PC1 Project Cars breaks 1 million sales


Bandai Namco has announced that Slightly Mad Studios' racing simulator Project Cars has sold one million copies worldwide.

The news comes from an official press release, and presumably counts sales from all three platforms (PC, PS4 and Xbox One). According to the press release, PCars is also the "best-rated racing game for Playstation 4" - which we assume is talking about the Metacritic rating, currently sitting at 84.

Slightly Mad Studios head honcho Ian Bell declared: "throughout the development phase, the community has been fundamental - giving us daily feedback, telling us what needed to be improved, highlighting what they wanted the most and ultimately making it one of the racing games of their dreams". The press release ends with Bell saying that the studio "will be talking more about that future very, very soon", substantially implying that a PCars sequel is in the works.

What do you think of Project Cars and its success? Let us know in the comments below!

The cover image has been taken from our Racetube: check it out for more Project Cars screenshots and videos!
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Being brutally honest Micas does not every single developer want to give fans exactly what they want? Isn't that their reason for making games in the first place? I do not really think it is a rare thing for developers to want that these days.

What they REALLY want is to hook you into buying endless full price patches for games like CoD, Assasins Creed, Battlefield, MAss Effect, that is what they REALLY want.

The worst examples of this are the WRC, F1 and FIFA type titles where they simply do a few updates and charge you full price for what is in effect a patched version of the same game, Oh and GT, they have been doing it since GT4!

The variations on a theme in those games are worth buying on top of what you may already have, but I cannot really see how a sim can take things much further. UNless you are looking at historic mods.

But you cannot argue with most punters dumbness. Millions bought GT6, and Forza, so if PCARS want a piece of the action there are plenty of takers.
Being brutally honest Micas does not every single developer want to give fans exactly what they want? Isn't that their reason for making games in the first place? I do not really think it is a rare thing for developers to want that these days.

What they REALLY want is to hook you into buying endless full price patches for games like CoD, Assasins Creed, Battlefield, MAss Effect, that is what they REALLY want.

The worst examples of this are the WRC, F1 and FIFA type titles where they simply do a few updates and charge you full price for what is in effect a patched version of the same game, Oh and GT, they have been doing it since GT4!

The variations on a theme in those games are worth buying on top of what you may already have, but I cannot really see how a sim can take things much further. UNless you are looking at historic mods.

But you cannot argue with most punters dumbness. Millions bought GT6, and Forza, so if PCARS want a piece of the action there are plenty of takers.
Look on the bright side. If they can rake in $60 million in one month for PCars (split several ways obviously) after spending only $6 million in development and releasing a really buggy game, it really opens the door for someone else to come along and do a much better job. Kunos for example is in a great position to come along and deliver a highly polished product with even better physics and FFB feel to the console market. I think most of us would like to see Kunos be successful and dramatically expand it's laser scanned track library and car portfolio for console and pc gamers alike. Project Cars success opens the door to big money flowing into the racing simulation genre, I see only good things ahead!
I do. It's to show how incredibly hypocritical you guys are. You turn a completely blind eye to AC while making up blatant BS of pCars. so yeah, I do have an agenda. It's outing hypocrisy. That's the agenda.

OK. Now tell us what Bram's agenda is? You stated he had one. What is it? Come on fella. Oh I forgot, you accuse but you don't know anything? Is that it? You are a cowardly person.

ps, I really like Pcars. So much that I rarely race in the other Clubs here using anything else. So how do you work that one out?
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I do. It's to show how incredibly hypocritical you guys are. You turn a completely blind eye to AC while making up blatant BS of pCars. so yeah, I do have an agenda. It's outing hypocrisy. That's the agenda.

Why do people keep using this excuse as though because some people don't criticize AC they can't criticize pCARS? It's such illogical thinking and only points the obvious bias you have toward the game when instead of actually bringing up arguments against peoples' opinions on it you claim they're the biased ones because they're not as critically harsh about other games.

I'll admit I am extremely biased against some of the people who are in charge of the game because of their attitudes on their official forums. Even with that I still like this game a lot but it has some serious issues and ridiculously obvious oversights in so many aspects that it's extremely frustrating and I can understand the complaints. Even more so when people claim how amazing this game is and basically that anyone who disagrees with them is biased and hypocritical.
Why do people keep using this excuse as though because some people don't criticize AC they can't criticize pCARS? It's such illogical thinking and only points the obvious bias you have toward the game when instead of actually bringing up arguments against peoples' opinions on it you claim they're the biased ones because they're not as critically harsh about other games.

