Problems with Racer? Post here!


RACER Moderator
If you can't get Racer to run or certain cars won't run please post here. Remember to include the most recent errors found in your qlog.txt in the Racer folder or a print screen of your problem (if necessary). This will help us diagnose your problem.

Before you post take a look at this or have a search in this section to find help too.
@alex9870 hello guys im new into the racer game!!!!!i ve download about 20 cars and i cant play them also i download the last version and i cant play these cars plz help me what am i wrong??

mod note: post reposted here
Hey guys! My PC don't run betas higher than 063, but I want this amasing Toyota Corolla GT, by FSR (link here > ), which is made for 064c to be compatible with 063! What I need to modify to run the car? I checked the shaders and nothing seems to be different there... changed the version name - I get still the same crash...

heres a pic of eror
Can you create a fresh qlog from an attempt to load the car? That excerpt of the error report window isn't really telling much about the vehicle.

For what it's worth, I quickly tried the car in v0.9.0RC4 and apart from the expected changes in car.ini and some typical minor things, qlog wasn't giving any crash worthy messages.
Yeah, qlog messages beginning (WARN) will not crash the game - they just indicate problems that can cause unwanted glitches. For example, improper brake bias settings gives a warning, because the brakes may not behave as you'd expect. Undefined materials will give a warning cause they tend to render strangely.

The thing that kills the game will begin (FATAL) and anything after it is going to be relevant to the crash.

For example, here's a crash:
Wed Aug 01 19:05:51 (FATAL): [racer/6112] DGPUShaderManager:MakeObject( can't create CG fragment shader program
The file could not be read.

In this case, the shader file, which the car specifically required, could not be read because it didn't exist.
thx guys for trying to help me! Here is the Qlog, I hope it tells you something!

