Problems with Racer? Post here!

Make sure the car is not to big
The size of the wheel model should be the size of real one !
Exemple : if the tyre are 225/60 R17
In zmodeler width and heigh of wheel should be ~0,701m
and in car.ini, radius MUST be 0.351 ;)
A link to calculate wheel radius
(it gives diameter so radius is half of that)
II play the game and it write down: can't create CG fragement shader program... please help


  • sda.jpg
    200.3 KB · Views: 782
Your computer's video chip is not adequate to play Racer, at least not with all cg settings turned on. You could try turning off shadowmapping on the graphics options, but it might fail somewhere else then.
What is the problem ?
OS: Windows 7 64bit
CPU:Intel core i5 4200u rated @2.3ghz
Video card: Geforce gt 740m


  • asd.png
    685 KB · Views: 769
Hi, i'm new to racer and unfortunately the race doesn't start (crashes after loading)

I use
- Windows Vista 32bit
- Nvidia Geforce 8600 GT

Qlog: (from version 0.9.0, but 0.6.55 does not work either)

Thu May 15 13:30:14 (INFO ): [-] --- application start ---
Thu May 15 13:30:14 (INFO ): [-] Racer already running (allow by setting app.run_twice to 1); exiting [main.cpp:320 / main]
Thu May 15 13:31:10 (INFO ): [racer] --- application start ---
Thu May 15 13:31:10 (INFO ): [racer] Racer version 0.9.0 RC8: $Revision: 4527 $ (Nov  1 2013/16:31:29) - customer: Internet (32-bits) [main.cpp:368 / main]
Thu May 15 13:31:10 (INFO ): [racer] Hostname '[...]', IP [...]', directory '[...]' [main.cpp:374 / main]
Thu May 15 13:31:10 (INFO ): [racer] Pixfmt 7: 24 color bits, 0 depthbuffer bits, 0 stencil bits, 0 alpha, stereo: 0. [qxwindow.cpp:461 / EnableOpenGL]
Thu May 15 13:31:10 (ERR  ): [racer] wglGetProcAddress(glMultiTexCoordPointerEXT) failed [gllextmgr.cpp:154 / check_wglGetProcAddress]
Thu May 15 13:31:10 (ERR  ): [racer] wglGetProcAddress(glBindFragDataLocation) failed [gllextmgr.cpp:154 / check_wglGetProcAddress]
Thu May 15 13:31:10 (ERR  ): [racer] wglGetProcAddress(glGetUniformBlockIndex) failed [gllextmgr.cpp:154 / check_wglGetProcAddress]
Thu May 15 13:31:10 (ERR  ): [racer] wglGetProcAddress(glGetActiveUniformBlockiv) failed [gllextmgr.cpp:154 / check_wglGetProcAddress]
Thu May 15 13:31:10 (ERR  ): [racer] wglGetProcAddress(glBindBufferBase) failed [gllextmgr.cpp:154 / check_wglGetProcAddress]
Thu May 15 13:31:10 (ERR  ): [racer] wglGetProcAddress(glGetUniformIndices) failed [gllextmgr.cpp:154 / check_wglGetProcAddress]
Thu May 15 13:31:10 (ERR  ): [racer] wglGetProcAddress(glGetActiveUniformsiv) failed [gllextmgr.cpp:154 / check_wglGetProcAddress]
Thu May 15 13:31:10 (ERR  ): [racer] wglGetProcAddress(glUniformBlockBinding) failed [gllextmgr.cpp:154 / check_wglGetProcAddress]
Thu May 15 13:31:10 (ERR  ): [racer] wglGetProcAddress(glGenVertexArrays) failed [gllextmgr.cpp:154 / check_wglGetProcAddress]
Thu May 15 13:31:10 (ERR  ): [racer] wglGetProcAddress(glBindVertexArray) failed [gllextmgr.cpp:154 / check_wglGetProcAddress]
Thu May 15 13:31:10 (ERR  ): [racer] wglGetProcAddress(glDeleteVertexArrays) failed [gllextmgr.cpp:154 / check_wglGetProcAddress]
Thu May 15 13:31:10 (INFO ): [racer] Render engine using Cg (1.20 NVIDIA via Cg compiler) [dgpushader.cpp:47 / DGPUShaderManager::DGPUShaderManager]
Thu May 15 13:31:11 (INFO ): [racer] Graphics card has support for 0 groups, 0 barriers [dframelock.cpp:371 / DFrameLock::GetFunctions]
Thu May 15 13:31:11 (INFO ): [racer] DFrameLock::SetVSync: vsync was set to 0 (verifying that it now is 0) [dframelock.cpp:177 / DFrameLock::SetVSync]
Thu May 15 13:31:11 (ERR  ): [racer] DFBOCubeMap; frameBuffer status not complete (Unsupported framebuffer format) [dfbo_cubemap.cpp:123 / DFBOCubeMap::Create]
Thu May 15 13:31:11 (ERR  ): [racer] DFBOCubeMap ctor: OpenGL error (1286): (null) [qerror.cpp:168 / QShowGLErrors]
Thu May 15 13:31:11 (INFO ): [racer] Physics engine: NEWTON v3.10, architecture 0 [rmanager.cpp:1631 / RManager::Create]
Thu May 15 13:31:11 (INFO ): [racer] Newton (v3) platform 0: cpu [newton.cpp:136 / PNewtonWorld::PNewtonWorld]
