RACE 07 Racing Club (Merged)

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Hya all

As a start lets kick some WTCC cars after the pause period. :)

Time: 19.00 GMT / 20.00 CET
Practise: 30 min
Qualy: 30 min
Race: 2*10 laps
Weather: Dry

Track: Istanbul
Cars: WTCC 06 and 07

Server name: RSC # RPMnet.org
Password: spa

Server 1 - RSC @ RPMnet.org #1
  1. Attila Domján - Chevy
  2. Gareth Hickling - Peugeot
  3. Pauliebhoy Harrigan - Seat Leon
  4. Gregory Degreef - BMW E90
  5. Mehmet Arikan - Seat
  6. Jerome Benard - Alfa Romeo
  7. Cristian Haba - BMW E90
  8. Christian Deparis - Seat 07
  9. Jens Hoeppner - BMW E90
  10. Patrick van Driel -Seat Leon
  11. James Yates - BMW E46
  12. Jari Vinnari - BMW E90
  13. Marcel Hulsbergen - Alfa 156
  14. Peter Böszörményi - Seat Leon
  15. Kent Karlén - Chevy 07
  16. darron miller - Peugeot
  17. Michael Herrmann - Alfa 156
  18. Nico Major - BMW E90
  19. Rami Kaukola - BMW E90
  20. Christopher Aponte - Seat LEon
  21. Simon Trendell - Peugeot
  22. big daddy Morpheus Lightning McQueen - car tbd
  23. Baron-Rouge[NO-B] - Seat Leon
  24. ingemar petersson Seat Leon
  25. Nevermind - Seat Leon
Server 2 - RSC @ RPMnet.org #2
  1. Driver
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  19. Driver
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  25. Driver
Was never going to be as good as two weeks ago, but whatever :)

Quali: A lesson in sucking, 16th.
Race 1: Fluffed the start badly, dropped essentially to last, but gained as people fell off the track. Had a good battle with @Björn Golda, but realistically was never going to keep him back. Ended 9th, which was nice :)
Race 2: A much better start, but had to take avoiding action into turn 2. It was either that or make a Peugeot shorter by two feet ;) Spent most of the race as the bratwurst in a Swedish sandwich, and ended up 8th. Always good to improve as the night goes on :)

This was my front-left after race 1:

Wasn't any better after race 2 :cool:
Great fun for me, results wise it wasn't brilliant and at the start it became apparent I had chosen the wrong car as the Hondas seemed to be faster than the Volvo.

The first race was chaos at the start and many incidents but I was happy with my pace had a stop and go and had to loose 6th at the end finished 10th.

The second race I hoped to fight nearer to the top but I was unfortunate to be sent off the road by a Honda and end up last, he stopped after the incident and it felt nice :) (thanks) after that I made some nice overtakes and finished 5th which I'm happy with and got good experience.

Thankyou guys and congrats to the podium finishers!
Not much to tell. @Aaron Channer dced, and when he came back in, the grid were little mixed up. But hey! That just made it more fun.

I don't know why, but Honda, and me don't really work good together on this track.
I had a few nice fights with a few drivers, and that was great. I think I have watched to much of Jason Plato, because I defended really hard. But as much as I wanted to stay in front of a few drivers, it was only matter of time before they passed me. Ended in P4 I think.

Were the most interesting for me. Had a huge fight with @Alex Odell early on, and tried to figure out where I could pass him. It felt like I were faster than him, but thanks to the Volvo acceleration, he were able to get out of my reach every single time. After a hectic chase, I manage to get alongside him, (his left side) but he were able to respond and keep his position due a right hand corner. But since I had tasted blood in the water, I kept the pressure on him and then the lap after (I think, could had been two laps later" I manage to pass him. Ended up P4 again!

Thank you Alex! It was a great fight!

As I understand, there were fights across the board from start to finish, and that is something that counts more than anything. Hope to see more of that! A big plus to all who signed up and almost filled the grid!


Added additional info.
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I had an awesome time :thumbsup:

When I saw we were going to have a massive grid yesterday, I decided to jump on the server to practice (something I normally don't do). It seemed no matter what I did, I was way behind the quickest time, and this trend continued through practice today.

I qualified third, only to have the server restart so I had to start sixth :speechless:! I was preoccupied at the start and I was about half a second late getting off the line. Then the crapshoot began... cars were everywhere, some were facing the wrong direction :confused:! I dodged them all, and raced my way up to sixth in race one.

Race two went much better for me! Started third and took the lead in the first lap. I held it until Reggie came up and wrestled it away from me! Good fun, I was amazed I went from nearly a second off his time to nearly beating him. Finished second with an overall rank of third, so I am quite happy :thumbsup:
Well, that was some good fun, mostly :)

Joined @Daniel Linder (or was it the other way round? Oh well.. :D) on the server yesterday for a few training laps but wasn't that fast. Plus, my tyres were going down rapidly. - but I could always take care of that today, eh? Lazy yester-me ;)
Anyway, went onto the server a bit early and got a bit faster, though the tyre-problem persisted. Went with another setup and it got slightly better, as well as me getting slightly faster, wonderful :) Still worlds behind the top guys, though that was to be expected ;)
Managed to qualify P5 nevertheless and with the pre-race-chaos-cycling, I event went up to 4th place.

Started fairly.. bad, and to make matters worse, I got bumped into at T1 leaving me behind the entire grid. Oh well, gotta think about that for a day or so.

