Race #02, Malaysia: Post-Race Checks

The appeal deadline is Sunday, May 6th @ 8:20 GMT

Bono Huis

Q1: Clean
Q2: Clean
Log: Clean
Launch Control: Used
Pitstop: Lap 13, 27, 41
Penalty: Official Warning for Incident #11

Morgan Morand

Q1: Clean
Q2: Clean
Log: Clean
Launch Control: Used
Pitstop: Lap 13, 28, 43
Penalty: 2.0 Penalty Points for Incident #3, Official Warning for Incident #2

Fredrik Nilsson

Q1: Clean
Q2: Clean
Log: Clean
Launch Control: Used
Pitstop: Lap 12, 26, 41
Penalty: N/A

Rasmus Tali

Q1: Clean
Q2: Clean
Log: Clean
Launch Control: Used
Pitstop: Lap 14, 28, 42
Penalty: 1.0 Penalty Points for Incident #5

Jim Parisis

Q1: Clean
Q2: Clean
Log: Clean
Launch Control: Used
Pitstop: Lap 14, 28, 42
Penalty: N/A

Yannick Lapchin

Q1: Clean
Q2: Clean
Log: Clean
Launch Control: Used
Pitstop: Lap 14, 29, 43
Penalty: N/A

Dian Kostadinov

Q1: Clean
Q2: N/A
Log: Clean
Launch Control: Used
Pitstop: Lap 14, 28, 42
Penalty: N/A

Mikko Puumalainen

Q1: Clean
Q2: N/A
Log: Clean
Launch Control: Used
Pitstop: Lap 15, 29, 43
Penalty: N/A

Gergo Baldi

Q1: Clean
Q2: Clean
Log: Clean
Launch Control: Used
Pitstop: Lap 13, 27, 41
Penalty: N/A

Raino Room

Q1: Clean
Q2: Clean
Log: Clean
Launch Control: Used
Pitstop: Lap 14, 28, 41
Penalty: Official Warning for Incident #6

John-Eric Saxen

Q1: Clean
Q2: N/A
Log: Clean
Launch Control: Used
Pitstop: Lap 14, 28, 42
Penalty: N/A

Petar Brljak

Q1: Clean
Q2: N/A
Log: Clean
Launch Control: Used
Pitstop: Lap 13, 27, 42
Penalty: N/A

Patrick De Wit

Q1: Clean
Q2: Clean
Log: Clean
Launch Control: Used
Pitstop: Lap 13, 14, 26, 40
Penalty: N/A

Peter Varga

Q1: Wrong file (Q2 session replay)
Q2: N/A
Log: Clean
Launch Control: Used
Pitstop: Lap 14, 28, 42
Penalty: Back of the Grid for Qualifying Infraction, 1.0 Penalty Points for Incident #1

Eros Masciulli

Q1: Wrong file (Practice replay)
Q2: N/A
Log: Clean
Launch Control: Used
Pitstop: Lap 14, 29, 43
Penalty: Back of the Grid for Qualifying Infraction, Official Warning for Incident #4

Blair Disley

Q1: Clean
Q2: N/A
Log: Clean
Launch Control: Used
Pitstop: Lap 22, 39
Penalty: 1.0 Penalty Points for Incident #7

Jimmy Dion

Q1: No File
Q2: N/A
Log: Save All Replay Sessions="0"
Launch Control: Not Used
Pitstop: Lap 14, 29, 45
GPCOS: Late GPCOS comment
Penalty: Back of the Grid for Qualifying Infraction, Official Warning for Log Infraction, Official Warning for late GPCOS comment, Official Warning for not using Launch Control (if there had been any advantage gained or danger caused to other drivers, this would be an automatic DQ)

Jonathan Dion

Q1: Clean
Q2: N/A
Log: Clean
Launch Control: Not Used
Pitstop: Lap 14, 28, 42 CUT
GPCOS: Late GPCOS comment
Penalty: Official Warning for Pitexit Infraction, Official Warning for late GPCOS comment, Official Warning for not using Launch Control (if there had been any advantage gained or danger caused to other drivers, this would be an automatic DQ)

