Proper Braking Techniques

I think I'm doing something wrong when braking. When I am close to an opponent and hit the brakes at the same point on the track, I always seem to bump them from behind (aka, they're slowing down faster). This happens even if I have the brake pedal pressed 100%. Is it because my downshifting is too slow? What else should I be watching out for when this happens?

I'm asking because I want to ensure I'm not "that guy" when I decide to purchase an RD membership and race with y'all.

Any help / tips are greatly appreciated.
What car?
you don`t necessary need pressing it to 100% (depends on car and style), just 90%, and than as slowing down progresivelly ease of brake pedal while you are downshifting. Before you are confident enough to trailbrake, do the slowing down on straight, before you turn to corner ..
Watch the replay to see if your wheels gets locked .. if you press and hold brake on 100% there is a big chance you are locking, even with ABS

Also brake when you need, not when car ahead of you is braking (unless you have to brake earlier cause he brakes early and you are not in position to overtake).. specialy in MP where guy in a front of you could be just better on brakes, has better setup, his tyres are less worn off or tyres have different temps than your.

Find reference point on track where you need to brake (trees, curbs, side roads..) start with earlier braking and every lap try to brake little bit latter till you find your limit
Happens with all cars / classes. I play DTM 1992 and 2013 mostly, so I guess you can use those a reference point.

Thanks for the advice. I try not to go 100% on the brakes, but still being somewhat new to sim racing with a "real setup", I know I probably do it a lot. I'll take what you've said and try to apply it next time I'm on the track.
I used to have the same problem. Now when I brake I jump on the pedal and immediately start easing back off, all the way to the apex of the corner, by which time I'm back on the throttle and accelerating away. Works so well that I can brake waaay later. I got this advice from Ian Donaldson who is my neighbour! Also, remember that as the disc heats up it expands and adds to the braking power.
I'm not sure if this is modeled into R3E, but it may be due to dirty air. When you're trailing a car, especially closely, you are in the "wake" of that car which means there isn't as much air pushing on the front of your car which means you have less braking ability. Plus, the draft/slipstream will be pulling you forward which also can make your brakes less effective.

A general tip, especially when you start racing online, is to anticipate when the lead driver will brake and brake a few meters before that. It's much more important to have better exit speed than entry speed, so brake a little early, follow him/her through the turn and focus on getting a better exit so you can get a run on them after the turn. Chances are the lead driver is watching you in the mirror and feeling a bit of pressure or worrying about how close you're going to get to them. As a result they may not take a perfect approach to the turn and their exit speed may suffer, so by focusing on getting your best exit speed possible you'll be set up to get past them as you exit. Don't worry about braking at the very latest point, there have been many times where I braked rather early but got such a good exit that I was able to make the pass or at least gain some good ground.

When you finally go online, remember this mantra: Don't force the overtake, force a mistake. Hang right on their bumper, stick your nose left, stick your nose right (without actually getting alongside them), keep them guessing as to what you're going to do, they'll be so focused on worrying about you that eventually they will likely slip up and you'll be able to cruise right on by knowing you made a clean pass. :thumbsup:

Watch this video to learn about why exit speed is so important, and many other tidbits about how to drive faster. It's a bit long, and old, but still totally relevant and accurate.