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I know we are all excited for this release. What I don't know is how many people intend to a) play it on the xbox one and b) would like to join some sort of a formal league here at Race Department.

There are so many possibilities, I've had to calm myself down from getting lost in them. However, my main passion, IndyCar, will probably not be able to be run until the DLC with the ovals comes to the Xbox One.

That said, what sort of series would you like to see? Personally, ones that come to mind are Tudor United Sports Car Series, WEC, British Touring Car, and DTM. One of these could fill the gap for me until IndyCar is possible, but others may have better ideas.

Please indicate below if you are interested and what sort of times you are available and which series' you prefer. We could follow the actual schedule of many a series, due to the timing of the release. Personally, if they get the ovals out before IndyCar starts, I'll probably turn my focus there, but nothing would prevent running another alongside.

The anticipation is killing me! :sick:
Trying to keep a touring car feel, as the open wheelers/track day cars are going to be very difficult to come to grips with for pad users. I have a feeling pad users are in for a rude awakening with this one. I don't want to make it so frustrating that they give up, since assists are not an option unless the series itself allows it. I'll give you a for instance...take a look at this video:

But who knows, maybe the multiplayer career mode would be a great option to run in between British GT races and that would fairly cover the lot.
im not denying it wont be hard for pad but alan doesnt have alot of practice with a pad and this is just his first 3 laps in this car so im not so convinced that this video is a real true show of that. i guess this is race department can have multiple leagues if its not something your into hopefully we can get enough people who are
I'll have a lot of questions for you guys when it comes out. If everything looks good, I'll get both. As silly as it may seem, one of my biggest concerns is mirrors and being able to see others on your sides and in your "real life" blind spot. If I can't race wheel to wheel because I don't know where other are next to me, how can I race cleanly?
I'll have a lot of questions for you guys when it comes out. If everything looks good, I'll get both. As silly as it may seem, one of my biggest concerns is mirrors and being able to see others on your sides and in your "real life" blind spot. If I can't race wheel to wheel because I don't know where other are next to me, how can I race cleanly?
I think this might answer your question:
Personally, I'm going to go for a more realistic FOV (since drivers can't see all of their side mirrors looking straight ahead IRL generally, and have about a 50% "look to apex", which is another feature you can adjust). You can also move your view with a button.
I think this might answer your question:

Sort of. The F1 games have proximity arrows, so the mirrors aren't nearly as important as they are in this game. When he's setting up his FOV for the open wheel cars, it's a bit too narrow for me because you can't see the entirety of both mirrors. It's close though. But when he switches to the other cars, there are no side mirrors (or is the FOV for that car just not wide enough?). And with no proximity arrows or comparable feature in the game, how are we supposed to know where others are when racing in cars with no mirrors?

You can also move your view with a button.

I hope that's good enough to see cars next to you.
or is the FOV for that car just not wide enough?

It's not. He was using the same FOV as the open wheel car. It could have been much further back and you would see the mirrors. Thing is, in real life, you really can't focus on anything but a small area at a time, so a game's FOV is a very personal thing (for instance, you can see your mirrors out of your peripheral vision, but you can't focus on anything unless you look). That's why the adjust-ability of pCARS is so revolutionary for the console. What you really need for realism is 3 screens or the Rift. But even the Rift bothers me, since you don't have to turn your head in real life. Three screens seems the best we can do these days.
Just a heads up:

Coming soon!!

British GT Series
No Assists, except TC & ABS.
Races to follow the actual races in the series, on the same weekend, if possible.
Past races to be folded in to the future calendar.
Tracks in the real series will be represented in this league, except Rockingham (Zolder).
Stewarding, Driver Appeals, and Official Race Department Rules enforced.
Real time weather, with pCARS GPS weather system and time actuator.
Full length races with rules matching the series.
4-5 cars in the GT3 class and possibly another class.
Most tracks laser scanned.
Saturdays, most likely, every other weekend. Time TBD.

I'm simply waiting on pCARS to be released before getting ahead of myself. Paddock chat is open if you have any questions or comments. Also, the archive, as you can see if full of pCARS information. I have been following this title from the PC side and developers for quite some time and have created other leagues here at Race Department. Hopefully, this will be loads of fun!
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I'll be the first to admit that the xbox gets beaten by the PS4 on framerate, as a constant, but I rarely see it drop below 50-45. Will that matter, when we currently race at 30 just fine? Here is the comparison by Digital Foundry:

More distressing for PS4 users IMO, is the screen blur on the PS4 that's not there on the xbox. Here is an example from the same video. Any explanation? This would drive me nuts compared to a dip to 52 in frame rate....

Right off the bat, the reviewers at Digital Foundy noticed this too:
Firstly, Xbox One still retains a curious advantage in texture filtering, where static screens show PS4's roads blurring over at a closer proximity. Added to that we also see the same motion blur effect on PS4 as before, with moving objects producing an unusual banding behind them - while Xbox One's blur is more refined (UPDATE 6/5/15 8:16pm: Slightly Mad says that the PS4 artifact is an additional temporal component to its anti-aliasing)."

