Question About Cockpit View in VR? - AC

AC, PC2 and iRacing are a few of the sims that I've gotten to consistently run on my new VR headset - Lenovo Explorer (WMR). (RaceRoom is very inconsistent - I've asked about that in a separate thread).

However, in AC, I find myself sitting awfully low in some of the open-wheelers. Is there a way to raise the view just a bit so that I can more clearly see down the track past the nose of the car? I don't have this problem in iRacing or PC2, only in AC. So, is there an adjustment somewhere? I've searched, but can't find anything.

There's an app to change the view position in the cockpit; "onboard" something or other. Forget the exact name. It allows you to adjust the height, lateral position, fore/aft position and pitch on a per-car basis. Don't forget to save the position!