RACE 07 Racing Club (Merged)

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Hya all

As a start lets kick some WTCC cars after the pause period. :)

Time: 19.00 GMT / 20.00 CET
Practise: 30 min
Qualy: 30 min
Race: 2*10 laps
Weather: Dry

Track: Istanbul
Cars: WTCC 06 and 07

Server name: RSC # RPMnet.org
Password: spa

Server 1 - RSC @ RPMnet.org #1
  1. Attila Domján - Chevy
  2. Gareth Hickling - Peugeot
  3. Pauliebhoy Harrigan - Seat Leon
  4. Gregory Degreef - BMW E90
  5. Mehmet Arikan - Seat
  6. Jerome Benard - Alfa Romeo
  7. Cristian Haba - BMW E90
  8. Christian Deparis - Seat 07
  9. Jens Hoeppner - BMW E90
  10. Patrick van Driel -Seat Leon
  11. James Yates - BMW E46
  12. Jari Vinnari - BMW E90
  13. Marcel Hulsbergen - Alfa 156
  14. Peter Böszörményi - Seat Leon
  15. Kent Karlén - Chevy 07
  16. darron miller - Peugeot
  17. Michael Herrmann - Alfa 156
  18. Nico Major - BMW E90
  19. Rami Kaukola - BMW E90
  20. Christopher Aponte - Seat LEon
  21. Simon Trendell - Peugeot
  22. big daddy Morpheus Lightning McQueen - car tbd
  23. Baron-Rouge[NO-B] - Seat Leon
  24. ingemar petersson Seat Leon
  25. Nevermind - Seat Leon
Server 2 - RSC @ RPMnet.org #2
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  19. Driver
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Quali: Cut the first turn on my hot lap, time disallowed, 11th.

Race 1: Punted @Dennis Phelan into the chicane (really sorry :redface:), so allowed him to rejoin ahead, which meant I was last. Ended up 8th after others spun or collided, even though I also hit @Campbell Wallis (also really sorry :redface:).

Race 2: Had reverse grid pole, and led for so much longer than I thought possible! Eventually though, @Peter Ell got past me and romped into the lead (nicely held slide too in the Carousel ;)). @Alex Odell was chaing me down at the end, but he kept running wide, and I rolled home second! I've only done three races here!

It was good to be racing in Aleena again; I'd forgotten just how much fun that car is to drive, especially round tracks like Mod-Ohio and Brands Hatch :laugh:
Well, not my best event, but still loads of fun & nice fights :)

Even after my practice session yesterday, I wasn't too sure about my laptimes - both nogrip's and our own setup section have laptimes below 1:30 posted ;)
Anyways, I was fairly quick and managed to get P2 in quals even though I missed the first hairpin going onto the grass ever so briefly - though I'm not sure whether I would've been able to get up to Arunas pole-setting time ;)

Starting into R1, I didn't start too good and Alex went by - followed him along and had some nice fighting - a small touch riding the hairpin's curb, but thankfully no positions lost. I couldn't quite get him, though, and with Nelson already lurking behind me, I had two sides to cover which didn't work out too well as Nelson managed to pass me.
Once more, we had some nice fighting until I finally got by - only to see Nelson spinning in my rear view mirror mere metres later. Too bad, would've loved to continue.
Now it was Peter who was closing in on me and while I could keep him behind me for a while (and due too small incidents which made him wait ;)), it was quite apparent that he was faster. Nevertheless, this was some more nice racing - and the same goes for Michel who had sneaked between in the meantime :)

The actual start into race #2 was a bit better than before, but I didn't quite pay attention to Michel's braking point and bumped into him - sorry for that! :( Now at the back, I tried to start a hunt but with everyone not that far apart in laptimes, that turned out to be some hard work! Finally arrived at P4 after some passes and offs from other drivers - only to misjudge the combination of worn tyres and the chicane. I spun and Arunas "the rolling Lithuanian" went by :D
I concentrated on keeping the car on the road and myself in P5 - the latter one didn't quite work out with Dennis catching me in L13 ;)

Thanks for racing, everyone, see you next time!
I found I could get a decent laptime in a number of cars so I picked a lesser used car for the race[Sirocco]. While I could turn a fast lap, I also could not be consistent! This bugged me the entire event.

I didn't want to quali too hi as I would be running slower in the races, I didn't go slow enough in my opinion.

R1: I never mind being pumped around, as long as a driver waits for me. It did not happen to me this race but I suspect that with all the bumps and offs, rolls and bangs, that someone may have done someone in and left the scene without waiting, If you did, at least fess up to it in your report. Anyhow,,,,even at the back of the pack I found a race closeby and the one in front was always interesting. Well, until I got close and made a mistake, that took off my front aero package. Not pitting, I hung in for whatever race I could find till the end and it was all fun.

