F1 2011 question about xbox league? (racing line)

F1 2011 The Game (Codemasters)
I am looking to join the world cup league as i still drive with traction control on med( and switch from full 2 days ago).
but can people use the racin line in the world cup league? i dont use it and i think other drivers that use it have a good advantage with it. my times r down by around 1-2 seconds when i dont use the racing line, but i love the experince with no line its brilliant. i am raging i never got use to it in f12010.
Bram will be pleased to know the League regs are as stated in their thread.
World Championship -no assists
World Cup-TCS Med, Auto gears.
and that is it no other assists.

UR Man Sheedy you will find that you will get faster without racing line.
It is handy to first learn the track the very first time but once you drop it you will start to see more clearly your braking marker etc.
You can practice to your hearts content in single player (GP) mode with it on but its not available in the league.

PS: The paddock section in the league is the place to discuss / ask questions on a particular league. More ppl will be able to help you.
Ok thanks David. i will use the paddock area if i have anymore questions.

On the racing line issue, im delighted theres no line in your league as i dont use it anymore. Its alot better and i will get faster with more practise.

Once i get use to all the tracks i will joining one of your leagues i hope.

Thanks for the help guys.
Its grown a lot.
In 2010 game there was only assisted leagues (all assists).
We have been building a full sim crew (no assists) with weekly races (Pro Ams) and now ppl are ready.
We have also had strong new signups. Currently 30 No assists (Championship), 24 Low assists. (Cup).
Indeed thats the whole idea.
Go to Club section. You will see threads for the Pro Ams. (Only Turkey so far) with full explanation.
Also the League Practice races are in there and all scheduled ready for signup.
Only thing is the Pro Ams allow auto box only. They are the place to practice racing w/out TCS.
The League practice races use World Cup assists level (TCS-Med, Auto box)
You simply sign up in the thread for that race once your license is through.

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