Thu May 15 13:31:12 (INFO ): [racer] FMOD: modified software format is rate 44100, fmt 2, outChannels 2, inChannels 6, resampler 3, bits 16 [qsample.cpp:1312 / QSampleSetup]
Thu May 15 13:31:12 (INFO ): [racer] FMOD blocksize: 23.22 ms, total buffer 92.88 ms, avg latency 58.05 ms [qsample.cpp:1363 / QSampleSetup]
Thu May 15 13:31:12 (INFO ): [racer] Controls: main control file is 'profile1.ini' [rcontrolengine.cpp:840 / RControllerEngine::OpenConfig]
Thu May 15 13:31:12 (INFO ): [racer] Safety changed to: SAFE [rcontrolengine.cpp:472 / RControllerEngine::StepInput]
Thu May 15 13:31:28 (WARN ): [racer] Texture ID 56 is still in use; possible memory leak [dtexture.cpp:452 / DTexture::CreateTexture]
Thu May 15 13:31:28 (WARN ): [racer] Texture ID 57 is still in use; possible memory leak [dtexture.cpp:452 / DTexture::CreateTexture]
Thu May 15 13:31:28 (WARN ): [racer] Texture ID 58 is still in use; possible memory leak [dtexture.cpp:452 / DTexture::CreateTexture]
Thu May 15 13:31:28 (WARN ): [racer] Texture ID 59 is still in use; possible memory leak [dtexture.cpp:452 / DTexture::CreateTexture]
Thu May 15 13:31:28 (WARN ): [racer] Texture ID 60 is still in use; possible memory leak [dtexture.cpp:452 / DTexture::CreateTexture]
Thu May 15 13:31:28 (WARN ): [racer] Texture ID 61 is still in use; possible memory leak [dtexture.cpp:452 / DTexture::CreateTexture]
Thu May 15 13:31:28 (WARN ): [racer] Texture ID 62 is still in use; possible memory leak [dtexture.cpp:452 / DTexture::CreateTexture]
Thu May 15 13:31:28 (WARN ): [racer] Texture ID 63 is still in use; possible memory leak [dtexture.cpp:452 / DTexture::CreateTexture]
Thu May 15 13:31:28 (WARN ): [racer] Texture ID 64 is still in use; possible memory leak [dtexture.cpp:452 / DTexture::CreateTexture]
Thu May 15 13:31:28 (ERR  ): [racer] Unreleased texture(s) exist (9 are active) [dtexture.cpp:460 / DTexture::CreateTexture]
Thu May 15 13:31:28 (INFO ): [racer] Graphics card has support for 0 groups, 0 barriers [dframelock.cpp:371 / DFrameLock::GetFunctions]
Thu May 15 13:31:28 (INFO ): [racer] DFrameLock::SetVSync: vsync was set to 0 (verifying that it now is 0) [dframelock.cpp:177 / DFrameLock::SetVSync]
Thu May 15 13:31:28 (ERR  ): [racer] DFBOCubeMap; frameBuffer status not complete (Unsupported framebuffer format) [dfbo_cubemap.cpp:123 / DFBOCubeMap::Create]
Thu May 15 13:31:28 (ERR  ): [racer] DFBOCubeMap ctor: OpenGL error (1286): (null) [qerror.cpp:168 / QShowGLErrors]
Thu May 15 13:31:28 (INFO ): [racer] Physics engine: NEWTON v3.10, architecture 0 [rmanager.cpp:1631 / RManager::Create]
Thu May 15 13:31:28 (INFO ): [racer] Newton (v3) platform 0: cpu [newton.cpp:136 / PNewtonWorld::PNewtonWorld]
Thu May 15 13:31:28 (INFO ): [racer] Controls: main control file is 'profile1.ini' [rcontrolengine.cpp:840 / RControllerEngine::OpenConfig]
Thu May 15 13:31:41 (INFO ): [racer] --- application start ---
Thu May 15 13:31:41 (INFO ): [racer] Racer version 0.9.0 RC8: $Revision: 4527 $ (Nov  1 2013/16:31:29) - customer: Internet (32-bits) [main.cpp:368 / main]
Thu May 15 13:31:41 (INFO ): [racer] Hostname '[...]', IP [...]', directory '[...]'' [main.cpp:374 / main]
Thu May 15 13:31:41 (INFO ): [racer] Pixfmt 7: 24 color bits, 0 depthbuffer bits, 0 stencil bits, 0 alpha, stereo: 0. [qxwindow.cpp:461 / EnableOpenGL]
Thu May 15 13:31:41 (ERR  ): [racer] wglGetProcAddress(glMultiTexCoordPointerEXT) failed [gllextmgr.cpp:154 / check_wglGetProcAddress]
Thu May 15 13:31:41 (ERR  ): [racer] wglGetProcAddress(glBindFragDataLocation) failed [gllextmgr.cpp:154 / check_wglGetProcAddress]
Thu May 15 13:31:41 (ERR  ): [racer] wglGetProcAddress(glGetUniformBlockIndex) failed [gllextmgr.cpp:154 / check_wglGetProcAddress]
Thu May 15 13:31:41 (ERR  ): [racer] wglGetProcAddress(glGetActiveUniformBlockiv) failed [gllextmgr.cpp:154 / check_wglGetProcAddress]
Thu May 15 13:31:41 (ERR  ): [racer] wglGetProcAddress(glBindBufferBase) failed [gllextmgr.cpp:154 / check_wglGetProcAddress]
Thu May 15 13:31:41 (ERR  ): [racer] wglGetProcAddress(glGetUniformIndices) failed [gllextmgr.cpp:154 / check_wglGetProcAddress]
