Race 07 Club - Questionnaire

In our continuing efforts to improve the racing experience we offer here at RD, we would like to gather some information from the Race 07 community. This questionnaire addresses various aspects of racing on which we would like your opinions. Also, please don't forget to answer the poll above!

Please do not use this thread for discussion. At this point it is solely for answering the questions below. Further feedback threads may be created in the near future for general opinions and suggestions, based on the information we gather here.

Thanks in advance to everyone that takes part in our little survey. :)

Car Classes

Q1) Do you generally prefer default cars from Race 07 and it's expansions, or mod cars?

Q2) Do you prefer tin-tops (eg, touring cars, GT cars) or open-wheelers (eg, Formula BMW, Formula Ford)?

Q3) Do you prefer cars that are relatively easy to handle (eg, touring cars), or cars that can be challenging to keep on the road (eg, GT Pro)?

Q4) Would you prefer a set schedule with fixed classes, or a few days per week on which classes are rotated? (ie, as it is now)


Q5) Do you generally prefer default tracks from Race 07 and it's expansions, or mod tracks?

Q6) Do you prefer wide and sweeping or tight and technical?

Q7) Would you prefer popular tracks to be repeated more often, or for new (unused) tracks to be used whenever possible?

Event Format

Q8) For the regular weekly events, which of the following would you prefer:
- Two races of 20-25 minute duration,
- A single race of 40-50 minute duration.​

Q9) Would you like to see mandatory pit stops, or should they remain optional?

Q10) Would you like to see more events in which changeable weather is enabled?


Q11) If you are one of the majority that choose not to use TeamSpeak, can you tell us why?

Q12) How do you feel about the general driving standards displayed in the Race 07 Club?

Q13) Are you aware that you can report poor driving and breaches of our rules to RaceDepartment staff?

Q14) With new simulators such as rFactor 2 and GTR 3 on the way, will you abandon Race 07 when they are released?
Car Classes

Q1) Do you generally prefer default cars from Race 07 and it's expansions, or mod cars?
If it is a good quality car i don't mind if it is a mod or a Race 07 car, or form one of it expansions

Q2) Do you prefer tin-tops (eg, touring cars, GT cars) or open-wheelers (eg, Formula BMW, Formula Ford)?

Q3) Do you prefer cars that are relatively easy to handle (eg, touring cars), or cars that can be challenging to keep on the road (eg, GT Pro)?
I like both of them

Q4) Would you prefer a set schedule with fixed classes, or a few days per week on which classes are rotated? (ie, as it is now)
In my opinion it is good as it is now


Q5) Do you generally prefer default tracks from Race 07 and it's expansions, or mod tracks?
If it is a good quality track i don't mind if it is a mod or a Race 07 track.

Q6) Do you prefer wide and sweeping or tight and technical?
wide and sweeping

Q7) Would you prefer popular tracks to be repeated more often, or for new (unused) tracks to be used whenever possible?
I would prefer variety, but i wouldn't mind if a popular track wsa repeated more often

Event Format

Q8) For the regular weekly events, which of the following would you prefer:
- Two races of 20-25 minute duration,​
- A single race of 40-50 minute duration.​
Both of them, for example for GT cars i think it is better a longer race, but for touring car i prefer two shorter races. I also like the longer races with the mini's :thumbsup:

Q9) Would you like to see mandatory pit stops, or should they remain optional?
Depends on the duration of the race, for the shorter races, i think they should remain optional, but for the longer races i would like to see a mandatory pitstop.

Q10) Would you like to see more events in which changeable weather is enabled?


Q11) If you are one of the majority that choose not to use TeamSpeak, can you tell us why?
I don't use TeamSpeak because i don't have a good microphone

Q12) How do you feel about the general driving standards displayed in the Race 07 Club?
Very good, i've always seen clean and fair races

Q13) Are you aware that you can report poor driving and breaches of our rules to RaceDepartment staff?