George Chatzipantelis

Q1: Wrong file (fastest race lap)
Q2: N/A
Log: Wrong race number set in the manager (#0), Save All Replay Sessions="0"
Launch Control: Used
Pitstop: Lap 16, 34, 44
GPCOS: Late GPCOS comment
Penalty: Back of the Grid for Qualifying infraction, Official Warning for Log Infraction, Official Warning for late GPCOS comment

David Greco

Q1: Clean
Q2: N/A (didn't finish the lap)
Log: Clean
Launch Control: Used
Pitstop: Lap 1, 14, 28
GPCOS: Late GPCOS comment
Penalty: Official Warning for late GPCOS comment

Fabrizio Gobbi

Q1: Clean
Q2: N/A
Log: Clean
Launch Control: Used
Pitstop: Lap 15
Penalty: N/A

Marcel vd Linden

Q1: Clean
Q2: N/A
Log: Clean
Launch Control: Used
Pitstop: Lap 12, 23
GPCOS: Late GPCOS comment
Penalty: Official Warning for late GPCOS comment

Martin Gosbee

Q1: Clean
Q2: N/A
Log: Clean
Launch Control: Used
Pitstop: Lap 14
Penalty: N/A

Giorgos Manousakis

Q1: Clean
Q2: N/A
Log: Clean
Launch Control: Used
Pitstop: N/A
Penalty: N/A

Giuseppe Marconi

Q1: Clean
Q2: N/A
Log: Clean
Launch Control: Used
Pitstop: N/A
Penalty: N/A

Giuseppe Rainieri

Q1: Clean
Q2: N/A
Log: Clean
Launch Control: Used
Pitstop: N/A
Penalty: N/A

Driver(s) Involved: Blair Disley, Peter Varga

Lap/Replay Time: Lap 1/4:26

Protest Description: Disley takes his usual line going into the S-turns in sector 2. Varga attempted to go up the inside of Disley, where room was disappearing. Made contact with Disley resulting in Disley losing 3 positions as well as some slight damage to the rear of the car which may have cost some loss in performance to Disley's car for the rest of the race.

Review: Disley is following in Chatzipantelis' dirty air through T5-6. His speed through the corner is slightly compromised because of this. Varga attempts to pass Disley on the inside in T6 in an over optimistic move where Disley would never suspect it, resulting in contact with Disley losing 3 positions.

Verdict: 1.0 Penalty Points to Peter Varga

Driver(s) Involved: Bono Huis, Morgan Morand

Lap/Replay Time: Lap 15, 26:19

Protest Description: Morand tries a very late braking attempt into turn 4, while being over 2 car lengths behind Huis. Morand goes straight into the corner missing the apex by a huge margin due to his extremely late braking attempt and hits Huis who is already in the corner. Huis suffers damage and is lucky not to loose his frontwing.

Review: Huis and Morand are approaching T4, with Huis and Morand being seperated by 1 car length. Morand attempts to outbrake Huis on the inside, arriving with too much speed. The two make contact as Huis turns in to the corner, with Morand running wide and Huis keeping the place.

Verdict: Official Warning to Morgan Morand

Driver(s) Involved: Bono Huis, Morgan Morand

Lap/Replay Time: Lap 56, 90:27

Protest Description: Morand, this time being over 3 car lengths behind, launches another unrealistic and desctructive attempt to overtake in the last lap. On the white line shortly before turn 1, his speed was 255 km/h whereas on the previous lap he had 227, that is almost 30 km/h difference. Due to such late braking he goes straight in the corner and hits Huis, causing him more damage. During the impact Morand lost a bit of speed, nevertheless he still missed the corner by a big margin. Only thanks to luck Huis didn’t suffer any fatal damage.
We would like to stress the incredible danger of such overoptimistic moves. FSR has worked very hard on removing such incidents in 2010 and 2011 and we wouldn’t like to see such drivers getting away with light penalties for such serious rule breaches.

