PC2 Project CARS 2 Updated

Paul Jeffrey

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Project CARS 2 has received another new update and features fixes aimed at addressing some of the more obvious issues that have arisen since game launch earlier this month.

Build 1.1.3 isn't dramatic in size, however what it does do is address some important issues that have arisen with the new title since launching on PC this September 22nd. The new build update is only currently available to PC versions of the game, as the often reported authorisation process for console platforms has caused the usual expected delays. Never fear however, both Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions of the game will be receiving the update treatment in the coming weeks.

One of the more prominent changes to the game includes what the developers describe as a "first pass" at addressing the current AI laptime bug when simulating qualification sessions, an issue that causes in game AI to achieve impossible laptimes if a player chooses to skip track running to the end of the session. With this part of the update only being a first pass, the issue may not be completely eradicated and could require additional development time if the bug continues to manifest itself again in future weeks.

Other highlights include some tweaks to the game AI and various miscellaneous fixes.

You can check out the update changelog below:

  • Various AI cornering and race line improvements across problematic tracks
  • Improvements to AI balancing in snow and rain conditions
  • First pass at improving simulated laptimes when skipping a non-race session
  • Fix for the long delay when entering setup screen
Car Tyres:
  • Fix to ensure that the tyre treads are shown correctly after multiple tyre swaps
  • Fixed crash when using large Super Sampling values
  • Fix for an intermittent crash caused by missing animated meshes
  • Fix for lobby browsing and filtering that was preventing some users from joining MP games

Project CARS 2 is available for PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 now.

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To take your Project CARS 2 experience to the next level, head over to our RaceDepartment Project CARS 2 sub forum and check out the community discussion. We have a place to download the latest Project CARS 2 mods, a brand new Racing Club. Head over, get involved and become part of the community today!

How are you finding Project CARS 2 so far? Has the new patch addressed the problems on your build of the game? Are you happy with the post release support for the game? Let us know in the comments section below!
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no racing game is offering all that can be enjoyed while sim driving/racing, so, until we have the One, we have to get our fix be using more than one.
Couple of months of patching away issues and bugs now and I think no game has come as close to being 'the one' yet.

instead we get a lot of overly optimistic or overly pessimistic comments, which are not helping.:)
Human nature :D.
You realise that what kind of FFB people prefer is typically subjective and frequently intensely so?

"Jack Spade" is an audio engineer by trade, and the FFB subsystem configuration language was expressly designed to allow people like him to engineer their own presets.

I'm not going try to force my opinion of pC2 on you, but I will suggest that you should consider trying it out on a known good track with a known good car and a properly configured FFB and then form your own opinion. :)

I have been driving for a while with a wheel and a few different game and I don't agree with that FFB being so "subjective".
What I realize though is that a lot of player are inexperienced and have a tendency to be confused by FFB strength, which is most likely saturation and FFB actually communicating something relevant to the driver.
So unless I have been driving with someone online to assert if he his even able to drive in the first place and have had written exchange on FFB related conversation on a shared racing game, I could not care less about what some one I don't know says about FFB.
Not sure why it is relevant to be an audio engineer to be good at setting FFB, but what I can say if that if I was any good at it, it would not take me long to realize that PCars FFB was a lost cause and would not put my name on trying to fix something so obviously broken. Just saying.
I would love to try it and have said repetitively that a demo would be nice, if it was my game and I believed it was so good, I would have a demo available. Since their is no demo and I am not particularly looking at more alternative that I already have, so in other word not in any rush, I will wait for a special price and decide then, it is not like there will any any shortage of PCars2 any time soon.:D
Yes there is. I am so glad I am not in any camp. I just like them all (eventually;)). But some guys just go over the top with hypocritical nonsense. And then to criticize someones grammar whilst making many mistakes of their own really gets my goat.

I do agree but that post you quoted was actually correct in refuting the nonsense of someone disliking the game. I'll say right now the game has shipped with irritating flaws again, but unlike the original (on PC at least) most of the worst complaints from the first have been addressed.

Like many I am disappointed with the Ai issues, but please apply some common sense and realise what a gargantuan task Ai is now. And SMS have further muddied the already murky waters with livetrack. How long did it take AC to get decent Ai? And in relative terms the track evolution is far more static then Pcars. RF2 is arguably top dog in track evolution but has a much smaller car and track roster than Pcars, work out the man hours needed to tweak every track and every car to the nth degree....we basically wouldn't see the game released. I've been testing like mad the past two days, Ginetta GT5 at Brands Indy Summers day dry and summers day wet. I've put in about 4-5 hours just one car and one track and two of the many weather conditions and just one of the four seasons. It is actually impossible to test every car/track/season/time/weather combo in the game.
Not sure why it is relevant to be an audio engineer to be good at setting FFB, but what I can say if that if I was any good at it, it would not take me long to realize that PCars FFB was a lost cause and would not put my name on trying to fix something so obviously broken.

