Career Porsche Supercup 2020

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Hi Guzi
Im using csp 1.70 so is up to date
Still the car doesnt load it reverts to main menu
Can some one help me
I use CSP 1.69 and sol 2.0 on two computers and i don't have any problems can you say what's wright when game back to screen? i marked it red pointer
Does not work with CSP 0.1.76 preview (rain FX enabled) paid version..".validating setup". Possible to trace the source of the bug and correct it for last CSP version? Thanks for your support.
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Car does not work with CSP 0.1.75 , but works great with 0.1.74 .

So . there must a setting with the new CSP , that doesn't let you go past '' Validating Setup '' .

Anybody may have a clue , as to what this setting may be ?
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