Review: Huis and Morand are approaching T1, with Huis leading and the cars being seperated by 2 and a half car lengths. Morand attempts a very late braking manouver, which results in contact at the apex of T1, with Huis keeping the position.

Verdict: 2.0 Penalty Points for Morgan Morand, this type of driving will not be allowed.

Driver(s) Involved: Bono Huis, Eros Masciulli

Lap/Replay Time: Lap 45 , 74:07

Protest Description: Masciulli – AT Racing driver – which is the 2nd team of ATR. Brakes very early (about 5-10m earlier then on his other laps), nearly stops on the apex (slowest speed in that corner was 63kph, compared to other laps 74kph minimum) in turn 9 and goes off Huis’ way very slowly. He almost doesn´t accelerate at all on the exit of the corner leaving the track to let Huis go well after the apex with only 80kph. Huis loses almost a second, which was extremely crucial for the development of the race. We cannot prove wether this was a team order or not, however there is a possibility of that and it must be investigated as Huis nearly lost the race because of this incident.

Review: Huis is approaching T9 with Masciulli ahead of him who is about to be lapped. Masciulli drives abnormally in front of Huis, causing Huis to lose some time before getting past.

Verdict: Official Warning for Eros Masciulli

Driver(s) Involved: Mikko Puumalainen, Rasmus Tali

Lap/Replay Time: Lap 29 , 48:25

Protest Description: Tali brakes too late on his pit exit, locks front brakes and goes straight into Puumalainen who suffers damage.

Review: Puumalainen is heading for T1 with Tali exiting the pits at the same time. Puumalainen prepares to take a wide line to leave space for Tali in case he would attempt an overtake on the inside. Tali misses his braking point and makes relatively heavy contact with Puumalainen, causing damage and allowing Tali to take the position.

Verdict: 1.0 Penalty Points for Rasmus Tali

Drivers invovled: raino room - yannick lapchin

Lap/Replay Time: Lap 1 / 14seconds into the lap

Protest descibtion
Room having control over his car on entry,
middle of corner, and then goes way to earlie
on the gas and seeking towards the outside
and pushing lapchin, eventually winning
a position on this pushing move.
We feel its a very bad move, so we protest!

Review: Room is approaching T1 with Lapchin ahead of him on the outside. Room goes to pass Lapchin on the inside, but tries to carry too much speed at the apex and runs wide, making slight contact with Lapchin.

Verdict: Official Warning for Raino Room

Lap/Replay Time: Lap 1 / 18seconds into the lap

Drivers involved: Blair Disley - Eros Masciulli

Protest describtion
After the long 1st corner right hander
Disley is behind Masciulli.
He then for the narrow left hander
the 2nd corner launches into the side
of Masciulli, T-Boning him totally and
spinning him around. Absolutely not
belonging on a race track.

Review: Masciulli is going through T1 and entering T2 ahead of Disley. Disley misjudges the entry for T2 and makes contact with Masciulli, causing him to half-spin and lose 6 positions.

Verdict: 1.0 Penalty Points for Blair Disley

Lap/Replay Time: Lap 15 / From 0 seconds into the lap ( From start finish line and forward )

Drivers involved: Bono Huis / Morgan Morand

Protest describtion
Bono is leading in front of Morgan.
Staying middle of the track, then Bono
pulls into the right side of track to deffend.
After that Bono moves totally across the track
into the left side of the track to get better
corner entry. This 2nd illegal line change
makes Bono´s entry to 1st corner much better
and eventually allows him to keep the position
giving Morand a hard time in the following
corner, cause by this illegal 2nd line change.
The line change were illegal and the result
of this illegal move made Bono keeping position.
From the rules:
a) You may only change line ONCE on each straight.
This means, that if you have the outside
line approaching the turn, you are allowed to
switch to the inside line, but then you are not
allowed to switch back to the outside line to
give yourself a better line through the bend
vice versa).
We belive we saw Bono doing what is described in the rules as illegal!!!