Q14) With new simulators such as rFactor 2 and GTR 3 on the way, will you abandon Race 07 when they are released?
No, if i buy them i may spend less time on Race 07, but i won't abandon it
Car Classes

Q1) Usually I prefer default cars, although there are some mods very well made, I like to race with those too.
Q2) Tin-tops.
Q3) Good handling leads to a close field which is the most fun imo.
Q4) Rotation is very important for me because right now I can almost never race. The only exception is when I have a free day with another free day behind, and I do not travel anywhere, which is rare.


Q5) I like default content, but I like to race on new tracks that I don't know as well.
Q6) Usually I prefer tight and technical circuits (f.e. Monaco).
Q7) I like to see some good old tracks returning, but I like to see new ones as well.

Event Format

Q8) Depends on car class/track type/my mood:)
Q9) Optional, in some cases it's really fun, in other cases it's annoying.
Q10) I like it, so yes.


Q11) I'm not really a chatty guy, especially so when talking in a foreign language I guess, but I've tried Teamspeak a few times in past, and I will in the future.
Q12) I don't know how it went since I last raced (which wasn't yesterday).
Q13) Yes.
Q14) No, I don't have the PC needed to run those sims.
Car Classes

Q1) Default cars, they are better made and save hassle of heavy downloads.

Q2) My favourite class is WTCC, but I don't have the new STCC game so can't race them in the club anymore. I also like FBMW and Radicals which never get a look in here and GTs of coiurse.

Q3) A mixture, I love mastering different cars, each one is fun.

Q4) Fixed but flexible if you get me, a fixed "GT" month, but have GT Pro one week, GT Sport the next etc.


Q5) Expansion tracks definately, love learning new tracks!

Q6) Depends really, I love Monaco and I love Spa but I also love tracks like Ratt;e Snake Point or Bahrain.

Q7) Both! Popular tracks will attract more sign-ups, but for events that already have a good base of people, trying new tracks is always fun.

Event Format

Q8) Two races, gives you more chance to stay if you are involved in a crash or incident, you have the second race to look forward to.

Q9) Mandatory!

Q10) I love the weather system we had, which looks at the real weather at the circuit, and changes accordingly. It was really fun! Loved a race that started dry, and ended wet.


Q11) I use it, more people should also. It's great fun and a good way of getting to know people.

Q12) Overall they have declined in recent years, more public server "I MUST WIN" style attitude, rather than a professional and fun battle between friends.

Q13) Yes and have done a few times.

Q14) Most likely yes
1. Default cars.
2. Tin-tops.
3. Touring cars, the offer better racing although more boring to drive as such.
4. Set schedule.
5. Both. Most add-on tracks are really good.
6. Wide and sweeping.
7. New tracks are fun, but it's easier to have a casual race when you know the track.
8. Two races! The field usually gets so strung out after 20-30 minutes. I used to do Mini Fridays when there were sprint races, but now when it is so long races in Minis, I quickly loose interest.
9. Optional is good.
10. Yes, as it's an equalizer. Practice isn't everything if the weather is changeable.
11. Usually, there are so few people there. If the whole field was there, I'd use it more.
12. Usually ok.
13. Yes.
14. No, not yet anyway. So far not too impressed by rF2.
Q1) Default and the best of the modded cars.
Q2) Tin tops or the Formula 3000.
Q3) I think the easier to handle cars provide closer racing, but wouldn't mind seeing a few GT races as well.
Q4) Wouldn't mind rotating classes on the weekends, as I can only realistically race then. More GT content on weekends?
Q5) Default content is easier to use, but some addon tracks are so superb that they can't be ignored (Spa).
Q6) Wide and sweeping would make racing a little tighter, but really don't mind.
Q7) Unused content would be quite cool.
Q8) Single race format.
Q9) A mandatory pit stop would be nice, but don't mind.
Q10) Yes please.
Q11) I try to use Teamspeak, but no one is ever online -_-
Q12) Generally good! (Pot calling kettle black here, as I was given a ban after a Race 07 race :D) During my ban, I took part in some public server racing, and I was shocked at how terrible it was in contrast to here!
Q13) Yes. Although I feel some leniency should be given for 1st-timers in the Race 07 club. Banning 1st time out seems a bit harsh IMHO... (Unless someone purposefully drives round the track backwards or something like that :D)
Q14) If GTR 3 is EVER released, maybe. Don't think I will in the foreseeable future.

