Power Class @ Paul Ricard 1975 - Thu 1st April

Stuart Thomson

The Stoat Without Fear ™

Class: GTL Power Class (DeTomaso Pantera/Corvette 69/Capri 3100/Ford GT40/AC Cobra 427)
Track: Paul Ricard 1975
Conditions: 15.00 race time
Event Start: 19.00 GMT (20.00 BST)
Practice: 20 min
Qualification: 10 mins (1 timed lap)
Race: 2 x 12 laps
Notes: Click here to read the password and golden rules!
Note2: Default Skins only
Note3: A different car must be used for each race
Well, I had never driven any of the cars I had chosen tonight for more than maybe a few laps back when I first got the game. I was surprised to find out I had more fun in the Cobra than the Capri. I found that the cobra was a bit more predictable when loosing the rear, where the Capri was a mystery at best. A bunch of grip one second, none the next. And I could not get it to stop understeering under breaking, but I am sure that's my fault. I have to spend more time with it. Learn how to set it up better.

I love this track, first time on it too. Great choice Thommo!

Thanks everyone for showing up. And thank you Stu and RD!!
A quick swerve to avoid a static car at the start and were up and away!,such a busy little gang all through the first lap,at the 3rd from last turn i got too throttle-frisky and went off....recovered in 11th?,and started some catching and passing,managed hard fought 5th (4th?),in me GT40.
A good start in the Capri for race2,but it was always a given Rick in the DeTomato would be arriving at T1 first,i done the best i could nicking 2nd off of pole man Avi,i was being chased closely early on but suddenly everyone behind disappeared,then Rick started to gradually disappear in front as well,so many lonely laps that seemed to take forever to end...
Grats all podiums tonight and well done everyone.

Thank You Stuart & RD
Well another fun filled night in the GTL club.

This was the second time I had driven these cars and the first time got abandoned due to server probs.
Race 1, GT40, was a funny start were I think two cars up was slow, that made Rickard slow and I managed to tap Rickard trying to get round him but this didn't alter the fact that I slowed only to see him fiying off up the straight, so I think I might have slowed too much. As the race progressed I tried to tame the 40 but this requires a lot more work from me as it needs a special kind of driving action, still I love the car and will put in the effort to gain more control of it in the future. Aways after a couple of minor offs I did manage to bring it home at the back of the field.

Race 2, Capri RS, this is another car I really like and feel more at home in regards handling and feel. Made a good start but got hampered by a car in front and lost a place or two. As a couple of cars went off on the first right hander after the chicane this put me in about 5th place with 3 more capri's and a tomato leading. After a couple of laps Amir was pushing me hard and made a move on the back straight after drafting me but then as I braked a little eary into the right hander, as there was dust clouds from someone who was already off, Amir seem to have some problems and got all out of shape so I decieded to go by on the outside but as Amir gathered it all up we touched and I was in the kitty litter. I managed to get back on track and throught the race gained a few more place as others went off and brought it home for a top ten finish.

Thanks Stu for another thrilling installement of GTL club racing, nice car/track combo, thanks to all that showed tonight to make it a full field club meet and finally Grts to both winners and podium finishers.
Race 1 7th (i think) :wink:
Race 2 4th
Really enjoyed those races tonight guys so thnx to all who made it a good nights racing :thumbup:.

The first race was the most fun scrapping with the other GT40's, these beasts are pure fun to drive, race 2 was good for the first couple of laps as i started from the back and worked my way up to 4th but after that it was pretty lonely, too big a gap to the car in front and i could keep a steady gap to the car behind. The Capri is a great car but it does not have the same appeal as the GT40 from race one.
And so was my first races in GTL done:biggrin:
Great simulator this is:thumbup:
Race 1
Used my all time favourite car GT40, had a crap qually lap so started at the 3rd last row.
At the start did not the car in front of me drive away, I braked and turned, all would have been ok if not a car from behind had hit my rear. so a sandwich was it....
I dunno if there was damage on? but my car never felt the same from the practise earlier, so it was a hard ride to the finnish, was involved in several good fights, I dunno who they where? coz my drivers nametags wouldn`t show up, pressed TAB but nothing to be seen.

Race 2
Used another familar car from the Toca days, The Panthera
Had a better Q this time and got 2nd on the row,
Could take the start and open up a small gap to 2nd car, So I wawed at the long straight on first lap, did not wanna give any cars behind a slipstream, sorry did not know it was forbidden... I was first and and would have been back in one line if car from behind had closed in enough to pass.
So after 3rd lap had I no cars in my mirror and drove alone until finnish line.
Even thought I won 2nd race, was the first one so much funnier and interesting due to all nice traffic.

My best new simulator start ever, this sim makes me very happy when racing it:thumbup:

Hope to join more events in the future

Thanks Stu and R-D for setting it up.
And thanks to all who raced:thumbup:
Hi guys

No luck for me yesterday.
I really enjoyed the pantera in the practice session and I was looking forward to the race.
I also was able to do a good lap in quali and was 3rd in the grid.

Then just when I entered the race grid the "java updater" window popped up and my start was messed up. :mad:
So I was the standing car in race 1. So sorry for all the trouble I caused. Specially for the one who hit me (maybe rickard ?)
Then I tried to drive at the end. But the car was just not drivable due the damage. Then the java window came again
and somehow it clossed GTL. arrrg. Damn you java. Hope for more luck next time.
Manuel, make sure you have all the programs that automatically update themselves set to not do so. Like antivirus software, firewall, even Windows Update. I used to have the same thing happen to me when AVG wanted to update itself, it sucks.
Had a cracking race 1 in the GT40, laughing out loud over TS with Neil as we crossed the line after some swift avoidance of a recovering Peter G.

Brilliant fun.

Race 2 - in the Capri, every time I've tried to take it, something bad happens to spoil my race, accidents, server lags or whatever. I reckon it's haunted. :biggrin:

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