PC2 Problem with "Gforce" slider...

Even if i make it at "0" there are still Gforce, anyone else have this issue?
I would like to have my cockpit view to be nearly stand still, i mean without movement due to "G force".

Anybody? is there a easy fix for that?
The Gforce affects the front/rear movement during braking and accelerating.

The other camera effect is due to bumps. You can either have the cockpit fixed and the outside world move with bumps, or have the outside world fixed and the cockpit moves with bumps, or a mix of both. This is controlled by the World Movement slider. If you want to fix the cockpit when you go over bumps etc, set world movement to 100
Exactely as you discribed, with world movement set to 100, then one can give some Gforces with the slider, so with 30 i have just a slight bit of Gforces wich goes with the motion rig just fine !
If you have world movement at 0 and Gforces at 0 as i had then you get the max movements, not very intuitive IMO.

Thanks a lot man :)