Q and G2 rules

Hi guys.

just wanna say that I just failed to enter G1 so im a bit dissapointed at the moment, and that can be why this is writen in a negative way.

But its not because im a bad looser or something like that. but i would ask if the admins could take a look at the PQ and G2 rules. When i desited to enter the league i wasent sure if i had a chance for G1 so i was not sure if i wanted to pay "alot" money for it. but when I found out about the G2 i thought it was a "guarentee" for me to race, but now, 5 races in the season i have missed 3 races. i mostly did this for fun, but as i see it rigth now, i just payd for a 10 min Q and thats it.

I know its not the admins fault that not more people race, but i hope you will see if there is anything you can do. maybe lower the points in g2 but ensure its there.
100% agree. Its a lot of money for 10mins and a lot of time during the week doing practice. Im sure there was a rule a couple of years ago that if you did allocate and not turn up you got some kind of penalty.
If people agree with this issue, please reply here, so the adminitration will notice. othervise we will just stay with 10 min pre q and nothing else. even if you are usually making it to g1, please help us and reply here.
i agree with this 100% cause i once had lag issues in pq and screw up lap so least what i wanted from that weekend was race even short race and with just few people but since there was just 5 or so who missed grid 1 got no race at all and wouldnt want anyone to have to go trough that
I've been thinking about it lately too. I havent been on grid 2 yet (I've come very close!) but I'd imagine that, due to the amount of practice that goes into a race weekend, I'd be pretty annoyed. If there's just 1 or 2 people extra, why not just open up the grid by the few slots?
yes, but you should think that a league like FSR had more than 36 drivers.

And by the way, if you dont have anything positive to say, then plz don't say anything at all. we are all here to have fun. you are in g1 so you have fun, we dont, and we ask if the admins could help. if this is hurting you, say so, othervise, don't.
I don't get why you said such kind of things like "if you dont have anything positive to say" "dont say anything at all", "if this is hurting you" ... As WT Director I'm telling you how is the current situation. It's not our fault if you don't pay attention on what the rule says regarding G1&G2 races.
sorry for being Agrresive. and i know the rules. ii was just hoping that in situations like this, something whould be done for helping us. i know that FSR is a big league and propperbly the biggest out there, but plz dont forget us the smaller teams.
I second what Tim says, Why not open the grid. This could be quite useful for the WS as it's usually one full grid with 1 race. There was preq once and one driver was not allowed to race. Could have just let him race...
I dont think its that easy, because you need to build more garage's in the pits.
At some tracks like hungary anything higher than 26 cars they start on the grass.
And then there is the lag issue of so many drivers conected to the server.
I think this subject is always going to be a issue with a league like fsr, one way to solve it is get more Wt entries then a grid 2 is gaurenteed!
I know its hard to get on grid 1 as the drivers are all fast... I think anyone who makes grid 1 should be considered as a fast driver... Im not sure what else the solution can be other than more numbers to make grid 2 fuller.
thats the thing 40 people allocated for the last 2 races a few did say they couldnt so you need 36 to say they would be racing so were are the other 7 or 8 people that dont show. Last season or season before wasnt there a penalty if you allocated and didnt show?

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