Thu May 15 13:31:41 (ERR  ): [racer] wglGetProcAddress(glGetActiveUniformsiv) failed [gllextmgr.cpp:154 / check_wglGetProcAddress]
Thu May 15 13:31:41 (ERR  ): [racer] wglGetProcAddress(glUniformBlockBinding) failed [gllextmgr.cpp:154 / check_wglGetProcAddress]
Thu May 15 13:31:41 (ERR  ): [racer] wglGetProcAddress(glGenVertexArrays) failed [gllextmgr.cpp:154 / check_wglGetProcAddress]
Thu May 15 13:31:41 (ERR  ): [racer] wglGetProcAddress(glBindVertexArray) failed [gllextmgr.cpp:154 / check_wglGetProcAddress]
Thu May 15 13:31:41 (ERR  ): [racer] wglGetProcAddress(glDeleteVertexArrays) failed [gllextmgr.cpp:154 / check_wglGetProcAddress]
Thu May 15 13:31:42 (INFO ): [racer] Render engine using Cg (1.20 NVIDIA via Cg compiler) [dgpushader.cpp:47 / DGPUShaderManager::DGPUShaderManager]
Thu May 15 13:31:42 (INFO ): [racer] Graphics card has support for 0 groups, 0 barriers [dframelock.cpp:371 / DFrameLock::GetFunctions]
Thu May 15 13:31:42 (INFO ): [racer] DFrameLock::SetVSync: vsync was set to 0 (verifying that it now is 0) [dframelock.cpp:177 / DFrameLock::SetVSync]
Thu May 15 13:31:42 (ERR  ): [racer] DFBOCubeMap; frameBuffer status not complete (Unsupported framebuffer format) [dfbo_cubemap.cpp:123 / DFBOCubeMap::Create]
Thu May 15 13:31:42 (ERR  ): [racer] DFBOCubeMap ctor: OpenGL error (1286): (null) [qerror.cpp:168 / QShowGLErrors]
Thu May 15 13:31:42 (INFO ): [racer] Physics engine: NEWTON v3.10, architecture 0 [rmanager.cpp:1631 / RManager::Create]
Thu May 15 13:31:42 (INFO ): [racer] Newton (v3) platform 0: cpu [newton.cpp:136 / PNewtonWorld::PNewtonWorld]
Thu May 15 13:31:42 (INFO ): [racer] FMOD: modified software format is rate 44100, fmt 2, outChannels 2, inChannels 6, resampler 3, bits 16 [qsample.cpp:1312 / QSampleSetup]
Thu May 15 13:31:42 (INFO ): [racer] FMOD blocksize: 23.22 ms, total buffer 92.88 ms, avg latency 58.05 ms [qsample.cpp:1363 / QSampleSetup]
Thu May 15 13:31:43 (INFO ): [racer] Controls: main control file is 'profile1.ini' [rcontrolengine.cpp:840 / RControllerEngine::OpenConfig]
Thu May 15 13:31:43 (INFO ): [racer] Safety changed to: SAFE [rcontrolengine.cpp:472 / RControllerEngine::StepInput]
Thu May 15 13:32:01 (INFO ): [racer] Loading track 'carlswood_nt' [rtrack.cpp:1284 / RTrack::Load]
Thu May 15 13:32:05 (INFO ): [racer] QNClient:Connect() attempt to localhost:25000 (RMultiplayer) [client.cpp:230 / QNClient::Connect]
Thu May 15 13:32:05 (INFO ): [racer] QNClient: connected to server (our clientID=71, client name 'RMultiplayer') [client.cpp:611 / QNClient::Poll]
Thu May 15 13:32:05 (INFO ): [racer] InNewCar: owner 71, car 'lamborghini_murcielago', gridPos 0 (drv The_Driver) [rmessage.cpp:683 / RMessage::InNewCar]
Thu May 15 13:32:05 (INFO ): [racer] Loading car 'lamborghini_murcielago' [rcar.cpp:964 / RCar::Load]
Thu May 15 13:32:08 (INFO ): [racer] Loading car 'lamborghini_murcielago' [rcar.cpp:964 / RCar::Load]
Thu May 15 13:32:08 (INFO ): [racer] InNewCar: owner 71, car 'lamborghini_murcielago', gridPos 1 (drv AI-1) [rmessage.cpp:683 / RMessage::InNewCar]
Thu May 15 13:32:08 (INFO ): [racer] Loading car 'lamborghini_murcielago' [rcar.cpp:964 / RCar::Load]
Thu May 15 13:32:08 (INFO ): [racer] InNewCar: owner 71, car 'lamborghini_murcielago', gridPos 2 (drv AI-2) [rmessage.cpp:683 / RMessage::InNewCar]
Thu May 15 13:32:08 (INFO ): [racer] Loading car 'lamborghini_murcielago' [rcar.cpp:964 / RCar::Load]
Thu May 15 13:32:08 (INFO ): [racer] InNewCar: owner 71, car 'lamborghini_murcielago', gridPos 3 (drv AI-3) [rmessage.cpp:683 / RMessage::InNewCar]
Thu May 15 13:32:08 (INFO ): [racer] Loading car 'lamborghini_murcielago' [rcar.cpp:964 / RCar::Load]
Thu May 15 13:32:09 (INFO ): [racer] Crash detected, dev.argument_tracing=0 so no argument stack [main.cpp:244 / crashProc]
Thu May 15 13:32:09 (INFO ): [racer] Crash detected - attempting to recover some data before displaying the crash dialog [main.cpp:245 / crashProc]
Thu May 15 13:32:14 (FATAL): [racer] Exception 0xC0000005, flags 0, Address 0x00000000
(this dialog text is stored in QLOG.txt)

