Ron Squire Ron Squire Feb 10, 2016 #1 The Virtual Racecentre Broadcast of the first round of PrestoGP Season 16 Round 1!
David Turnbull PrestoGP Veteran David Turnbull Feb 10, 2016 #4 enjoyed that, its deffo coming on Ron remember practise starts
Peter Decker PrestoGP Veteran Peter Decker Feb 11, 2016 #5 Very nice to watch the replay Ron, a good start of the season this time!
MOOOOOOOOOSCHT MOOOOOOOOOSCHT Feb 11, 2016 #6 Great job Ron, very entertaining I`m no native english speaker, so I only understand the half, that doesn`t matter - I love it Martin F.
Great job Ron, very entertaining I`m no native english speaker, so I only understand the half, that doesn`t matter - I love it Martin F.
Artyom Aslamazyan Artyom Aslamazyan Feb 24, 2016 #7 Really good job! Comments, graphics and everything very cool, Ron) Thank you! My only wish is to improve picture quality if it's possible )) It would be perfect to watch then )
Really good job! Comments, graphics and everything very cool, Ron) Thank you! My only wish is to improve picture quality if it's possible )) It would be perfect to watch then )