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I know we are all excited for this release. What I don't know is how many people intend to a) play it on the xbox one and b) would like to join some sort of a formal league here at Race Department.

There are so many possibilities, I've had to calm myself down from getting lost in them. However, my main passion, IndyCar, will probably not be able to be run until the DLC with the ovals comes to the Xbox One.

That said, what sort of series would you like to see? Personally, ones that come to mind are Tudor United Sports Car Series, WEC, British Touring Car, and DTM. One of these could fill the gap for me until IndyCar is possible, but others may have better ideas.

Please indicate below if you are interested and what sort of times you are available and which series' you prefer. We could follow the actual schedule of many a series, due to the timing of the release. Personally, if they get the ovals out before IndyCar starts, I'll probably turn my focus there, but nothing would prevent running another alongside.

The anticipation is killing me! :sick:
Really enjoyed tonight and was delighted to pick up third in quali and to have such a strong race despite the limited practice. Great also to see no problems in terms of disconnects, pit stops or forced bumper cams :thumbsup:

Got off to an ok start and held my place into the first chicane and then as Robert struggled on the cold tyres to negotiate the left-hander at the top of the hill after the second chicane I snuck underneath him and chased after Gus up ahead. When his car slowed out of Acqu Minerale (cornber cut penalty I assume) I had an easy pass and then clear road ahead :) Robert was going well and stayed around a second or so adrift for a couple of laps but then I am guessing he too picked up a penalty as the gap suddenly opened up to around 5 seconds. I was feeling good and confident but also making sure I took it carefully around Acque Minerale and the chicane to avoid any penalty myself and managed to open the gap up to between 7 and 8 seconds which is where it stayed for much of the next 8 or so laps.

Fuel I knew was never going to be a problem but tyres would start to degrade around the 14 lap mark but not enough to warrant any stop for fresh rubber in such a short race. I had a couple of scrappy laps which enabled Gus to close the gap down to under 4 seconds but also dirtied the tyres and had me struggling for grip for a while during which I made a mistake on the gears at Acque Minerale on lap 15 and went wide allowing Gus through. Having got myself focused again I closed on the leader and felt I had a good chance to give him a good run to the flag but then picked up a penalty of my own which allowed the gap to open up to 6/7 seconds and from that point on I was not able to put any pressure on.

More than happy to pick up the second spot though and looking forward to the next race already where I should hopefully get in much more practice as the F1 2014 season closes tomorrow leaving me to concentrate on the XBO series of races. I would definitely like to see this series extended or maybe given a fresh start. It would be good to get a few more to the grid though.

I agree with Gus in that the tyres although degrading were nowhere near ready for pitting. My fronts (right more so than the left which I would have been able to correct in the setup with more practice) were where my wear was the worst, while the rears were in perfect order. Fuel was easily able to do the distance as I thought and in fact with 8.4 litres left could have gone on for another 5 laps.

Cheers guys :thumbsup:

Great writeup. I taped mine from T.V. cam, so most of your analysis is accurate regarding my mishaps. Obviously, I had good pace, but the usual *off* gremlins got to me. Basically, what happened to you at the end happened with me and you at the beginning. Gustavo got by me as I ran wide at Tosa...and that corner would plage me, for some reason, throughout the race. Railer then passed me in the pits, as you will see I damaged my car, and after that my tires started to get squirly. I agree that if we keep the races (actually now there are 30 min. and one 40 min., so that format would be quite interesting if we ran an expanded series with weather. I'd also love to try. My tire issues were simply setup (I could have ameliorated the fronts going away, I'm sure) but also driving. I has too many spins, as you will see. Nowhere near as clean as the last race. But had a BLAST nonetheless. Railer passed me fair and square for a podium, and from there is was just a matter of trying to get the car home. Here is the T.V. cam, as I think it's refreshing to watch cars around me. (NOTE: Even though the patch says you can watch from any car, I think this is only in single player :O_o:):
Thanks for Posting that replay Peter. It brought me much satisfaction watching that from FPV. Looks like a fun race although I couldn't understand the very confusing standing start set-up. Seems like an awful lot of time wasted to get into position and start. Not good for the tires or brakes going into the first few corners. Still a very good looking race, would have enjoyed driving with some good friends again.
Thanks for Posting that replay Peter. It brought me much satisfaction watching that from FPV. Looks like a fun race although I couldn't understand the very confusing standing start set-up. Seems like an awful lot of time wasted to get into position and start. Not good for the tires or brakes going into the first few corners. Still a very good looking race, would have enjoyed driving with some good friends again.
Glad you enjoyed it Michael. The start was a bit confusing as we were going to do the usual rolling start but then went for a standing start after the formation lap. Probably my fault as I mentioned that we could probably do so now the the patch seems to have resolved the issue of loss of FFB but really meant from the next race. It was interesting anyway but we'll discuss how to start again before next week's race at Caldwell. There were certainly a few struggles in those early corners as you could see from my video.
Glad you enjoyed it Michael. The start was a bit confusing as we were going to do the usual rolling start but then went for a standing start after the formation lap. Probably my fault as I mentioned that we could probably do so now the the patch seems to have resolved the issue of loss of FFB but really meant from the next race. It was interesting anyway but we'll discuss how to start again before next week's race at Caldwell. There were certainly a few struggles in those early corners as you could see from my video.