OS-Version: 6.0.6002 (Service Pack 2) 0x300-0x1

0x00572CDD s:\source\trunk\dev\src\libs\qlib\qopengl.cpp (line 892): QGLContext::GenVertexArray()
0x005414E5 s:\source\trunk\dev\src\libs\world\renderer.cpp (line 4517): WorldRenderer::SetupStaticArrays()
0x00542E5F s:\source\trunk\dev\src\libs\world\renderer.cpp (line 1249): WorldRenderer::RenderBlocks()
0x005434A4 s:\source\trunk\dev\src\libs\world\renderer.cpp (line 2926): WorldRenderer::Render()
0x0053D4F1 s:\source\trunk\dev\src\libs\world\scene.cpp (line 780): WorldScene::Render()
0x004811C4 s:\source\trunk\dev_racer\src\lib\rscene.cpp (line 2609): RScene::UpdateCubemaps()
0x00482C1D s:\source\trunk\dev_racer\src\lib\rscene.cpp (line 3965): RScene::PaintMainView()
0x0048400A s:\source\trunk\dev_racer\src\lib\rscene.cpp (line 4298): RScene::Paint3D()
0x004392CB s:\source\trunk\dev_racer\src\mrun.cpp (line 914): PaintScene()
0x004393AE s:\source\trunk\dev_racer\src\mrun.cpp (line 956): PaintSceneAndSwap()
0x0043A008 s:\source\trunk\dev_racer\src\mrun.cpp (line 1602): rrIdleFuncGame()
0x0056BF41 s:\source\trunk\dev\src\libs\license\qapp.cpp (line 955): QApp::Run1()
0x0043B8AC s:\source\trunk\dev_racer\src\mrun.cpp (line 2204): Run()
0x00438EB0 s:\source\trunk\dev_racer\src\main.cpp (line 437): main()
0x00438F33 s:\source\trunk\dev_racer\src\main.cpp (line 444): WinMain()
0x0085213B f:\dd\vctools\crt_bld\self_x86\crt\src\crt0.c (line 263): __tmainCRTStartup()
0x76DDD3C9 [kernel32]: (filename not available): BaseThreadInitThunk
0x76EB1603 [ntdll]: (filename not available): RtlInitializeExceptionChain
0x76EB15D6 [ntdll]: (filename not available): RtlInitializeExceptionChain [%s]
Thu May 15 13:32:14 (INFO ): [racer] Going to crash, reason: qfatal [qdebug.cpp:429 / QCrash]

