PB to take 11th I think it was.

Race 1: Made a slow start but got around turn 1 cleanly before getting hit in braking zone to turn 2. Was now in about 14th and slowly trying to move back up the order. Got spun a couple more times and accidently tapped the back of Ole's car in turn 2 but I waited for him and lost 5 places myself to his 1 I think it was. Lost control out of the last corner on one lap and poor gary had nowhere to go but into the side of me, hopefully it didn't affect you too badly but apologies for that. Ended up 16th I believe.

Quali 2: New PB to take 9th.

Race 2: Made a slightly better start and settled into a good rhythm. Made up several places due to others going off to end up 5th in a largely uneventful race for me.

Thanks to Lee, RD, and all those who raced. :)

For some reason the qually and race sessions were totally different for my setup created in practice. +1s slower laptimes & not even close to optimum tyre temperatures, shrugs?

So....Crappy quallys for me. Half decent result in R1 although I was aiming for top 5. For race 2 I tried to change the setup but it came up bit unpredictable and my Porsche peeled itself around a haystack after T1....maybe it had some kryptonite inside? :wink:

I had huge FPS problems during the sessions even my rig is supposed to be pretty good. :(
I'me really feeling my old PCC mod mojo coming back a bit now,a strong top 10 personal fave track like Mid Ohio made for a near perfect combo i thought,2nd row quallies is always happy days in my book,although i squiffed up a lap near the end of the session that might have challenged the front row....a very good launch from the lights almost getting the hop on a sleeping J. Basford (j/k m8 :p),i tried to snake a way around but failed,it only resulted in scrubbing a bit speed away allowing cheeky chops Nilsson to have me inside for T1 >;/,all nicely through T1 clean and sound when we all arrived which was nice,a good raging little pack charging down to T2 and........i dont know really,my race ended there with a serious smack in the back end putting me just over the Ohio state line in to Kentucky,the replay shows a standard mental banzai glory attempt going badly wrong,very sad to see in a club event,recovered near the back but still enjoyed some racing in the remains of my Porsche,one late bit of mess with Adz having a monster tank slapper coming out the final turn leaving me very little time or room to avoid,almost did,but just clipped and was very close to going on me roof,the clip helped Adz spin the other way from where he was heading :(,still soz m8,but not a lot of options for meh.
Done much better in qually for race 2 but sadly so did all those i intended to be racing so 4th place,away good from the lights again and end up in the middle of a 3 wide affair with Jack and Anders around T1,and ofcourse all without a rub of paint(blissfull),again a close raging pack steaming down to my now dreaded T2,i keep myself on the inside as tight as my cold tyres would allow me,again its 3 wide with Jack and Anders living la vida loca on my outside!! o.O,despite me keeping a tighter exit and good run,somehow Jack manages a better exit run down to T3(mental!),i slot in behind and i am happy and releived to see its Anders following so i know no banzai'ness ;),i feel strangely comfortable following Jack put the serious hussle on Chris who must have just smoked everyone from the lights and was in 1st,Jack put a nice big ballsy pass on him at T1 and kept it tight and clean,he had to cover it a bit at T2 and then made the deal stick for the lead,i was now planning on following Chris for a lap or 2 and see where i might make a move before Jack clears off ahead,we all arrive at "that" T2 quite close and Chris barely brushes the back corner of Jacks car enough to make it slowly lose traction and go around on him,Chris must have backed off as well as he went around and off in the same manner,thankfully both Porsche fat arse ends went off towards the infield so not difficult to avoid with a slight change of line,so thats me in the lead 0.o.
Look in my mirror and yes its him again,Anders!!,close!....and getting closer,my saviour in the lap is the "Madness" section especially the "hump" finale' of it,and Anders really had problems at that turn which allowed me to breathe a bit at the end of the lap(phew),sadly Anders really had a big problem there not long in to his "Stalking Lenno" campaign this time which very much let me off the hook,built my gap up to about 7secs and counted off the laps to the finish,a couple of very strange laps with on particular back marker who ironically turned out to be my banzai T2 bloke from race one,you really need to tell me what it is ive done to your or said man as this could almost be considered personal by some (thankfully not me,no hard feelings and we move on) :).
Grats Kev and podiums R1 and good job Jack and Jeff race 2,enjoyed watching both replays of tonights racing.

