F1 2010 post patch performance

F1 2010 The Game (Codemasters)
Buying the Pc version is usually a lot cheaper than the console version, and you can tweak it. I play with 3xHD screens using eyefinity, and I bought this game when it came out, but did not really play it much. I picked it back up a few weeks ago and got into it, and its running fine. Or so I thought.

I added that true light patch, and the change is remarkable. I tried in on Monaco first, and it was like going from late afternoon to midday. Nice, so I updated all the tracks with the least saturated set of files. Happy days.

I then realised I had no puddles after seeing some YouTube vids. I found the "fix" from codies and tried it, it seems to work, but something I read kept nagging at me. So I loaded fraps and checked, I was getting about 35fps. Not really a problem, I was doing okay driving, it was smooth, but I read about the pre patch shaders, and replacing them fixing the fps issues and puddles..

So I added those and what a difference that made! This has to be the most important update anyone can do to this game. After replacing the DX9 and DX11 files, I jumped up to 60-70fps. And the car seemed to be so much easier to drive, to brake properly, and it was again "night and day" the difference in feel. I felt like I gained an extra layer of control.

I have a PS and Xbox, but prefer my pc as it is far more powerful, the games are cheaper, and you can fiddle with them to get what you want :)

So thank you to all those that enable us to fiddle with our games, by figuring out some clever stuff and giving us some answers.
Simon, spent some time using the in-game benchmark facility to see exactly whats going on with the XML fix.
I edited the benchmark configuration file so I could test clear and heavy rain conditions, over a range of views, with and without the XML line in the hardware config.

Stuff you may need to know -

Rig - i7 930 @ 2.8ghz - 6gb RAM - 2x ATi 4870's in Crossfire.
V-sync OFF
All details Ultra or High, whichever is highest.

Here is the results - ive used the Average FPS figures and all tests were at Silverstone (as its the most graphically demanding track)


So yes I also get a considerable FPS drop - but until I did these tests, I hadnt really noticed it at all in actual gameplay terms, also I had been Frapsing races so would probably have been lower again - but still not really that noticable to me.
Ah, another thorough test from you :) I must say I am a bit surprised that even running crossfire the drop is that big - 50% down is quite a performance hit...especially when considering that it's only putting back what was originaly there, prepatch.
An avg. fps at around 40 is still a long way from unplayable, in the built in test I get an avg of 27...and with fraps running it drops even lower...
This game must really suffer from some crappy coding, I should test mine to see if I really only had a 5 fps drop...I'm starting to think I remember it wrong.
On the other hand, I don't want to loose my puddles either :tongue:
You'd never guess I'm a software tester by day would ya :D

Try it Jan, you do still sort of get puddles, but they are less 'glass-like'. I would be interested to see what you get without the XML.

As for crossfire, 2010 doesnt utilise it very well compared to other games. Other games also evolve with performance patches. There a year on and there isnt even an ATI CAP (Catalyst Application Profiles) to optimise things.

I have just noticed that there are new ATI drivers released at the end of last month so I might bung them on later and see what happens.
Ok, now I have done some testing on this. (the games built in test on Silverstone)

With the XML fix: Avg 27 fps

Without XML fix: Avg 35 fps

Also did a GP test in heavy rain on Hockenheim to see what happend to the puddles, when you get to the start all looks great but before the lights go out all nice refecting puddles are slowlyt fading out. There is some of it left but they seem to be pulsating, also a know sideeffect from the CM patch.

Oh, my hardware might be good to know:

Q6600 @ 2.4ghz - 4gb RAM - ATi 4870
V-sync OFF
All details Ultra or High, whichever is highest.
That puddle fade out thing is exactly what happens to mine without the XML.

Maybe I should bench mine again with a single card to see if the drop is the same as yours.

(If you edit the 'benchmark_example' XML file in your F1 2010 root, you can change the weather, camera, track etc for the in-game benchmark utility)
Also, you loose the "drying line" and the "track rubbered in" effects when you remove it...

I can add that I have been testing the other fix that involves editing the workerMapCore files, have not reached a conclusion on that one yet but it does not seem to be reliable, had some strange effects when testing that one :D, and it does not work for all CPU:s, more like 50/50 at best...
Simon, spent some time using the in-game benchmark facility to see exactly whats going on with the XML fix.
I edited the benchmark configuration file so I could test clear and heavy rain conditions, over a range of views, with and without the XML line in the hardware config.

Stuff you may need to know -

Rig - i7 930 @ 2.8ghz - 6gb RAM - 2x ATi 4870's in Crossfire.
V-sync OFF
All details Ultra or High, whichever is highest.

Here is the results - ive used the Average FPS figures and all tests were at Silverstone (as its the most graphically demanding track)


So yes I also get a considerable FPS drop - but until I did these tests, I hadnt really noticed it at all in actual gameplay terms, also I had been Frapsing races so would probably have been lower again - but still not really that noticable to me.

where is the benchmark config file located?
nevermind, I found it.

didn't realise you could alter the benchmark conditions. I just changed mine to test at monaco in full rain in cockpit view and the lowest frame rate was 37, with an average of 48. without the fix, it never drops below 60.

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