Certainly missed you Michael, as we had a pretty good participation rate this time. At least enough to consider this little series a legitimate contender for the main one next time, as Peter indicated. I think you would have come up to speed real fast had that damned wheel not broken again.

Re: the start, I think everyone agreed with you at the time Peter, and I think it was a good idea, since many of us were used to it from having doing it on line in Forza5. races. In fact, I had always intended this series to be a standing start and Gustavo pulled it off perfectly by his really good idea to go when the clock reached a certain number. This has been the exact format in other on line events I have been in and it always works pretty well, especially because it adds realism and is closer to the real thing, without compromising a driver's ability to reset the wheel. In fact, I don't think anyone had to. The patch seems to have fixed those problems, like the note indicate. Also, you don't need the floor brake to do a standing start if you keep the right buttons mapped. A floor brake risks a jump. From my experience, a rolling start is more chaotic than a standing. And more unfair. And less exciting.
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Is Willow Springs in the game? If so it's a no brainer for me we should visit there in these cars :inlove: If not then how about Watkins Glenn? Haven't driven that since my GPL days so would love to revisit it in these cars :thumbsup:

Yea, Willow is in there. Michael and Eric tested the Trans-Am cars there after a race one day, but they seem to be getting no love in the polls. It may be because you can't see out of the damned things. lol. I have re-mapped my buttons to look left and right now that a couple more have been freed up by the patch (handbrake and DRS not necessary anymore).

If we do go with a GP3 Series for the next main one, I'd sort of like to keep it in Europe and put the tin tops on American tracks, as that seems to be more in line with the real world events. Of course, the possibilities are getting wider with the pits being open and other issues being ironed out. I'll re-calibrate the poll and pare down some of the choices, since some of them are getting no votes. The real quandary are the more popular LMP1 cars. They really are not open wheel, but I guess they could act as a support series for the open wheel main event. Maybe a "sports car" mini-endurance (90-120 mins.) event between every few weeks? We are sort of boxed in with the non open wheel, as GP4 is nice but oh so close to what we are doing now. I voted Trans-Am because I liked Michael's idea of an American Series, and he seemed to prefer them over the Caper, as did I. The GT1 or GT1X are a possibility, but the car choices are limited. Road cars just can't work, it seems, as they have now reclassified them, but even so, they are wildly different in their performance, even within the narrower categories. I like the idea of the GR.4 cars myself, but nobody seems to know about them. And Eric and I tested the GR.5 cars the other week and thought they were not that great, but there are more choices with them. Of course, there are many "Formula 3" Series' throughout the world and we could easily shoehorn the Formula C cars into an American Series and put the GR class cars on European Tracks as many of them are European made.
I do still really find the blurb at the bottom distracting, wish we could remove it. The constant updates of viewers pulls my eye to it and had me missing my braking point for corners several times, including the first mess up at Acque Minerale.

Yea, "from scratch" is the key point I think. I personally have no issues with the indicator as I mentioned, and the viewers actually keep me more concentrated on the racing, but I understand you might find it distracting as the numbers change. The position on my screen blends in with the "Beran" logo and black on the wheel, but I agree, you should be able to turn it off. Now that the recording and playback seems to work fine, you can sort of "customize" your replay like a real T.V. broadcast to go from differing viewpoints. When I went to look at my stored replays, I had three already and my face looked like - :confused:.
Got my GTE decals They look pretty cool on the wheel. I went with the Punisher decal for the center cap. This guy is on and he can do custom decals for $7.00

Man, than looks pretty good. It would be soooooo cool if you could just throw that switch and have a rain setup. lol.
Yea, Willow is in there. Michael and Eric tested the Trans-Am cars there after a race one day, but they seem to be getting no love in the polls. It may be because you can't see out of the damned things. lol. I have re-mapped my buttons to look left and right now that a couple more have been freed up by the patch (handbrake and DRS not necessary anymore).

Oh boy I wish I knew that you were struggling with the button assignments Robert. There's been a workaround for that since the early days and I removed the handbrake and DRS button assignment way back. Simply selecting the menu button and then options put you back to the options screen and kept your new configuration regardless.
Oh boy I wish I knew that you were struggling with the button assignments Robert. There's been a workaround for that since the early days and I removed the handbrake and DRS button assignment way back. Simply selecting the menu button and then options put you back to the options screen and kept your new configuration regardless.