Thanks for help!
Hello everybody!

I'm new here and I registered hoping to get some support with Racer. I'm a Linux user and some years ago I already stumbled upon the Linux version of Racer which was by far the best native racing game for Linux in my opinion. However, the Linux version has been discontinued and when I wanted to run it some time later it refused to start.

Today I thought, I'd try to make Racer run again, this time the Windows version using Wine. Surprisingly, this worked to some extent. However, each version that I tested had its problems:

Version 0.90RC8 was entirely unusable due to severe screen flickering and wrong colours. Screen flickering disappeared after disabling "Render once" but wrong colours still remained.

Version 0.8.34 works very smoothly but doesn't support most of the nice car models available on the net.

Versions 0.8.4-0.8.8 work nicely and support many models, however there is one issue: The game fails to connect to so entering a race fails. However, if one edits racer.ini as described here, everything works fine: Unfortunately the game ruins the editing and restores the original file when trying to enter a race. The only way out that I could find, was making racer.ini read only. This however has the disadvantage that no configuration can be done from within the game (like selecting a different car or track or even selecting a different race mode).

I'd really like to make one of the versions work properly, pack it together with the best cars and tracks I can find and make a package for some Linux distributions such that Linux users who like racing games won't miss this awesome game (I hope, there are no licensing problems, but that's a thing to be checked later). However, each version tested so far has its problems and I'm really stuck trying to solve them. I think, versions 0.8.4-0.8.8 are the most promising candidates, however this localhost vs. problem makes the game pretty much unusable. Therefore I'd appreciate any help in solving the issue!

Hey everyone

Trying to get racer to display properly.
Running on laptop with the following

Intel Core I7 2630QM
Dual Display Chips (Intel HD for 2D, ATI Radeon HD 2770M for 3D)
Windows 7

I have set the Radeon as the display adapter to use for Racer

I am having issues with the graphics being blurred as you can see below that I can't find a solution to:

Never mind. I have fixed it. Despite having the option to assign a GPU to specific games, it seems the PC was not switching to the appropriate GPU properly. There was strangely an option in the BIOS which either switches the GPU "dynamically" based on 3d requirements or "Fixed" as in controlled by the GPU driver settings. Switched it to fixed and now displaying properly
the new version of racer is not starting at all anyone know where I can get this file (MSVCP120.dll) that works with racer??
I'm running windows 7 on hp pavilion laptop it all worked up to this version

racer error.jpg
Hello Everyone! I got this error primarily:

The i read previous answers and disabled "ShadowMapping" and i have this error now:

At least i have less errors =P

Latest Version (racer090rc10)

Thanks in Advance!


  • upload_2015-1-2_10-14-42.png
    30.6 KB · Views: 571
Well...guys... before posting here I did everything in my PC and fraps isnt recording videos in racer. It's recording every OpenGL application but it doesn't in racer.

And when it records its without audio so ... how can I fix it?
Well...guys... before posting here I did everything in my PC and fraps isnt recording videos in racer. It's recording every OpenGL application but it doesn't in racer.

And when it records its without audio so ... how can I fix it?
Hai Raphael,
i use this:
and it works verry well...
maybe worth a try...?!

btw...can i use your sky from highspeedring for a track project? he looks so great! please^^
Hi guys I have a problem with Racer v0.88 when I open it to go to drive it gives me sometimes the screen in red or black Thanks if you can help me

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