Look forward to racing in the club now my exams are over! :)
Car Classes

Q1) Do you generally prefer default cars from Race 07 and it's expansions, or mod cars?
Mod cars.

Q2) Do you prefer tin-tops (e.g., touring cars, GT cars) or open-wheelers (eg, Formula BMW, Formula Ford)?
Tin tops, FBMW or Formula Ford (I can't handle F3000 and do not have Formula Masters).

Q3) Do you prefer cars that are relatively easy to handle (eg, touring cars), or cars that can be challenging to keep on the road (eg, GT Pro)?
Easy to handle (Mini, Touring Cars, GT Club, GT Sport, medium/slow mods).

Q4) Would you prefer a set schedule with fixed classes, or a few days per week on which classes are rotated? (ie, as it is now)
Retro Thursday is dying and Mini Friday is ailing. STCC2 Sunday morning is healthy but that's the best time slot to get Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Austral Asia together and that is the expansion that most have. I think it is time to let other cars have a go on the Sunday morning and Friday night time slots.


Q5) Do you generally prefer default tracks from Race 07 and it's expansions, or mod tracks?
I like both equally but with mod tracks it's important to match the car and track. For example Retro Max Machwerk hotlap challenge is very good match.
Simbin tracks usually have the best graphics but VLM often rival them (http://forum.emacberry.com/viewforum.php?f=184&sid=f24092a39a644210ba7e0633bf0e3f4c: Fuji, Sebring, Mid-Ohio v1.01,
Rouen v1.02, Le Mans 1977/85 - v1.12

Q6) Do you prefer wide and sweeping or tight and technical?

For Caterham 260, touring cars, GT Club, Ferrari F430, Porsche Cup, and Retro Cool I like both.

I like wide and sweeping circuits like Thruxton, Silverstone and Jops Siffert for Caterham 320, Radicals, Retro Max, GT Sport, GT Pro, and Audi R8 Production.

I like tight and technical circuits for Caterham 200, Mini, Clio Cup, and Formula Ford but some circuits like Puebla Special are good for touring cars.

Puebla Oval is very popular on public server for touring cars. It's also fun with Caterham, and Mini.
Rockingham Oval and KW Superspeedway are fast tri-ovals and best suited to GT Pro, CCX Production, Extremes, F3000, and Mak-Corp F1 (Nextel Nascar Mod cars are not that good though).

Q7) Would you prefer popular tracks to be repeated more often, or for new (unused) tracks to be used whenever possible?
I think the popular circuits should be used much more often. I hate learning new tracks for one event then never use them again and there are several circuits used for Mini Friday that I would love to see again.

Event Format

Q8) For the regular weekly events, which of the following would you prefer:
- Two races of 20-25 minute duration,
- A single race of 40-50 minute duration.
A single race of 40-50 minutes. No longer than 60 minutes. I stopped doing Mini Friday due to muscle pains.

Q9) Would you like to see mandatory pit stops, or should they remain optional?
Either as long as tactics are involved.

Q10) Would you like to see more events in which changeable weather is enabled?
No but I would like races with the server set to rain or heavy rain. This lets me set up my screen resolution and graphics options to ensure I get the best frames per second.


Q11) If you are one of the majority that choose not to use TeamSpeak, can you tell us why?
For Mini Friday there were sufficient numbers to have a room for funny banter and a room for serious racers. I prefer the funny banter. However, I think it's best to keep the banter to practice and be more serious
in the races.

Q12) How do you feel about the general driving standards displayed in the Race 07 Club?
50% drivers are just too god damn nice!
25% are just right.
12.5% hard but mostly fair.
10% are generally a bit unfair and deserve suspension.
2.5% need and get ban.
The odd nut case does not bother me as long as they get ban and don't get unban until they prove themselves reformed character.

Q13) Are you aware that you can report poor driving and breaches of our rules to RaceDepartment staff?