I guess it's a good thing that he didn't consider the FFB in the game a lost cause and still made his settings available, since it made that game a lot more enjoyable for a hell of a lot more people than it would've done otherwise. Which is something you can certainly put your name on with pride, as far as I'm concerned.

BTW, do you consider yourself being good at setting FFB or not? It kinda can be interpreted both ways I think. But in case you don't, doesn't it make your claims about PCars FFB being "a lost cause" and "obviously broken" kinda irrelevant?
  • Deleted member 99238

Who is the "Jack Spade"?
I've heard this name since the time of PC1.
It reminds me of the magic of voodoo. ;)
BTW, do you consider yourself being good at setting FFB or not? It kinda can be interpreted both ways I think. But in case you don't, doesn't it make your claims about PCars FFB being "a lost cause" and "obviously broken" kinda irrelevant?

I have read comments from WMD members, MSM employee, might be even from the man himself, admitting that FFB and physic in PCars were not good, just before saying that, of course, all was fixed in PCars2 so no worries.
I do not have to be a FFB expert to realize that PCars FFB is ultimately broken, are you saying it is not?
I will give you that helping people is something anyone can be proud of and if some player found happiness after using Jakes files, I am also happy for them.
Fact remains the FFB in PCars was different with Jakes files, but still under par compare to any of the good FFB out there.
Now to the question, am I good at setting FFB, the trick is, good feedback does not require "expert" settings, scientific calculation or a degree from Havard in acoustic.
Adjust strength in relation to your wheel to optimize being on the threshold of saturation, add a little minimum strength, again in relation to the wheel you are using, avoid any artificial effect and you are good to go. If the physic in your game is any good, their is nothing more to it.
If you do not like what you feel and have any experience in driving racing game, it is probably wrong. Life is short, better to spend the little time we have available driving a game we like than trying to re-invent the wheel, literally, on a broken game.
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I do not have to be a FFB expert to realize that PCars FFB is ultimately broken, are you saying it is not?
I wasn't really saying anything about the actual FFB, as you may note. I was just pointing out certain apparent contradictions in your comments. But if you want to know my opinion on PC1 FFB, then I was never quite satisified with it. But that doesn't mean it's broken. It *might* mean that, sure. It might also simply mean I didn't manage to find the correct settings to suit me. My subjective experience is not enough to call the FFB broken because I can't reliably say where the fault for my bad experience really lies. After all, plenty of people seemed to be very happy with it.

So yeah, I think you kinda have to be an expert if you want to declare something "completely broken", because otherwise how can you know it's broken if you're not an expert? It might not be working for you, but that's still quite a long way from "being broken".

Now to the question, am I good at setting FFB, the trick is, good feedback does not require "expert" settings, scientific calculation or a degree from Havard in acoustic.

Well, not exactly. I understand what you're trying to say. But you're really only talking about how user friendly and/or foolproof the FFB settings are, not about the quality of the FFB itself. Yes, obviously, in an ideal case, you want the FFB settings to be as user friendly as possible so you don't have to spend days tweaking dozens of settings. But if a game requires you to do so, that doesn't mean it's FFB is bad in itself - it simply means you might be required to do a lot more work to get where you want it to be. That's like comparing a program with a great intuitive GUI vs. an awkward command line utility with complicated sets of parameters for even a fairly trivial task, both created for the same general purpose. The GUI program will definitely be much easier to use for the majority of users - but the actual output, if you take the time and learn to use the command line tool, might indeed be considerably better than the one from the GUI program. Even though the command line utility required "expert settings, scientific calculation or a degree from Harvard", so to speak.
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I wasn't really saying anything about the actual FFB, as you may note. I was just pointing out certain apparent contradictions in your comments. But if you want to know my opinion on PC1 FFB, then I was never quite satisified with it. But that doesn't mean it's broken. It *might* mean that, sure. It might also simply mean I didn't manage to find the correct settings to suit me. My subjective experience is not enough to call the FFB broken because I can't reliably say where the fault for my bad experience really lies. After all, plenty of people seemed to be very happy with it.

So yeah, I think you kinda have to be an expert if you want to declare something "completely broken", because otherwise how can you know it's broken if you're not an expert? It might not be working for you, but that's still quite a long way from "being broken".