In some areas during heavy load, the xbox actually performs better, as DF explains:
With this as a reference point, we next jump into the solo mode to tweak the game's settings ourselves, in a manual fashion. Here we run with all post effects engaged (besides heat haze and vignette, which are disabled by default), the chase camera set to the standard 80 degrees, while car destruction physics are enabled. We also push the car count to 45 on the 24 Hours of Le Mans circuit (one of the few where this is possible), and set rain as our weather of choice.
The side-effect of pushing the engine to such an extreme is a bizarre one: the differential we see between PS4 and Xbox One in most races begins to disappear. With all vehicles visible ahead on Le Mans, both consoles lurk around 35fps on this circuit as we pass the stands, and frame-rates remain neck-and-neck until we cross the finish line. Given the PS4's strengths on the GPU side, there is an evident trail-off in its benefits with so many cars on screen. In this case, a CPU bottleneck is the likely culprit given the commonality in this area between the two consoles.

In other areas, the PS4 has the advantage:
By comparison, tracks like Imola and Azure Coast show a clear PS4 advantage, even with the car count cranked up to a lesser 31 and weather effects engaged. In this case Sony's platform glances the 30fps line only briefly as its very worst case, while Xbox One slips just below it. Elsewhere the margin is as wide as 15fps in favour of PS4, and the heavy alpha effects used for rain sees the Xbox One buckling more noticeably. It's an expected outcome given the sheer scale of the task, and impressive in the context of what Project Cars is doing over and above other console racing games.

Overall, they were very impressed with the console effort:
Taken purely as an assault course for PS4 and Xbox One consoles to run through, results in the solo mode are also intriguing. A 60fps lock is far from guaranteed when tweaking each settings yourself, but the freedom on offer is both impressive and welcomed for a console title. Project Cars is first and foremost a force to be reckoned with in the PC space, but the commitment to getting the most out of these console editions is apparent. Quite how the console duo compare to the PC's very best settings is something we intend to cover soon, and it stands to show how closely the team has optimised the game for each platform.
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Director: Robert Waddell
Co-Director: Peter Hooper
Chief Steward: Railer Cantrell
The series was created by the British Racing Drivers' Club in 1993 and for its first two seasons was called the National Sports GT Challenge. GT3 class of cars were introduced in 2005. This class later became identical to the FIA GT3 European class, using nearly identical rules.

Day: Saturday
Time: 5:00pm U.S. Eastern; 10:00pm BST (start of qualification)
Damage: ON
Mechanical Failures: ON
Tire Wear: REAL
Fuel Usage: NORMAL
Flags and Penalties: ON
Auto Start Engine: YES
Assists: SET TO "REAL"
Time Progression: 2x
Practice Lobby to open 30 minutes before qualifying, followed by a 10 minute qualifying session, 5 minute warmup session and then the race.

Sporting Regulations: British GT Championship (Project C.A.R.S.)

1. Assists: Cockpit or Helmet Cam View Only.

1.1. Assists: These will be set to "Real" for this series, which means that ABS and Traction Control (tunable) are active, since the cars in the actual British GT Championship have these assists. The degree to which Traction Control is applied is up to the driver and could potentially disadvantage a driver if not set correctly.

2. The grid will consist of those 16 drivers who sign up for the race in advance, unless they are not present at qualifying, in which case their position may be given to a reserve driver.

3. Thirty minutes of testing shall proceed the qualifying period.

4. There will be a 10 minute qualifying session. Each driver should complete a minimum of 2 timed laps (not including Out and In laps) in the qualifying session in the car to be raced and in the session in order to qualify for selection and order of precedence. Should any driver fail to meet this criteria, the car may be permitted to start at the discretion of the Series Director at the back of the grid. There will be a 5 minute "warmup" session after qualifying to be used either as a bathroom break or to adjust your setup, or both.

5. Races will approx. 45 minutes long and will not require any pit stops until further notice. Pit bugs are too numerous at this time to force drivers to pit.

6. Auto-start of engine will be turned “ON” since the option to start your own engine is effectively eliminated because of the lack of assignable buttons. This may change in the future.

7. Drivers may feel that it is more advantageous to make a pit stop during a race, since less fuel load = significantly better lap times and fresher tires, however, there is no mandatory pit stop during races, and a driver who pits to change tires will assume the risk of a pit bug occurring.

8. Refueling will not be necessary during races.

9. If a pit is needed, drivers should set the appropriate pit strategy options before the race and are encouraged make sure "Yes" appears next to desired strategy (preferably before entering the pits) and that the pit window is immediately closed after entering the pit (as long as the correct pit strategy (you name) appears.

10. Starts will be rolling and will be 2X2.

11. All Qualifying Results, Grids, and Race Results are deemed provisional until all races are reviewed by the Stewards after the race. The Chief Steward has the final decision as to whether or not a penalty (which may be appealed) should be applied to a driver. As such, drivers are encouraged to save and retain their own replays.

