PC1 Project Cars Forum Moderators Banning Customers!

I just wanted to make you all aware to be very careful and withhold any and all complaints on the official Project Cars forums. If you make it known you are having problems with the game and dare to complain, they will ban you, just as they did to me today. It is completely unacceptable to silence customers in this manner. I chose to make SMS, WMD and end users aware of any issues I was experiencing with the game, and they are numerous, as they occurred and for this I paid the price. I post this here so others can be careful and not suffer the same fate.
You can prioritize whatever you want, simple fact is that a lot of these issues shouldn't have been in a gold release if the game was properly tested before release.

That the focus needs to be on single player first I totally disagree with. This game was sold to us, similar as with AC, as a working multiplayer game. If that 10% - 20% of online players doesn't matter anymore to developers they should not include multiplayer features at all and skip it and fully focus on career and offline play, or even better: completely ignore us PC sim racers as we aren't 10% compared to the bigger console crowd either.

"From listening and seeing how our WMD community have played Project CARS throughout development, and from seeing how racing fans play other titles out there, we hope that all these features listed go a long way in ensuring Project CARS' online play is not only authentic and intense but also seamless and efficient".

In what universe is MP seamless and efficient with this game?

After running daily events for the last two weeks it has been everything but seamless and efficient. It has been a nightmare to get players in a dedicated (invisible) hosted room and once they get in and on track the stability has been awful: random disconnections, synchronizing issues, timing bugs, an extremely basic and unstable dedicated server tool, unstable Steam lobby, weird design choices, silly low amount of grid slots on some tracks, and a total lack of basic server features that sim racing league admins all over the internet have been using for over a decade now with other sims.

But when it works the immersion in pCARS is second to none as I am honestly blown away by how fabulous it looks with the weather changes, beautiful day / night transitions, awesome looking GT and LMP cars and the most iconic endurance circuit in the world: Le Mans :inlove: and that alone is worth the price of the game for me if it would actually work properly online.

But, that misplaced hype of most authentic racing game to date: absolutely not. For such a qualification too much is broken or not even included. For years I have been reading that this game doesn't have a publisher (big bad EA) so who decided to rush out this untested and unpolished PC version full of bugs then?
It's like walking into a cancelled concert and having the promoter stand there and answer questions from 50,000 disappointed customers. He should not be confronting anyone, what could go wrong. LOL. A comprehensive list of acknowledged problems and asking for "patience while our dev team does everything it can to fix the problems that we are fully aware of. Here is a list of things we already know. Thank you for being a part of the Pcars community and stay tuned" That guy needs a PR person. LOL.
This game was sold to us, similar as with AC, as a working multiplayer game. If that 10% - 20% of online players doesn't matter anymore to developers they should not include multiplayer features at all and skip it
Because AC hasn't done that so far ?

Seriously, WTF is wrong with this part of the community ? You guys disgust me, never seen so much childish behavior in one thread. That you don't like Ian's answers is perfectly fine, but all you guys keep doing is attacking him and being spiteful. Ridiculous.

I guess I really shouldn't be surprised all things considered...
Slow clap...awesome job guys. Yeah lets just chase the man who makes the decisions on pcars right out of these forums forever.

What is it about this place? Anyone who gets kicked out of the pcars scene for poor behaviour seems to come immediately here to spout off about it.

Did AC not ship with a single bug? Did rF2 get released in perfect working order? Is development on iRacing or r3e completely finished? To me it seems 99% of games end up patched at some point.
Because AC hasn't done that so far ?

Seriously, WTF is wrong with this part of the community ? You guys disgust me, never seen so much childish behavior in one thread. That you don't like Ian's answers is perfectly fine, but all you guys keep doing is attacking him and being spiteful. Ridiculous.

I guess I really shouldn't be surprised all things considered...
How is that an attack on Ian? That is a criticism of the game. In fact, Ian was not mentioned once in Bram's post whatsoever. It appears to me that there is some truth to the claims that SMS will not allow people to make criticisms. After all, someone does it here and suddenly there is people posting that we are all attacking Ian, when that is not the case. Many honest questions were asked long before any hostility. They still have not been directly answered. Every time that is pointed out someone comes in and says, "Everyone is just attacking Ian."