Tue Jan 29 14:59:51 (INFO ): [noqapp/3892] --- application start ---
Tue Jan 29 14:59:51 (INFO ): [noqapp/3892] 1 processor(s); setting affinity to 0x0
Tue Jan 29 14:59:51 (INFO ): [racer/3892] Racer version: 0.6.3 (Aug 13 2008/17:55:54)
Tue Jan 29 14:59:53 (WARN ): [racer/3892] QInfo: can't open 'license.dat'
Tue Jan 29 14:59:53 (WARN ): [racer/3892] In gfx.ini, shadow.project_shadows=1 is incompatible with rendered.stencil_shadows=1
Tue Jan 29 14:59:53 (WARN ): [racer/3892] Stencil shadow take preference, project_shadows is turned OFF
Tue Jan 29 14:59:54 (WARN ): [racer/3892] QImage ctor: can't load 'data/images/track_lt.tga'
Tue Jan 29 14:59:54 (WARN ): [racer/3892] DCubeMap:LoadImage(data/images/track_lt.tga) failed to load image
Tue Jan 29 14:59:56 (INFO ): [racer/3892] Audio: setting speakermode to 2 (stereo, system default is stereo)
Tue Jan 29 14:59:58 (WARN ): [racer/3892] QInfo: can't open 'data/controls/local.ini'
Tue Jan 29 14:59:58 (INFO ): [racer/3892] Controls: fall back to 'data/controls/local.ini'
Tue Jan 29 14:59:59 (WARN ): [racer/3892] QDXFFEffect:SetupInertiaForce() failed (DIERR_INVALIDPARAM)
Tue Jan 29 15:00:05 (INFO ): [racer/3892] RTrack:Load carlswood_nt
Tue Jan 29 15:00:05 (WARN ): [racer/3892] QInfo: can't open 'data/tracks/carlswood_nt/pacenotes.ini'
Tue Jan 29 15:00:11 (INFO ): [racer/3892] QNClient:Connect() attempt to, 1 channels
Tue Jan 29 15:00:11 (INFO ): [racer/3892] QNClient: connected to server (clientID 71)
Tue Jan 29 15:00:13 (WARN ): [racer/3892] No AI found for track carlswood_nt, car corolla_gt (also no ai/default.ini)
Tue Jan 29 15:00:18 (WARN ): [racer/3892] Empty chunk id in geode 'body.dof'; probably an old ZModeler buggy export; use dof_fix to correct.
Tue Jan 29 15:00:18 (WARN ): [racer/3892] Empty chunk id in geode 'brakelights.dof'; probably an old ZModeler buggy export; use dof_fix to correct.
Tue Jan 29 15:00:18 (WARN ): [racer/3892] No AI found for track carlswood_nt, car corolla_gt (also no ai/default.ini)
Tue Jan 29 15:00:18 (WARN ): [racer/3892] RSMD: mass can't be close to 0; boosted to 1 kg
Tue Jan 29 15:00:18 (WARN ): [racer/3892] RSMD: mass can't be close to 0; boosted to 1 kg
Tue Jan 29 15:00:18 (WARN ): [racer/3892] Empty chunk id in geode 'ssrlon_left.dof'; probably an old ZModeler buggy export; use dof_fix to correct.
Tue Jan 29 15:00:18 (WARN ): [racer/3892] Empty chunk id in geode 'ssrlon_right.dof'; probably an old ZModeler buggy export; use dof_fix to correct.
Tue Jan 29 15:00:18 (WARN ): [racer/3892] Empty chunk id in geode 'ssrlon_left.dof'; probably an old ZModeler buggy export; use dof_fix to correct.
Tue Jan 29 15:00:18 (WARN ): [racer/3892] Empty chunk id in geode 'ssrlon_right.dof'; probably an old ZModeler buggy export; use dof_fix to correct.
Tue Jan 29 15:00:18 (WARN ): [racer/3892] Variable set of diffs not yet supported. Don't use it.
Tue Jan 29 15:00:18 (WARN ): [racer/3892] No differential ratio in car.ini; using gearbox.end_ratio instead
Tue Jan 29 15:00:18 (WARN ): [racer/3892] (this is obsolete; use differential.diff<x>.ratio from now on)
Tue Jan 29 15:00:29 (WARN ): [racer/3892] QObjMgr: object 'data/images/rain01.tga' still around with 1 reference(s)
Tue Jan 29 15:00:29 (WARN ): [racer/3892] QObjMgr: object 'data/images/snow.tga' still around with 1 reference(s)
Tue Jan 29 15:00:29 (WARN ): [racer/3892] QObjMgr: object 'data/images/smoke.tga' still around with 1 reference(s)
Tue Jan 29 15:00:29 (WARN ): [racer/3892] QObjMgr: object 'data/images/gravel_dirt.tga' still around with 1 reference(s)
Tue Jan 29 15:00:30 (WARN ): [racer/3892] QObjMgr: object 'data/images/gravel_smoke.tga' still around with 1 reference(s)
Tue Jan 29 15:00:30 (WARN ): [racer/3892] QObjMgr: object 'data/images/spray.tga' still around with 1 reference(s)
There is nothing listed that should prevent the vehicle from loading - as Stereo mentioned, such messages would be labelled as fatal, not mere warnings.

Empty chunk messages and SMD camera mass info aren't going to crash Racer. The warning about differential ratio missing comes from the newer syntax used in this car.ini - you can try to manually switch it back to the old style which is apparently the only supported in your version, but Racer should be able to load from default/car.ini and not crash because of it. [I looked into v0.6.3's default car.ini just now, it's a messy state with both the old and new differential section syntax running parallel :S]

Replace this:

Other than that, some of the general error logs look odd - I'm not sure why Racer can't seem to find one side of the environment cubemap... or why the timestamps of the logs don't show the current date.
From your qlog, there is no visible reason why the vehicle should cause a crash.

I guess it's time to ask the obvious question then: Is this the only vehicle that causes a crash upon loading? From your posts so far we can see that it crashes both when loading the model in the car selection screen, as well as directly to a track. Did you try other combinations, different tracks, maybe another Racer version?

You said that v0.6.3 is the highest you can run, your folder is labelled 062 though, perhaps you did a manual update for certain files only and not a clean install of v0.6.3?