Q14) With new simulators such as rFactor 2 and GTR 3 on the way, will you abandon Race 07 when they are released?
No. Race07 has plenty of life in it yet. In the year 2020 onwards I foresee Race Department having the occasional Race07 nostalgia weekend.
Car Classes

Q2) Any
Q3) I like both of them
Q4) Not bothered


Q5) If it is a good quality track i don't mind if it is a mod or a Race 07 track.
Q6) wide and sweeping for fast cars, tight technical for slower cars.
Q7) Doesn't matter any track will do

Event Format

Q8) A single race of 40-50 minute duration.
Q9) Always optional, adds a bit of uncertainty.
Q10) Prefer dry, but a full wet race is ok. Changeable weather in game is not very good, the last few mini fridays have been raining but slicks were still the way to go.


Q11) I suffered a lot of desyncs when using it so don't use it anymore.
Q12) Depends on the cars, I don't drive touring cars much anymore due to rough driving, but others are ok, mini friday is the best most gentlemanly event of all.
Q13) yes, but it has to be seriously bad for me to report, I tend to look at it as accidents happen.
Q14) No, just love the game.
Q1) Do you generally prefer default cars from Race 07 and it's expansions, or mod cars?

Much prefer the default cars.

Q2) Do you prefer tin-tops (eg, touring cars, GT cars) or open-wheelers (eg, Formula BMW, Formula Ford)?

Much prefer touring cars, GT cars etc.

Q3) Do you prefer cars that are relatively easy to handle (eg, touring cars), or cars that can be challenging to keep on the road (eg, GT Pro)?

Touring cars, as I feel that the more easier a car is to drive, the more exciting the race is (as it will really show who can get that edge over other drivers in such cars, and more competition, because the cars are easier to drive).

Q4) Would you prefer a set schedule with fixed classes, or a few days per week on which classes are rotated? (ie, as it is now)

A set schedule with fixed classes.


Q5) Do you generally prefer default tracks from Race 07 and it's expansions, or mod tracks?

I much prefer the default tracks.

Q6) Do you prefer wide and sweeping or tight and technical?

I like both, gives variety.

Q7) Would you prefer popular tracks to be repeated more often, or for new (unused) tracks to be used whenever possible?

I would prefer more popular tracks to be repeated more often (they are normally popular for a reason).

Event Format

Q8) For the regular weekly events, which of the following would you prefer:
- Two races of 20-25 minute duration,​
- A single race of 40-50 minute duration.​
Two races of 20-25 minute duration.

Q9) Would you like to see mandatory pit stops, or should they remain optional?

Prefer not at all, but in this case I will say optional.

Q10) Would you like to see more events in which changeable weather is enabled?

Yes, changeable weather is always exciting and adds unpredictability to an event.


Q11) If you are one of the majority that choose not to use TeamSpeak, can you tell us why?


Q12) How do you feel about the general driving standards displayed in the Race 07 Club?

I've only raced in a few, but in them it was reasonably good.

Q13) Are you aware that you can report poor driving and breaches of our rules to RaceDepartment staff?


Q14) With new simulators such as rFactor 2 and GTR 3 on the way, will you abandon Race 07 when they are released?

I will never abandon Race 07, as I think it is a great touring car game, and I hope it continues to be an active part in the racing club and leagues in the future.
Car Classes

Q1) Default, with the odd mod every now and then (V8 SUPERCARS!!)

Q2) Tin-top

Q3) Easier (I know some prefer the challenge of a tougher class of car, but easier-to-handle cars make for more exciting, closer racing in my experience)

Q4) A mix, kind of as it is now - main ones like STCC & Minis weekly, with other days and classes rotated.


Q5) A mix

Q6) Tight and technical

Q7) New tracks, providing they are fun to drive.

Event Format

Q8) Two races (although laps rather than time is preferred)
Q9) Mandatory pit stops yes!

Q10) Hell yes to variable weather!


Q11) Don't have a mic, if I did I'd use it definitely.

Q12) Certainly gone downhill in recent months - fortunately I've not been too adversely affected, but I've seen quite a lot of overly aggressive driving.

Q13) Yup

Q14) Potentially, if I can afford them and more importantly, if they have a touring car class. Otherwise Race 07 still has life in it for me.

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