Pure 360hz adding effects

Normally i use my rfactor ffb-settings for effects like curbs, vibrations, throttle-effects etc.
But this works only in Pure+Effects3 in AMS.
If i try 360hz with my G27 (with identic PLR-values for throttle and brake fx) i like the feeling of loosing grip and hitting the curbs, but i`m missing throttle and brake vibes. Driving longer straights is a bit boring cause the steering feels dead.
Is it possible to add the missing effects in the 360hz mode?
I´m driving with 86% FFB-Strength and 26% Low Force. Playing with these Parameters do not help.
for G27 min force is advised to bearound 80 due massive deadzone .. so try going higher not necessary up to 80 (by devs) ..just go up till you start to feel constant feedback from road around centre .. than straight won`t be boring .. fpr my DFGT 25-28 is enough but that have no deadzone compared to G27

As far as I know those canned effects you wanna add are available only for 180Hz ..personaly I wouldn`t go with anything but Pure as it is vivid and lively more than enough on my wheel but everybody likes something else ..

EDIT: if you are curious about FFB in AMS this might help too: https://forum.reizastudios.com/threads/automobilista-how-the-ffb-works-and-what-is-new-about-it.45/
for G27 min force is advised to bearound 80 due massive deadzone ...

EDIT: if you are curious about FFB in AMS this might help too: https://forum.reizastudios.com/threads/automobilista-how-the-ffb-works-and-what-is-new-about-it.45/
I only play AMS from time to time but it's fun everytime! :)
I can approve the deadzone of the G27 and I have the min force around 85%!

To your edit link: wow, thanks! I googled around a bit but it was all over my head. I didn't want to spend hours of hours again for another game after doing so for pcars, ac and raceroom. It wasn't THAT needed for me.

But this link is really nice structured! So I will just go into this ini file, set the frequency to 360 Hz and only activate the pedal vibrations. Awesome!

I will report back when I did this. Probably in two weeks when I take part in another AMS race :)
When you all say "min force" are you referring to "FFB Low Force Boost" or a different setting ?
For me that's exactly the same.
But I read that there are a few values in the realfeel.ini that have a similar impact to deadzone etc.

In general: min force names:
- ac: min ffb
- pcars1: deadzone removal
- ams: low force boost