I'll admit I am extremely biased against some of the people who are in charge of the game because of their attitudes on their official forums. Even with that I still like this game a lot but it has some serious issues and ridiculously obvious oversights in so many aspects that it's extremely frustrating and I can understand the complaints. Even more so when people claim how amazing this game is and basically that anyone who disagrees with them is biased and hypocritical.

I can respect that view. I'm just glad to hear that some of the people who may have issues with certain WMD members can still enjoy the game. As time goes on the extremists on either side will probably be less vocal.
Why do people keep using this excuse as though because some people don't criticize AC they can't criticize pCARS? It's such illogical thinking and only points the obvious bias you have toward the game when instead of actually bringing up arguments against peoples' opinions on it you claim they're the biased ones because they're not as critically harsh about other games.

I'll admit I am extremely biased against some of the people who are in charge of the game because of their attitudes on their official forums. Even with that I still like this game a lot but it has some serious issues and ridiculously obvious oversights in so many aspects that it's extremely frustrating and I can understand the complaints. Even more so when people claim how amazing this game is and basically that anyone who disagrees with them is biased and hypocritical.

I have absolutely nothing against proper critique of the game. If you've spent even a tiny amount of time at WMD you'll know I'm one of the pretty vocal people around there and have a lot of critique.

I think the launch of the game was quite catastrophic and let them know my opinion on the forums many weeks in advance that I thought the game was not at all ready to be released.. and I wasn't alone.

Also, I know there are a LOT of issues with the game from a purely simulator perspective and I absolutely loathe the auto-pitstop thing.

However, what I dislike is people making up complete lies and fudging quotes and stuff to further their agenda. I also dislike how the persecution of anything SMS and Project CARS has suddenly been forgotten. Many here complain about Project CARS and WMD people being "cyber bullies" and conveniently forget the big picture.

If you walk down the street every day, punching people in the face and calling them all kinds of nasty things, you'll pretty quickly find yourself living in an environment that will turn against you. Action and reaction. The very basics of physics.. and society.

As for the developers.. they are British (well the core team at least) and have dry humor and low tolerance for BS. Every single person that has been banned from the forums over the years, at least as far as I have seen, had it coming and thoroughly deserved it. For starters, every WMD member has received a a very clear and detailed email stating exactly what the WMD system is and how their behavior is expected on the forums. It was supposed to work as a virtual workplace where you give constructive, detailed and properly written feedback. This was in the TERMS you had to "sign". Yet hundreds of illiterate spoiled brats got in.. and got banned when they posted something like this: "LOLWUZT??? You callll thiz sim???!??? Cars slide all overrt.. weirdz wobble.. SHIFT 3 LOL!! THis s***!!".

Boom.. instabann.

Then there were the more persistent and devious trolls or just generally negative people who took their time and slowly but surely kept posting unconstructive, non-informative and speculative posts over and over again. They were usually at first politely told to have some patience or to just leave and check back in a year to see if the game is at a playable state for them later. Some took the hint and stopped clogging up the systems but some continued. After several warnings they were then banned.

Have the developers made mistakes? Reacted too harshly? Hell yes.. of course they have. Why? BECAUSE THEY ARE HUMAN. Again the hypocrisy is so infuriating. You have people complaining that SMS staff are douches and yet these very same people conveniently disregard their own writing. It's like they are oblivious to their own words and COMPLETELY oblivious to the fact that they just pissed all over the developers work of passion. They could have continued to work for EA, they could have continued to work for any other large corporation but chose to do it themselves so that they could create the game they always wanted to create.. and then they get called horrible things on their own forums and their efforts being belittled even when the game was just a fraction of a shell in pre-pre-pre-pre alpha and had an internal development version number of 0.00004 or something. It was ridiculous. It is also the reason why WMD will never happen again. Perls were indeed given to swine.. there will be no more perls in the form it could have been. So in essence, WMD was a failure but not at all due to the developers fault (well they do have to carry part of the blame as the system should have been a lot more rigid from the get-go but they trusted the community.. that's where it all went wrong).

