RACE 07 Issues related to the Steam Conversion

Sonat Ozturk

Sector3 Studios
Hi all,

Both Valve and us here at SimBin, are looking into the potential remaining issues caused by the Conversion that was done few days ago.

Valve has fixed most, if not all of the issues. This is a mere check to see if there are any issues remaining that we may have missed.

If you have an issue that is occurring since the Conversion please let us know by replying here.

Thank you.
I have tried every screen resolution, doesn't matter. I also don't think it is that, because i get the message that race 07 is allready running even though i cannot see it in the processes of task manager.

Anybody got an idea what to do?
OK, next to try.

Have a look at the file called GameInstallDir which can be found here:

C:\Users\YOURNAME\Documents\SimBin\RACE 07

Make sure it points to the correct place, If it does, delete another file in the same folder as GameInstallDir, called config. Now do again as I suggested a few posts ago.
I recently solved a problem that was brought about by a dll. I would have the same thing that you describe if I was running MSI Afterburner AND the addon XD[ for telemetry]. It seems they both use the same dll [what do I know about dll's lol]. When I stopped using AB XD would run and the game does not crash.

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