12. Tire wear will be set to "Normal" so as to encourage some sort of strategy. Practice accordingly.

Penalties and Appeals

All drivers should adhere to the standards of driving that are outlined below. In addition, the Racing Rules applicable to all racing series' on apply here as well and are incorporated by reference:


1.1 PASSING. It is the responsibility of both the overtaking Driver and the Driver being overtaken to assure safe overtaking. Where two Cars are reasonably alongside each other, each must permit the other Racing room. A Car traveling alone may use the full width of the racetrack. Overtaking may be either right or left depending on prevailing conditions.

1.2 BLOCKING. Any Driver who, in the sole opinion of the Chief Steward, moves in reaction more than once, altering their line based on the actions of pursuing Competitors, or who selects a defensive line and then returns to a racing line between corners or sections of the racetrack may be warned or penalized pursuant to the rules, and such decision shall be Conclusive.

1.3 INCIDENTS. Any Driver who, in the sole opinion of the Chief Steward, is responsible for: an incident where a Car spins, or goes off-track, or suffers a flat tire or other mechanical difficulty requiring it to pit directly for repairs, or an incident of contact resulting in a change of position, may be warned or penalized pursuant to the rules, and such decision shall be Conclusive.

1.4 UNJUSTIFIABLE RISK. Any Competitor who, in the sole opinion of the Chief Steward, engages in any behavior deemed to represent an unjustifiable risk or reckless endangerment may be warned or penalized, and such decision shall be Conclusive.

Penalties shall include, but not be limited to private or public reprimand, deduction of points, loss of grid position, if applicable, for the following race or any other race subsequent to the event in question, loss of all points for the race, loss of points in he overall standings, suspension, and ban. Note that the last two cannot be imposed without at least two of the other examples are first issued in a single season.

Each incident of contact shall be reviewed by the Associate and/or Chief Steward (unless they are involved, and then review will be by a Co-Director of the Series that is not involved) and he will reach a penalty consensus. The Stewards or Directors may consult other series administrators or drivers during this process. Any event involving contact between two or more drivers may be brought to the Stewards as an inquiry by any driver(s) involved in the contact.

If it appears from the official video recordings or from any other additional evidence that there may have been a breach of driving standards or behavior, on or off the track, in a manner the Directors consider to have brought the Championship into disrepute, either Director may request that the Chief Steward consider to investigate this matter further.

Steward Inquiry an Appeal:

Any penalized driver shall have a right to the Stewards, (or one or both of the Series Directors if a Steward is involved in the disputed incident). The two administrators shall choose a regular driver to form a three person tribunal. This body will either uphold the original penalty, or issue a less punitive penalty by majority. If there is no majority consensus, then the least punitive decision shall apply. This decision is final.


These cars will normally run to the current FIA GT3 Technical Regulations and their current respective technical forms but deviations from these may be accepted at the organizer discretion.
In game choices:
Aston Martin Vantage GT3
Audi GT3 Ultra
Ginetta G55 GT3
McLaren 12C GT3
Ruf RGT-8 GT3
Bentley Continental GT3

Fuel Capacity
Driver Choice

Teams and Drivers

Drivers must not run the same number or livery. Teams of two are permitted but will not be officially scored.

Championship points

The Avon Tyres British GT Championship awards points as follows in the GT3 class:

Races of one hour or less (including each race in a double header):
1st 25, 2nd 18, 3rd 15, 4th 12, 5th 10, 6th 8, 7th 6, 8th 4, 9th 2, 10th 1.

For races of one to two hours, points and a half are awarded:
1st 37.5, 2nd 27, 3rd 22.5, 4th 18, 5th 15, 6th 12, 7th 9, 8th 6, 9th 3, 10th 1.5.
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  1. Silverstone GP Circuit – June 6, 2015 – Long Race (51 laps incl. formation lap)

  2. Oulton Park International Circuit – June 13, 2015 – Short Race (31 laps incl. formation lap)

  3. Oulton Park International Circuit – June 27, 2015 – Short Race (31 laps incl. formation lap)

  4. Nurburg Ring GP Circuit – July 11, 2015 – Short Race (26 laps incl. formation lap)

  5. Spa – July 18, 2015 – Long Race (41 laps incl. formation lap)

  6. Brands Hatch GP Circuit – August 1, 2015 – Short Race (31 laps incl. formation lap)

  7. Nurburg Ring GP Circuit – August 15, 2015 – Short Race (26 laps incl. formation lap)

  8. Snetterton Circuit – August 22, 2015 – Short Race (26 laps each incl. formation lap)

  9. Donnington GP Circuit – September 12, 2015 – Long Race (61 laps incl. formation lap)

  10. Snetterton Circuit – September 19, 2015 – Short Race (26 laps each incl. formation lap)
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Word from the PC guys is that the GT3 cars are the grippy compared to the higher end ones. And I don't mean Forza grippy, but pCARS other words, not going to shock the console world as much. Part of the reason I chose GT3 to start. Glad they confirmed it. Without assists, it's going to be a whole new ballgame. I look forward to it...since I've been wanting this kind of realism all along and am faster the closer we get to real life. Jealous you can play! How are the multiplayer options?
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