Review: Huis is in front of Morand going on the start/finish straight. Morand is closing in the slipstream when Huis makes a move towards the inside of the track, after which Morand chooses the outside approach for T1. Huis then moves back across the track towards the outside, to give himself a better approach for T1. While doing so he still give Morand plenty of space on the outside. This rule was made to eliminate drivers constantly weaving on the straight to try to eliminate drivers from using slipstream. While what Huis did was technically against this rule, his driving was not against the "spirit" of the rules.

Verdict: Nothing

Lap/Replay Time: Lap 15 / 24seconds into the lap

Drivers involved: Bono Huis / Morgan Morand

Protest describtion
Morgan picked up a great slipstream from Bono
and went for an inside overtake.
Bono then made a "schumacher/villeneuve 1997 Jerez"
move on morgan, turning into the driver allready
way up his side. This impact from when Bono turning
into morgan, hitting him on the rear left side
caused Morgans rear end to step out towards
the right side, slide a bit and and loose
momentum. The result of this very bad move
was Bono kept his position and morgan lost time.
If you look onboard from Bono, you can also
see that there is absolutely no regret
or hesitation when steering into Morgan.
Just before the Impact the speed of
Bono is 118 km/h and morgan is 119 km/h.

Review: Read Incident #2

Lap/Replay Time: Lap 56 / 22seconds into the lap

Drivers involved: Bono Huis / Morgan Morand

Protest descibtion
Morgan gets a great tow from Bono and is more
than perfectly lined up for an overtake!!
Bono goes from outside line into the middle
of the track, deffending against Morgan.
Then as Morand gets on his side, Bono makes
a 2nd/illegal change of line out against
Morgan. Not only doing that, he also touch
Morgan who looses momentum and chances of
making an attack before the last lap is
over. Thereby after this loosing chances
of winning. Quite obviously with the speed
Morgan was carrying, it was more than possible!
Not the first time we see this kind
from Bono, and i belive the text under here
describes how illegal it actually is:
From the rules:
a) You may only change line ONCE on each straight.
This means, that if you have the outside
line approaching the turn, you are allowed to
switch to the inside line, but then you are not
allowed to switch back to the outside line to
give yourself a better line through the bend
vice versa).

Review: Huis and Morand are heading for T4, with Huis in front of Morand. As they approach T4, Huis moves towards the inside and Morand takes the outside. Huis moves towards the outside again as with Incident #2, but this time he does not give space fully, resulting in a slight contact with the sidepod of Morand.

Verdict: Official Warning for Bono Huis
Please note that we tried a different method for incident reviews for the start of this season. However this method did not work fast enough. So from now on I will be handling the incident reviews just like the past 2 years, so expect the post-race checks to be posted much sooner after each race.
Sorry for the extremely late appeal reviews:

Appeal #1 (Incident #11: Huis & Morand - Appeal sent by ATR)
The COA does not find conditions to penalize Huis with 1.0 penalty points as the appeal suggests. Firstly, the contact between the two cars was minimal. It is hard to judge from the replay whether the contact upset Morand's car at all, but if so, the resulting deficit was minimal. Secondly, the COA finds that Morand starts his turn-in to the corner somewhat early, considering he has a car alongside. With a later turn-in, the contact would probably not have taken place.
The COA agrees that the warning of Huis stands, since Huis could have left somewhat more room to Morand for the turn-in, as Morand was forced a bit over the curb.

Appeal Result: Penalty stands.

Appeal #2 (Incident #10: Huis & Morand - Appeal sent by ATR)
The COA agrees with the interpretation of the race director. The overtaking attempt of Morand comes from too far behind, and therefore one cannot expect Huis to react in time. Even though the speed at apex is similar between both Huis and Morand, the angle at which Morand enters the corner forces his car very wide at the exit. This leaves virtually no room for Huis to keep alongside Morand. Because Huis was able to re-pass Morand and no significant damage took place, the COA agrees to limit the penalty to a warning, as was originally proposed.

Appeal Result: Penalty stands.

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