Ian Bell is a real bulldog. He doesn't take stuff lightly, has extremely dry humor (which means many of his posts are very confusing for a lot of people, especially those with bad English language skills) and is straight to the point and speaking his mind. He is also extremely proud of their teams accomplishments (and rightly so) and is thus very quick to defend the team when unwarranted attacks or overtly negative posts were made. He also made it VERY clear: Their forum, their rules, their virtual workplace. Don't say things you wouldn't say in a real life open office work environment. Simple as that. Don't like it? Don't participate.
OK. Now tell us what Bram's agenda is? You stated he had one. What is it? Come on fella.

ps, I really like Pcars. So much that I rarely race in the other Clubs here using anything else. So how do you work that one out?

Bram and Ian had a falling out many years ago. I can only speculate but at least from the sidelines it looks like Bram is carrying a grudge. Not even sure it started here or on the nogrip forums.. I don't know the history but lets just say that Project CARS had quite the amount of critique even before it was released in any shape or form due to the unfortunate condition of the Shift series.

So yeah, you'll have to ask Bram why he is making stuff up and vastly exaggerating things. I have no idea why he does that. Bram, why do you do that?

Forgive me for cutting down your post in my reply, as it's just to save space. I only have one serious issue with your response, and that's the notion that because the staff on the forums are human it absolves them of their inexcusable behavior toward consumers. I don't care who you are or what you've gone through, there's literally no excuse for a developer, moderator, or head of studio to behave in the manner that they undertake on their forums to paying consumers. Yes, it sucks how some people act, but that's the job you signed up for.

Sure, it's their forums and they're more than welcome to behave how they choose. However, it's called professionalism, and they'd go a long way in showing it, as any decent business at least attempts. I guarantee you many other major and minor developers suffer the exact same type of problematic feedback, yet you don't see them berating and mocking members on their official forums. In my opinion, no amount of consumer feedback, regardless of how immature it may be, ever warrants the behavior they've shown as a business. EVER.

In other words, they need to grow the **** up and stop taking it out on consumers on their forums and instead focus on what may actually make this game/company better.
you'll have to ask Bram why he is making stuff up
Can you give some examples what exactly I am making up?

You have accused me quite a few times now about having a clear agenda and making stuff up. So let's hear some facts and no speculations.

Fyi I haven't been on nogrip since the early race wtcc days so that one you can scrap already.

Let's hear it.
So in essence, WMD was a failure but not at all due to the developers fault (well they do have to carry part of the blame as the system should have been a lot more rigid from the get-go but they trusted the community.. that's where it all went wrong).

That was a really good post IMO, and I agree. Countless times I argued that a first offense should result in a ban, but Ian preferred to let people hang themselves in multiple posts. That was just a difference of opinion, and his opinion obviously carried a lot more weight than mine. I still think booting people immediately would have prevented others from seeing repeated offenses go unchecked, thus enabling them to do the same thing. Then, instead of one person getting banned, it was multiple.

What really annoyed me was the "banned for no reason" nonsense, and the claims that their speech rights were being infringed. Everyone did agree to the T&Cs before entering the door so should have known what was expected. The flip side of that, though, is that there is no bad publicity.

Hard to say what the rules are going to be for pCARS 2. More than likely we'll only see only two tiers of membership, and I hope the forums are segregated accordingly. The pCARS Senior Manager forum was fantastic all the way through and it'll be cool if we get more members like yourself involved in that type of investment. The manager private forum, not so much. It had whines and leaks and such (there was not a single leak in 4 years from the SMs).

Ultimately, SMS knows who to take seriously and who to put on their ignore list. Heck, they know who to hire onto staff from the WMD membership. There's a reason why some people are successful and some not - and it's not because of luck. I'm still aglow that it's all turned out so well. The next game is going to be great fun.. and the game after that, and so on. Profitable too.
Lol, how many times have you actually read and perused a T&C's thing you have clicked on entering a new free to play or BETA game.


While some of the things I posted were rage posts, I later apologised and was treated like the boy who cried wolf, banned from forums, forced to receive a refund thru paypal (which I never cashed)

Fair enough I suppose, but I have since rather enjoyed telling the story to all sorts of other forums, and established a quite interesting following as a result.

Their behaviour is not limited to me or Bram, or anyone else, it is opened to people who criticised the game, since release I have read countless postings from poeple on all sorts of forms who ahve been banned for saying something negative on WMD. Some folk are not the type to critique, some prefer to keep scthum, some might read and not buy. Some no doubt think "what an idiot" Fair enough.

There are simple solutions, if you did it on here you would get warned no doubt, then perhaps a personal message from a mod. There you are just banned. That is about as customer serviceable as being shot before trial.