It appears to me that the things we hear happen there, are now spilling onto RD as well. If you want to address someone making a claim for a reason that you say is untrue or inaccurate that is one thing. If you are in the public eye, everything you say has to be censored. Sometimes saying nothing at all is better.

The line of people coming to trash RD following the discussion just further shows it.

On top of that there is this -
Enjoy your free copies Bram but there's no need to be so confrontational.

That is just ridiculously unprofessional. Giving something for free, then waving that fact around in public is a rotten thing to do, between two people. Between two businesses, it's just bad business.

Bottom line - the consumer will always question the product. The producer needs to be ready to back up their product in a professional manner. The claims all say that SMS is unwilling to do that, Ian says they are. The actions I see say they are not. Actions speak louder than words.

Perhaps there is nothing of these claims of banning for no reason, perhaps they are truly all troublemakers. Isn't it better to let them show that themselves rather than feed into it? People make claims of banning and attack after expressing opinions, do it here, and then are attacked here also by the same people. What does that say to those looking in from the outside?
You can prioritize whatever you want, simple fact is that a lot of these issues shouldn't have been in a gold release if the game was properly tested before release.

That the focus needs to be on single player first I totally disagree with. This game was sold to us, similar as with AC, as a working multiplayer game. If that 10% - 20% of online players doesn't matter anymore to developers they should not include multiplayer features at all and skip it and fully focus on career and offline play, or even better: completely ignore us PC sim racers as we aren't 10% compared to the bigger console crowd either.

"From listening and seeing how our WMD community have played Project CARS throughout development, and from seeing how racing fans play other titles out there, we hope that all these features listed go a long way in ensuring Project CARS' online play is not only authentic and intense but also seamless and efficient".

In what universe is MP seamless and efficient with this game?

After running daily events for the last two weeks it has been everything but seamless and efficient. It has been a nightmare to get players in a dedicated (invisible) hosted room and once they get in and on track the stability has been awful: random disconnections, synchronizing issues, timing bugs, an extremely basic and unstable dedicated server tool, unstable Steam lobby, weird design choices, silly low amount of grid slots on some tracks, and a total lack of basic server features that sim racing league admins all over the internet have been using for over a decade now with other sims.

But when it works the immersion in pCARS is second to none as I am honestly blown away by how fabulous it looks with the weather changes, beautiful day / night transitions, awesome looking GT and LMP cars and the most iconic endurance circuit in the world: Le Mans :inlove: and that alone is worth the price of the game for me if it would actually work properly online.

But, that misplaced hype of most authentic racing game to date: absolutely not. For such a qualification too much is broken or not even included. For years I have been reading that this game doesn't have a publisher (big bad EA) so who decided to rush out this untested and unpolished PC version full of bugs then?

Besides being a possible reason why Mr. Bell is only but so concerned about our PC leagues (ALWAYS follow the money), it's a good example of being either short-sighted or downright blind to where the butter on your bread comes from.

Re: Xbox One:
On one hand, it's got so much potential and you can catch glimpses of a revolutionary game that would have been (or may still be?) talked about for years and years to come as the gold standard by breaking the mold. And what's worse, SMS had the console crowd in the palm of their hands. And then...
1. The weather cycle is broken
2. Tire modeling/FFB for the #1 wheel (both as promoted and as used, the TX) is horribly broken.
3. Traction control on "real" setting in FFB on F1 cars.
4. Frame Rate issues (I know these are being addressed) and stuttering.
5. The lack of any real post race telemetry.
6. The complete lack of forethought regarding the simple issue of button mapping.
7. Did I mention the single most important thing...physics...oh yea, see #2.

And on PS4, poor souls, with a better machine, I fully admit, they have to put up with hideous blurring. And that's over 60% of your sales market?!?! I guess it's true...computer technicians and effective PR/Business Managers can't exist in the same person generally (or rarely).

To bolster this line of rationale, take a look at these numbers, according to Steam:

Available for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC platforms, Sony's console accounts for 63% of Project CARS sales. Meanwhile, Xbox One accounts for 31% of sales, whereas PC accounts for 6%. Note that most copies of the PC version of Project CARS were sold digitally.

