problem starting story mode

cuando enciendo el motor, todo está bien, pero luego falla, se supone que el problema es este:

El error podría tener algo que ver con:

hen i start the engine everything is ok but then it fails the problem is supposed to be this:

00007FFD1D53EADE (steam_api64): (file name not available): SteamAPI_RunCallbacks
AC \ steaminterface.cpp (739): SteamInterface :: update
AC \ game.cpp (261): Game :: update
AC \ game.cpp (261): Game :: update
AC \ game.cpp (261): Game :: update
AC \ game.cpp (112): Game :: onIdle
AC \ game.cpp (210): Game :: run
AC \ acs.cpp (477): wWinMain
f: \ dd \ vctools \ crt \ crtw32 \ dllstuff \ crtexe.c (618): __tmainCRTStartup
00007FFD697C7BD4 (KERNEL32): (file name not available): BaseThreadInitThunk
00007FFD6A12CE51 (ntdll): (file name not available): RtlUserThreadStart