Not struggling. But thanks for the heads up. I had actually just read that post yesterday on the SMS forums, but you ferreted it out early! I don't have the stock rim on my base, so by freeing up two buttons, I have everything I need now. Of course, if we ever need DRS or KERS, that will change and your solution will be very valuable indeed. The seating position in the open wheelers is a little high for me, but since I'm tall and we are running spec, it's not like my mind's eye can't see that as reality. What I really like best about this immersion thing is the ability to make all those adjustments to the camera. The view and experience from the cockpit is crucial to me, and they just nailed it.
The two most popular open wheel classes have been culled. Please vote for one by September 13th. This will be our main event. Number of votes is most important, but also participation of the voting block (in past open wheel events on pCARS) is a factor too.
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Two popular Sports Car/GT classes have been culled. Please vote for one by September 13th. This will be our main event. Number of votes is most important, but also participation of the voting block (in past open wheel events on pCARS) is a factor too.
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GT 4
In the GT 4 series you step among other things racing cars such as the BMW M3 GT4 and the Ginetta G55 GT4 against each other with no assists. Despite the good performance we recommend you here again to brake late before curves and to take enough momentum with. In addition, you should use on long grades the slipstream to overtake your competitors easily.
This is to race cars, as you already know from other racing games. This means that you do not expect any surprises in terms of performance and handling, and ye shall find along well even without prior testing.
A typical race day in the GT Class 4 looks like this:
1 x Training
1 x Qualifying
1 x Sprint race
1 x main race

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Welcome to the one plus ultra of all racing classes in the early 2000s. You start your season in this class with one of these cars**:
2003 Bentley Speed8 (

2002 Audi R8 (


1999 BMW V12 LMR (


These were the predecessors of the modern LMP1 cars. The vehicles are similar in terms of handling to their little brothers from the LMP2 class. They are, however, a cut above them, which extremely high top speeds. The have no assists or KERS.
As always, slow down until late in front of curves and take enough momentum with. Again, you should use the slipstream to better overtaking can. Grade on long straights is the slipstream essential!
Unlike the previous classes you completed here no certain number of laps, but ride as long as until the time expired. The duration of the race can you set before the race on the calendar.
** Note: These a fraction slower and older than the LMP1 cars, but do not have assists, KERS.

A typical race day looks like this:
1 x Training
1 x Qualifying
Endurance Race

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These cars are the pinnacle of Grand Touring racing and race with no assists, extremely high speeds, and closer performance to open wheel cars, such as a DTM car.

1997 McLaren F1GTR Long Tail

1998 Mercedes-Benz CLK-LM

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F1 Historic (Lotus)
Lotus 49 Cosworth
After a difficult first year for Lotus in the 3 litre formula, Chapman went back to the drawing board and came up with a design that was both back to basics, and a leap ahead. Taking inspiration from earlier designs, the 49 was the first F1 car to be powered by the now-famous Ford Cosworth DFV engine after Chapman convinced Ford to build an F1 powerplant.
The Lotus 49 was one of the headlining cars in Grand Prix Legends. Virtual versions are in development for Assetto Corsa also.

Lotus 72D Cosworth
Colin Chapman's efforts produced one of the most remarkable and successful designs in F1 history. Taking the stressed engine layout technique from the Lotus 49 and adding advanced aerodynamics produced a car that was years ahead of its rivals. To begin with however, problems with the handling of the car had to be overcome, due to a lack of 'feel' caused by the anti-dive suspension geometry - which was designed to prevent the nose of the car dipping significantly under braking - and the anti-squat set-up at the rear, which was supposed to stop the car 'squatting down' under acceleration. Once the suspension was modified, there were no further problems. The car caused a sensation amongst the media and fans, with many people clamouring to see the remarkable car in action.

Lotus 78 Cosworth

The 78 was loosely based on the Lotus 72, sharing the same basic wedge shape and internal layout, but featuring detailed aerodynamic improvements, better weight distribution and a longer wheelbase. It had a slimmer, stronger monocoque, which was developed from the 77. The bodywork was made up of fiberglass body panels with aluminium used to strengthen the chassis at points. The car created quite a stir when it first appeared, and outwardly seemed ahead of its time. Internally of course, it was a quantum leap ahead. Andretti worked hard with the car, testing for many thousands of miles at the Lotus test track.

Lotus 98T Renault


A difficult car to drive with assists on, the Lotus 98T forced me back to driving school in turning all assists off. Learning the many unique handling characteristics of cars from the turbo F1 era. From approach to grip and sliding the car to braking distance, gear changes and general techniques in maximising speed. Note that cars like this don't always require you to be on the power 100%, its about being progressive and controlling the throttle.
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