yah but the problem is, as the op said, this happens before the car even comes on screen. Happens to me as well. Obviously the suggestion above works but its pretty silly to have to do this before you are "in" the car technically.
Yeah this is a problem and by the time you can even engage the clutch you're already given a jump start penalty. Happens completely at random, even on flat circuits.
Which is also weird as you can also A: Jump the lights going green by around half a second without penalty, which makes you get a ridiculous advantage in starts and B. getting better launches off the line by engaging first gear, pressing the brake instead of the clutch, revving the car and releasing the brake just before the lights go green. It's as if every car has the Nissan GTR launch control system installed
So yeah, race starts in general need a lot of work.
The penalty is really about leaving your start "box" area (sort of like the older race starts like the video above). The car is set back a bit so as long as you don't leave the "box" before the lights drop, you are fine.