A little OTT of me I know, but cmon guys, they were trying to sell you something, trying to take your money to pay for their QA testing, trying to use modders brilliance to sort out bugs in their for profit game. I am totally fine with what happened to me, I deserved it. But what has utterly fascinated me is how THAT thread went almost viral, and it also led plenty of people to realise these are not guys you should criticise.

If only a few people realised this and either did not get involved or were able to keep their trap shut, then the whole saga was worth it.
While some of the things I posted were rage posts, I later apologised and was treated like the boy who cried wolf, banned from forums, forced to receive a refund thru paypal (which I never cashed)

They did explain that the forum was a virtual office, which is quite different than a pub forum like racedepartment. Go nuts in emails at the office, get fired. Simple as that.

Fair enough I suppose, but I have since rather enjoyed telling the story to all sorts of other forums, and established a quite interesting following as a result.

Appreciate your doing that. As the Hollywood saying goes, there's no such thing as bad publicity.

Their behaviour is not limited to me or Bram, or anyone else, it is opened to people who criticised the game

That's the "banned for no reason" trope. For the millionth time, it wasn't about criticism, it was about how its expressed. If the people that got banned "for no reason" behave the same way IRL, they'll get nowhere. The idea is to tailor your phrasing to your audience.

There are simple solutions, if you did it on here you would get warned no doubt, then perhaps a personal message from a mod. There you are just banned. That is about as customer serviceable as being shot before trial.

Surely you understand the difference between WMD and a public sim racing forum? If not, I can see why you'd be confused.

A little OTT of me I know, but cmon guys, they were trying to sell you something, trying to take your money to pay for their QA testing, trying to use modders brilliance to sort out bugs in their for profit game.

Of course they took the money. That was the point! Along with the help of the community to QA and such. It was all on a voluntary basis, and those that were good at it reaped rewards, such as tool pack upgrades, or being hired by SMS. That's not a bad thing. And, after they took our money, made the game, sold it, we get more money back then what we put in. What the heck did you expect?

If only a few people realised this and either did not get involved or were able to keep their trap shut, then the whole saga was worth it.

99% of the members realized it and benefited. Only a few people (percentage wise) got banned. Stop blaming SMS and maybe consider it was the individuals that did it to themselves.
From what I've heard via the internet and various other sim racing forums. The official projectcars forums basically do not allow ANY type of criticism whatsoever. If you don't have something nice to say you get banned.... The crazy thing is, I've been told by members of their team on this racedepartment forum that I should stop talking about the bugs/faults!

Some have even private messaged me to tell me to stop being so negative haha!

Well, I'm gonna call it how I see it.

Tell me, have you been able to play ANY form of the career mode without experiencing at LEAST one game breaking bug? How about that the weather is 100% scripted in career mode? That kinda sucks aye...

"If you don't like the game then you should just ask for a refund" ... Hmmm... How about you deliver a the game that you hyped so much??

It feels like there was a directive sent out to members to try to discredit any players with any kind of criticisms against the game...

The funny thing is, those few people on this forum who were so vocal and quick with their defence are now out of excuses. People like bmanic who can't answer simple questions, accusing people of "agendas" without any proof nor substance to his claims... It's blatantly obvious what he is trying to achieve... Pot > Kettle > Black.

The community has spoken, the game is a BETA at best. We got sold on the HYPE... We won't be fooled again.

Does anyone else feel like they're playing one of the most beautiful looking bugged / scripted racing games of the last few years?
From what I've heard via the internet and various other sim racing forums. The official projectcars forums basically do not allow ANY type of criticism whatsoever. If you don't have something nice to say you get banned.... The crazy thing is, I've been told by members of their team on this racedepartment forum that I should stop talking about the bugs/faults!

Because the interwebz said it, it must be true! More "banned for no reason" trope. There's a ton of criticism on the WMD forums. I don't think you know the definition of "criticism". You can criticize anything there, but dispassionately, accurately (reproduceable etc.), and without nailing yourself to the cross. That's why WMD exists - to elicit that kind of feedback.

The funny thing is, those few people on this forum who were so vocal and quick with their defence are now out of excuses. People like Micas who can't answer simple questions, accusing people of "agendas" without any proof nor substance to his claims... It's blatantly obvious what he is trying to achieve... Pot > Kettle > Black.

What "simple question" am I not answering? Unless it's privileged info, I'll tell you anything you want to know. I would have thought that much, at least, was obvious.

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