Well, not exactly. I understand what you're trying to say. But you're really only talking about how user friendly and/or foolproof the FFB settings are, not about the quality of the FFB itself. Yes, obviously, in an ideal case, you want the FFB settings to be as user friendly as possible so you don't have to spend days tweaking dozens of settings. But if a game requires you to do so, that doesn't mean it's FFB is bad in itself - it simply means you might be required to do a lot more work to get where you want it to be. That's like comparing a program with a great intuitive GUI vs. an awkward command line utility with complicated sets of parameters for even a fairly trivial task, both created for the same general purpose. The GUI program will definitely be much easier to use for the majority of users - but the actual output, if you take the time and learn to use the command line tool, might indeed be considerably better than the one from the GUI program. Even though the command line utility required "expert settings, scientific calculation or a degree from Harvard", so to speak.
I'm not sure how people who haven't tried Pcars2 can comment about the ffb, but I see a lot of posts talking about how it sucks, or is broken, by people with no first hand experience. There are all kinds of reviews on forums, and youtube, by people who have played the sim, saying the ffb is good, and is a huge improvement over Pcars1. I can tell you my own experience. I have a Fanatec CSW V2 wheel base, and when I loaded Pcars2 for the first time, it worked, and ffb felt good without adjusting anything in the ffb menu. Later when I heard about Jack Spade's ffb files, I downloaded them and tried them. Most of them I didn't like. I did however, think that his alternative low comp file actually made the ffb a little bit better, so that is what I am using now. I hated the ffb in Pcars1, and never really played Pcars1 much after the first few weeks of having it. Pcars2 seems like a completely different sim to me.

I also know from what I have read in forum posts, that it seems people with DD wheels have to do some adjusting to settings to get the ffb to feel right. People with newer Logitech wheels seem to be having the biggest problems. In my opinion, a lot of your experience with ffb in any sim is going to depend on the wheel you have. I know from my own experience that it took a lot of trial and error to get my Fanatec wheel to feel right with rFactor2. I have an old Logitech G27, and it worked with rFactor2 without much fuss. Also, ffb is so subjective, what one person loves, someone else hates.
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I'm shocked that they couldn't fix the issue that in some cars having manual transmission you can easily switch gear without using the clutch at all.
Given it worked well in PCars1 i'm wondering why fixing this has been left of this patch.

You aren't aware that it's perfectly possible to shift without a clutch in several cars with manual gears? Go look it up on youtube.. and if you have an old car somewhere, it's quite fun to practice (edit: It wears the gearbox though if you keep failing).

.. but yeah, I know what you mean, it is indeed bugging on some of those.
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And no, not everyone is entitled to an opinion, at least it shouldn't be like that.
Example: Let's talk about realism in sim racing, let's talk about which differential is used by car x and how it exactly works: 90% of the people have no idea and should in my opinion not be allowed to voice any opinion - the only thing they could say is "I don't have an opinion because I have no idea about it". Otherwise it very probably is just trashtalk and spreading misinformation.
But today many seem just in need to say anything, if it is relevant or not, if they have an idea about it or not .

Exactly. Famous quote from Isaav Assimov: "There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."

Plenty of that going around in the world today.. and in the sim-racing community.
Life is short, better to spend the little time we have available driving a game we like than trying to re-invent the wheel, literally, on a broken game.

I point back to my earlier post; People are perfectly able to make their own choices regarding the things they like and don't like. They don't need people to tell them what is broken or not, if the game was indeed broken for them they obviously wouldn't play it.
Stop the crusades already. (not specifically aimed at you, but the nonsense rambling keeps on continueing in this thread)
I have read comments from WMD members, MSM employee, might be even from the man himself, admitting that FFB and physic in PCars were not good, just before saying that, of course, all was fixed in PCars2 so no worries.
I do not have to be a FFB expert to realize that PCars FFB is ultimately broken, are you saying it is not?
I will give you that helping people is something anyone can be proud of and if some player found happiness after using Jakes files, I am also happy for them.
Fact remains the FFB in PCars was different with Jakes files, but still under par compare to any of the good FFB out there.
Now to the question, am I good at setting FFB, the trick is, good feedback does not require "expert" settings, scientific calculation or a degree from Havard in acoustic.
Adjust strength in relation to your wheel to optimize being on the threshold of saturation, add a little minimum strength, again in relation to the wheel you are using, avoid any artificial effect and you are good to go. If the physic in your game is any good, their is nothing more to it.
If you do not like what you feel and have any experience in driving racing game, it is probably wrong. Life is short, better to spend the little time we have available driving a game we like than trying to re-invent the wheel, literally, on a broken game.

No for gawds sakes PCars FFB was not "broken", jebus just because something doesn't give a feeling you want doesn't mean it is "broken". It was overly complex and needed someone with the mind of Jack Spade to tweak the settings. I feel everything in Pcars that I feel in all my other sims (AMS, AC, RF2, R3E) sans the little "bumps" on straights.

"avoid artificial effect".....considering I read most complaints about not feeling the weight of the car, not feeling "bumps".....all these are things you feel in your arse and NOT the fricken wheel, so feeling those in a wheel IS ARTIFICIAL EFFECTS.

fecks sakes I'm going batshit insane reading some of this crap. Not necessarily aimed at you Cote Dazur, but there's so much misinformation and out right bull spread around it's unbelievable. It all comes down to personal preference, and often that preference has no basis in reality.

<takes a pill to calm down>
Oh and do you know what else grinds my damn gears....people slagging off the slightlest "pro" Pcars/SMS comments with derision and terms like fanboy/shill.Yet I constantly read comments here about how other games and devs are perfect and awesome, no-one bats an eyelid and says a thing. I mean come on people double fricken standards.

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