R2: Uh oh, how did I get up here? It was obvious that cars were popping into the air, onto the grass and into walls everywhere. Quite a show and I managed to keep out of most of it. At this point I found that tires degrading were causing me much distress and I had not been accounting for it and that was why I was going off. With that mental note I just let the laptimes fall where they might for the rest of the race and again found a good chase to become part of.

A good spread of drivers. Thanks to all that made it, especially those at the last minute and a big thanks to all that made TeamSpeak as good as it can be!
Interesting Tuesday all day long and race included :D

R1. Was very simple from P1 to P1.

R2. It was totally up side down :D
Good start from P8 ended bad in T1, when front runners started to spin all over and I was tapped a little bit from Peter. So I've spinned and dropped to P10.

Lap after lap I was trying to regain all lost positions. I'm not proud about just one moment with @Belet Michel . He was squeezing me (defending) in one corner, after we touched he was pushed out of the track. Sorry about that :( Just please don't squeeze me :D
And then @Ferricha Chakir unsafely returned to the track after his mistake (think about it once again Chakir). T-boned me and @Andy James . My car was smashed a lot and with big suspension damage.

And then strange things started to happen... :O_o:
@Belet Michel went through fences to infinity

I was chasing Andy for P4 how suddenly I was kicked in the air and started long long roof-wheels-roof journey. After this "flight" my car was 2sec slower.

And once again I was chasing Andy how in front of us BMW spuns. Andy kicks back BMW to the track straight in front of me and... boom..

Do You have noticed one car in all these three mysterious infinity-roolovers-spins events? :ninja:

After all this non-stop action P4 was great result :rolleyes:
See You next time :whistling:
Thanks for a great couple of races everyone, as always.

Ducked into the low 34's for qualifying which put me 3rd. Surprising!
Got away well and passed @Björn Golda for 2nd, and that's where I stayed. @Arunas Linkevicius (badass livery by the way) disappeared off to visit the horizon, and after a few laps Bjorn fell back after incidents with others and i stroked it home for 2nd.

Race 2 saw me start 7th and I managed to avoid the spinning cars and plumes of smoke and dust and emerged 2nd again behind @Dave Morley. We were fast at different parts of the track though and I couldn't find a way by. Eventually I ran off the track and @Peter Ell nipped by, then into the lead, leaving me to fight with Dave again for 2nd. Fell off at the Carousel 3 laps in a row towards the end which cemented my 3rd place.

Love Mid Ohio. Great circuit, both in real life and in game.
Race 1- I started last because I did not qualify, do not ask why, Ι messed up :cool:but eventually finished 3rd. Very nice Race!;)

Many incidents have happened to me ( squeezings, taps, spins, touches, pushes, and more......)
That's how races are.:D
Never complained before and will never complain about all these things -because, I don't think someone does it on purpose.:thumbsup: All RaceDepartment players have shown their level.
Αnd will never say who touched me, who tapped me and so on...:sneaky:

Race 2- I started 8th and finished 1st , with many nice and unfortunate moments.:rolleyes:

Thanks Dennis for signing me up, even though I was kinda late...:sleep:
and all of you guys for this great race!
Good racing all. - it was my first race ever with Race07..and my 2nd race with the racedepartment. - I had no idea what to expect, and still don't know the cars too well, (as you can tell when I chose I think the slowest in the set). but My night was a bit strange..

Practice I got a fairly decent setup, I was going for grip in the lowspeed corners and to make sure I could turn into the apex's correctly. this took the whole 30 mins to address, and was comfortable lapping at 135's, sure still a second of the pace.. but good enough for what I wanted to be consistent..

Superpole was odd, as I put a 134 on the table, so I qualified well out of position 4th, knowing full well I wont be able to hold it.

But the race..hmm.. all the work I did prior to the race was gone.. I had no grip, the car understeer'd, I could not turn into most corners.. so just had to keep backing off when normally I'd run flat.. this was in both races.. it was if the game said.. right lets take away 50% of the grip of the track, nothing felt right at all.. so was a bit uncomfortable to race with. but I stayed out of trouble, and did not fight too hard the people that were faster than me.

Not sure what happened to @Arunas Llinkevicius as he was flipping up behind me when trying to pass me, I was in front so im not sure if I tagged him or not, if so Sorry for that!.

2nd race for me was bad, I was hit from a car re-joining track and had suspension damage and was just 2 secs slower than normal.. I still stuck it out to the end though.

Good fun all the same, so thanks to all.
...and still don't know the cars too well, (as you can tell when I chose I think the slowest in the set)...