Now I realize all games are developed on the PC, but shouldn't someone somewhere realize that 90% of the people who will buy the game will not be on a PC? And as Shift2 proved, that can set you back years. Ian...tell me...how much time did you spend testing the FFB in the Thrustmaster on the xbox? Because if you spent a lot of time, your devs have some explaining to do vis-a-vis the ffb on your main wheel. And if you spent no time, then...well, that's just not excusable. Sorry to be so blunt, but this is basic stuff. And it sounds harsh, but I'm the one who runs the only xbox league on here, and was your biggest fan. Then, after the game comes out, your first patch addresses CONTROLLER issues on the xbox? WTF? Are you a SIM or aren't you?

I know you have that behemoth Microsoft in your way at times, and I do trust that you WANT to do the right thing, but it's hard to see from these simple facts. For instance, the game that SIM guys have been praying for (yours, BTW) will have to await the *second* patch for the ffb issues to be addressed. This is pretty sloppy. How can you not simply play the game and know this before you release it? Or were you too worried about optimizing the controller? Ian, I don't have a beef with you and I'm glad you are here...and I don't know the history you had here long ago, but I sincerely hope you are wiser about the fixes (and they do come) than you were about the xbox release.
What are you doing guys?? You had such a great possibility to speak with developers here and thanks to your arrogance NOW WE CAN'T!!!!!
Take a look at Ian Bells post history. I don't think we ever had 'such a great possibility to speak with developers'
His last post before this thread was a :) november of 2013
Before that it was when a similar thing happened august 2012

He didnt post here to give much needed answers and to speak with the rd community he posted here to because someone made another claim against him
Something that jumps in my eye in the known bug list which Ian posted, is this:

Game crashes when moving from Practice/Qualifying into race.....FIXED!?!

Every single event I have joined here on RD (after the patch) has crashed shortly after the race starts. Too bad they call this "fixed" cause this is the main reason why online racing is impossible at the moment.
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Well there is still plenty venom in the sim racing community.
I remember kunos simulazioni getting it after their release of nKpro.
I remember iRacing getting it in relation to a popular mod.
Fortunes have changed and these two can do no wrong is most people eyes today.
This will all be forgotten in time and when this happens we will have another studio dedicated to driving sims.
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Ian's response makes it look as though he never got actively involved in the development of the game, or that he hasn't tried his own product as extensively as his own customer base.

It sounds as though he's just the business man, the name behind the brand. He will manage the finances, the processes, make the deals, delegate tasks etc. but won't be actively involved in development or testing for his own product.

His responses sound like he's conveying things he was told as experience of his own, rather than using things he's experienced first hand. If this is the case then perhaps communication in SMS needs some work.

Sounds like someone's been asked a question by the boss and has fledged out some tripe to cover his own behind. The boss then uses this response in public statements and get's burned at the stake for speaking the same rubbish he was told.

Creative right? :)
I have no idea on the history of this but it was odd on all sides....

The history of hating on PCars in the Sim Community goes back to before it was even begun as a WMD project.
Which is why I'm amazed this "community" (LOL) even bothered with the title.
Hated before it began, hated through it's entire development, of course it's going to be hated on release.

The whole thing is just sad.

In before the dislike from Chronus! :)
I think most of us are so passionate (I am) because the game has so much potential and we were really rooting for it. It's just a shame SMS can't seem to ever get things right. Truth is, right now it's 100x better than Forza, but it could be so much better. I hope their commitment to it in the future sticks. They really did give a good effort...I have to hand them that. And I'll take it any day over all the other stuff out there on the Xbox.
The way I see things is that as a business regardless what you think closed doors you must maintain your professionalism at all times with your customers. Even if you are getting a right ear bashing the old motto 'the customer is always right' still holds true today.

Although I am really enjoying PCARS at the moment, I am surprised that there is still no patch or even a hotfix coming. There is no excuse on PC not to constantly update even it only fixes a few minor things, but for a game that has been in testing for years to release with this many bugs and still not have any addressed, does worry me about the future of this title.

Day one patches are commonplace in the industry these days yet nothing other than a minor MP patch has been released.

As for the issues on consoles how you release a game that is flawed when using it's primary control mechanism (xboxone) and still not fixed is not really good enough.

It would of been nice if Ian had come on here and started a thread that was thankful to us all for purchasing the game, also some sort of timeline for addressing the issues rather than what has occurred in this thread. Ian is obviously well aware of RD so why use it for good PR rather than this disaster area.

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