Big thanks Lee and Adz & RD
one late bit of mess with Adz having a monster tank slapper coming out the final turn leaving me very little time or room to avoid,almost did,but just clipped and was very close to going on me roof,the clip helped Adz spin the other way from where he was heading :(,still soz m8,but not a lot of options for meh.[/B]

To be honest mate, you did the best you could to avoid my car being perpendicular to the track. I saw you drive along on two wheels for a bit which amused me and you probably saved me from having a worse accident with the inside wall :tongue: But in all honesty, the apologies are mine as it was me that caused it.
Hehehe,just be gratefull you were'nt on a Moto GP or WSBK bike,it would have been a legendary "HighSide" to rival some of Lorenzo's finest ;p.

All good m8,we were having a good bit of 5 car battle-pack action there for a while ;).
Gary m8...... lovely racereport :)

This was really a good raceevening despite a dodgy gearstick doubleshifting when i least expected it. So hard clean racing is just epic, thx to all competitors . Simracing at its best !!
Marcel Purschke said:
I used to be in front of Pawel Bienkowski who gave me light flashes.

Sorry for the flashes! On R1 I didn't have headlights binded to any key, I though I would bind it somewhere and i chose a triangle on my Logitech DFGT. It figured out I was sometimes pushing this button on tight left-handers, when I loosened my right hand a bit. That's when I gave you flashes.

It was my first time on this track, but I guess it went rather well. It was a mess sometimes, but I tried to stay out of trouble. I did give a few small pushes, I have to admit, but I waited for the victims. It was fun, I'll try to participate in next Porsche event.
Very very fun race!

Not sure what happened in Race 1, but we were side by side into the 2nd to last corner, the tight right hander, I was on the outside and left you the inside but you went to the middle of track and didn't turn in ending in a little accident. Were you trying to go into the pits?

I couldn't actually see where you were as you were out of view, I couldn't wait for you because you had entered the pitlane. Sorry.

Eventful two races for me, first race I was part of the Turn 2 crash carnage and ended up touching front bumpers in the gravel trap with Mr Lennon, I managed to find reverse so we could both get back on the track. Rest of Race1 I made up some positions, but was also involved in two other small incidents which didn't help things, came in 11th I think.

Race 2 started bad, got spun out at turn 1, rejoined almost last, this race was better for me and I managed to make up positions and stay out of trouble, the highlight being a duel with Mr Cox that went on for some number of laps. In the final stages I was up to I think 6th chasing down Mr Eggbeer, I crossed the finishing line on his bumper, another lap would have been interesting.

Congrats to the winners, podium and all those that took part.
Now to my friday night. It was really hard work. I found my self in position 5 for the start of race 1 and was quite happy about it.
At the start everyone in front kinda got away pretty bad and so did I. Up to turn 2 I decided to take the outside line and it was the right decision. I found my self in position 6 after turn two. Than in the last corner to came together and I was fourth. I tried after that to push hard and get the first 3 guys which had a lot of speed. Jeff and Anders made a mistake and spun and gave me p.2 and Sami was always with 2 seconds behind me. I was then behind Marcel, who was a lap behind but he drove always his line and didnt gave me a chance to lap him. So it happend that I was behind him on the way to turn two and he braked pretty early and with me braking on my normal braking spott. I was pretty lucky not to hit Marcel, get off track or even do a spin, but Sami, Jeff and Anders were just one second behind me. Jeff found his way fast up to me and I decided to let him pass by 3 laps to go, because I could'nt estimate how he drives in only my second race at RD and I didn't want to risk a podium. Anders was than behind me and this time I wasn't that kind and I gave him no chance to pass. With Jeff and Jack spinning in the last lap was my way free to win my first race at RD :)

Well race two was a different story. Started from 11 and luck left me in turn two. I decided again to go to the outside line but this time I run of the track and was 21 after two turns. i tried to get further in front than but I found Tomasz and we've got a lot of contact, but the contacts were kinda all my fault. Tomasz got a lot of speed on the straights and I tried to take a lot of momentum out of turn two but always gave Tomasz a bump and couldnt take advantage. I tried than to pass him in turn 4 but I overbraked the car and the rear tried to pass my which let me catch the rear and I touched Tomasz. He just had to go wide than and I spun, but I was happy that he had no spin. I'm sorry for that Tomasz. So I tried to get back in the back and found myself in the top ten at the end.

Thanks for racing, it was a lot of fun and I enjoyed it:)

See you

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