Yeah, while it is possible to get to a reasonable fast pace in the Opel, I think it's way harder than in most of the other cars - personally, I think at least the Toyota's even slower and both the S60 and the Peugeot are quite driver-dependent, though ;)
I dunno if the Toyota is the slowest. I compared it to my Scirocco some time ago (at Mid-Ohio no-chicane during RlyRTCC2), and I could get within a couple of tenths of my Scirocco times. Then again, I may not have got the best I could from Aleena at the time, so...
Never complained before and will never complain about all these things -because, I don't think someone does it on purpose.:thumbsup: All RaceDepartment players have shown their level.
Αnd will never say who touched me, who tapped me and so on...:sneaky:
I've never accused anyone for ruing my race, but you have to respect other drivers even it's club event and think before doing any move. It's learning process and I encourage newcomers not to be afraid to race with us - practice makes perfect. Taps and pushes isn't bad thing when you know who you race with and when you can predict your rivals moves (right @Justin Swan ?), but it comes with participating in events and learning :) But good critics always helps to improve faster :)
@Ferricha Chakir and all others - we are waiting for You to join other races ;)
That's how races are.:D
Never complained before and will never complain about all these things -because, I don't think someone does it on purpose.:thumbsup: All RaceDepartment players have shown their level.
Αnd will never say who touched me, who tapped me and so on...:sneaky:
Too all drivers
It is true, there is very little driving here that is over aggressive or intentional. We have drivers fresh in from their first appearances online all the way to league champions running races here in the RD clubs. Any one of them can make a mistake or have a bad day and make several :whistling:. Even though unintentional, when a mistake causes another driver to go off track or lose a place because of it, dome will feel hurt, taken advantage of and it can ruin their experience.

Mistakes cannot be undone. The public servers are the only place where drivers freely get away with them. All the reputable sites that I have looked at and participated in events at have some form of run for drivers to follow when they have disadvantaged another driver, either a drive through the pit or as most, to simply wait and let the other driver regain his place. If you have had someone wait for you get the message that they made a mistake, that they are sorry and you go on feeling a bit better. If you had to stop, we have all had to stop, right. If you have had to stop and wait for another driver after an incident you know that this act has taken the sharp edge off of the competition and made you realize that we are in this for fun.

League races are serious, teams and individuals are working hard to place as high as they can and the rules for the operation allow the fighting to go to a different level. Club racing is for fun. Everyone should walk away after an event having had fun, having had the best chance t o show what they can do as a driver, race engineer.. The RaceDepartment rules, the ones we all read and promised to obey are to provide for an event that brings about a good chance for a fair race.

There are drivers running in our club events that are making mistakes at the expense of someone else. I follow the action during a race, I watch replays and see the innocent taps but with cars left behind. It is not my job as an organizer to call drivers out for the poor judgment they make. That call is to be made by the driver that has had his race taken away. When a driver has been infringed upon and does nothing, he is allowing the person that made the mistake to think that it is "OK" and acceptable behavior. When he gets no apology afterwards, when he does not get a satisfactory explanation for the event in a Personal Message[PM] after a cool down period then it is a problem and an incident report is in line. Happily :) I can say that we have very few incident reports and only a few real inquiries to me about how to deal with an on track problem. All incident reports are confidential, only the submitter and staff know of them, until maybe a penalty is given the offender.

There is only one "harsh" penalty and that is for disobeying the Golden Rule. Always give back a spot taken by putting a driver off his line or off the track! That's it. The Golden rule is really the only rule. Being stupid, just making an error in braking, track position or making an aggressive pass are all OK as long as the Golden Rule is followed. The penalty of most any other offence is a warning the first time and if behavior is not changed will be increased at the next offence. Repeat offences get increased suspension times. But remember that breaking the Golden Rule will get your racing licence suspended the very first time.

When the Golden Rule is followed, it forgives the incident that created it. The exception would be repeated bad driving actions by that driver.

You may feel it is OK to be tapped and sent off track allowing that it is all just for fun anyhow. When it happens to another driver the feeling might be different. Please do not allow bad driving [breaking the Golden Rule] to continue. Have that PM and let the driver know that it hurt and report the incident if he thinks it was ok and staff[all of us] will look at it and decide.
I'm in, as well :)

edit: just did a few laps, great fun as always in the IFMs - @Belet Michel: great setup, like it a lot - fuel seems to be calculated for 20mins, though - you might wanna check on that pre-race ;)

If you want to see how other RD members have designed their cars, feel free to download & install the RaceDepartment Race07 skinpack:

For more information on the pack and how to get your car added, see this topic.
Last edited:
Another Friday, another 'maybe' - quite unsure about Friday, but I might make it :)

If you want to see how other RD members have designed their cars, feel free to download & install the RaceDepartment Race07 skinpack:
For more information on the pack and how to get your car added, see this topic.
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