Quick way to reset mirrors to default?


As per thread title. :)

Somehow unintentionally adjusted my mirrors in the Oreca 07 earlier and they are now all over the show. :D (Think my caps lock key was on when I was adjusting my seating position)

Is there a quick way to reset them all to default or do I need to adjust each individually? If the latter then what does anyone know what the default value for each mirror is?

There is no 'default' value for most of the rF2 cars. That is one of the complaints from many users. You have to turn on a feature in a JSON file so that each car remembers the mirror positions. But, back to your question. Here is a tip from ADSTA:

Can you save a per car seat and mirror setting?
In your player.JSON / Game Options, find the line:
"User Vehicle Data#":"0=save with user mod data (in CCH files), 1=save separately (in all_vehicles.ini)",
and here is a link to his very very very exhaustive Mirror Guide.