Did you ever try an up to date beta with racer_nocg.exe? The compatibility is probably better than in the v0.6.3 version which came out right in the middle of a big turnover phase where things were messy.
thx cosmo! It hapened with all the cars that were made by FSR lately - the Corolla GT, the Race E30 M3 and the Sierra RS500. I had my 063 version for a long time, and I don't know what I've changed in it, but, now I've downloaded a fresh copy of the 063, and the cars seems to work very well! I tried the 062, and the cars doese'nt run - same thing in 064c - but I think the version 064c is above my PC performances.. bcoz the stock Lambo don't want to run either, it just crashes...

I don't like the NoCG versions on newer bettas, they have poor graphycs, and bugs that i dont like... so the only beta i can use is 063... Now I have a problem with that beta, on every track I hear sounds of tires and sound of tire rolling on the road, very anoyng sounds tho! how can I fix them?
I have a desktop computer with this config :
windows 7 32 bit GO RAM
graphic card : Quadro Nvidia 1700 2GO
harde drive : 500 GO
CPU : intel core 2 DUO 3.00 GHZ

i have tried to install many version of racer but no one of them worked for me,
i want to know if my config is suffisant to play this game ? if yes wich versions ?

I have a desktop computer with this config :
windows 7 32 bit GO RAM
graphic card : Quadro Nvidia 1700 2GO
harde drive : 500 GO
CPU : intel core 2 DUO 3.00 GHZ

i have tried to install many version of racer but no one of them worked for me,
i want to know if my config is suffisant to play this game ? if yes wich versions ?

Hum wich kind of error do you have? Because your config' look more than enough to run racer ;)
Please help me! I have a trackir homemade object with 3 leds working with Freetrack software which generate an interface just like Trackir so the games see it like beeing the real Trackir. It works perfectly in Euro Truck Simulator 2, it work perfect.But in Racer i assigned the controls at Look left and Look right with my head movements, maximum sensivity and angles but in the car the camera rotates just very little something like 5 degrees.In the controls it appears for example in the left position the bar is at maximum , the value is also -1000. So in game it moves only a bit. I tried this with buttons and pressing the button it moves 70-80 degrees but with trackir interface only 5 degrees. Why?
Hello guys! I have a problem with Racer Version 9 - RC3,4 & 5. The car head and rear lights show up as squares around the lights?? I recently upgraded my graphics card to a MSI 7850 Power Edition. Before this I had another ATI Card: 4650, but didn't notice this problem, just low frame rates in the Release Candidates.. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!

Hi Guys,

i downloaded the latest version from yesterday and tried it. But there's a big problem: Even if i deactivate the automatic shiftung and the automatic clutch, the engine still doesn't stop when i release the clutch. And there's also no problem to shift the gears without using the clutch. Does anyone know how i can fix this bug?

P.S.: Sorry for my bad english :p
So I downloaded racer 0.9 RC6, and I came up with a question and a couple of problems; My computer isn't amazing (laptop with i5 core 2.27, ATI card, 4 GB of Ram), so I realize that I probably won't get the uber quality and fps, and I already did some basic setting up on the racer.ini file like fitting the correct screen resolution, but as a test I realized that it isn't using all the cpu processing power it could ; CPU 2 and 3 aren't practically under any load, the others don't get that busy either. So is there a way to tell racer that it can use more, and/or perhaps relieve some load from the gpu if that's bottlenecking the system?

The two problems sound kind of silly, but get old really fast. The first one is from the physics; why the hell does reverse gear spin the tires on anything more than 2% throttle? It completely baffles me because it's impossible to even avoid a burnout on a freaking diesel bus! :O_o:

The other problem is in the laguna seca track, and it's gravel/sand/whatever sides of the track, that are much more effective than any glue in keeping the cars where they are without moving. I've never been there, but somehow I don't think they would punish the cars that go off track slightly by trapping them in a veritable quicksand...

So is there a fix to this?
First one is just a problem with RC6; try RC5 or earlier. Second one, is up to the track and car tuning. If you open special.ini and look at the surfaces{} section, there'll be a surf_dirt, surf_gravel or something along those lines. Lowering the 'rolling_resistance_factor' value to more similar to surf_road will make it slow you down less, and it may also have a 'viscosity' value that can be lowered.

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