Anyways, that situation did actually make for a great hunt through the field - passed @Filip Carlén when he touched a patch of the non-track tarmac also known as.. ice? soap? Whatever you wanna call it, he went sliding

Soon afterwards, I managed to get by @David Kingshott and a (at that time) very slow @István Milbich approaching T2

Next up were (I think) Reggie Snr. and @Janko Balej (all those Hondas, no way to tell them apart :D), one of which helped by going into the gravel ;)

Afterwards, another proof that "really rubbish racing" doesn't quite grasp those guys' skill was delivered by some fine battling with @Dave Morley for a few laps

After passing @Gasper Grebenc (I think - Hondaaaas!) soon afterwards, I got up to P9

Only one more position would put me into pole for race #2 - unfortunately it was @Alex Odell currently in that position. Another one of those not-so-rubbish-after-all-racers. Had another grrreat battle and got by - yet he still got Pole as someone pitted approaching the finish - P7 in race #1, not that bad, considering how it started :)

Now in P2 for race #2, I started reaaaally lousy. Oh my. Went back into P6 and quickly found myself in a pack consisting of Alex, @Arunas Linkevicius, Daniel, @Peter Ell and myself

We actually kind of stayed together for most of the race and that ensued in some fine racing - passes, counter-passes, a few taps, but nothing too big and what was lost, was given back :) The only exclusion was the gravel that resisted putting Alex back into position ;)

Going into the last lap, Arunas had claimed P3, Daniel was in P4 and Peter and me were following in P6 and P5 respectively - both lost a place because Peter wanted to do some synchronized drifting, but nothing to worry about :)

Thanks for racing everyone, see you around next time!
Great fun for me, results wise it wasn't brilliant and at the start it became apparent I had chosen the wrong car as the Hondas seemed to be faster than the Volvo.

The first race was chaos at the start and many incidents but I was happy with my pace had a stop and go and had to loose 6th at the end finished 10th.

The second race I hoped to fight nearer to the top but I was unfortunate to be sent off the road by a Honda and end up last, he stopped after the incident and it felt nice :) (thanks) after that I made some nice overtakes and finished 5th which I'm happy with and got good experience.

Thankyou guys and congrats to the podium finishers!

Manuel really sorry for send you off the track in first lap of race 2. :(

Otherwise: After a month or 2 or maybe more i remembered of racedepartment and I decided to join. I have't practice almost nothing for this race, because i didn't even drive in sim for atleast 2 months, but this track is pretty similar to me. Q went pretty bad. R1: Pretty good start, then some bumps and mostly alone hotlaping onP11. R2: good start, i gain some positions but i send off the track Manuel and wait for him. Fall on last position and try to gain some back. There was Dennis behind me most of time and i can't get rid of him. I have some fights with Dennis behind me and István Milbich in front of me. I passed Istvan and stay in front of him some time, but after few laps i made a mistake and he pass me. In last turn overtake 2 drivers, because one send another out and then wait for him, so i end up on 10 place.

It was really nice racing with you guys. Maybe see you again this week and in future. :D
Another great race today, full of skilled drivers who attended it.
Sorry Alex for bumping you...
Sorry Bjorn for my foolish braking that made you lost a position.

I think everyone who were at the top of the qualifying grid, couldn't reduce our personal practise time under 1.31.XXX. So, in today's qualifying with these little, nice and treacherous mistakes we all went to 1.32.XXX (Caused by stress, I guess...)
Got the third position but after the problems we had I started 7th.

Race 1;
Very nice race, great battles. Past the half of the race my car began to slide dangerously and everything went "crazy", even though I managed to get 2nd pos. The car couldn't satisfy my speed . (No race practise, no honey)

Race 2;
I considered it appropriate to adjust my setup a bit but that ended up in a disaster. I created an ice skate.
I started up as 7th and finished 7th. I was trying to keep my car on the track as hard as I could. (with tooth and nail)
This was my first experience with very skilled drivers and I frankly, I enjoyed it A LOT !

Thanks Dennis for making this race possible for us .
See you in the cage with the beasts. (Hockenheim-Formula RR)
Not a great evening,but with such a lobby full of talented individuals, it was never going to be a walk in the Black Forest.

I qualified 10th, finished race 1 in 8th and race 2 in 9th. Middle of the pack all round! I got a good start in race 1 but got nudges wide at turn 1, sliding across the soapy icy soap tarmac all the way to the barrier and rejoined in near enough last. Basically then did consistently average laps for the next 19 minutes. A memorable battle with @Björn Golda as he was recovering from his disasterous start (love the livery!). We swapped places for a couple of laps before he got the better of me and pulled away. My tyres were pretty worn by the end, the front left just screaming to be put out of its misery.

Started on pole for race 2, promptly lost the first couple of places and spent the first half of the race holding up @Daniel Linder amongst others. Daniel got by, I received a whack from I think @Peter Ell as he came out of nowhere up the inside at the Mercedes Arena turn. One lap later I was slow out of turn 2/3, Bjorn passed me and I missed my braking point for 4, sliding off into the gravel. Brought it home a lonely 9th.

Not a favourite track of mine, made more difficult by the tyre wear and me trying to hard to keep up with people I had no chance of keeping up with. Still though, another great evening's racing and I'll see you on Friday for some Mini action!
@Björn Golda Haha, yea, it was super-slippery, first i thought David hit me, but when i watched the replay i saw I just spun when my rear tires hit the "ice". Super strange, but doesn't mater, had fun anyways even though I almost came last in both races (got a stop n' go for cutting the track in R2, stupid mistake from my side...). Anyways, thank you all for a fun evening, see you next time (probably next week, go to Stockholm on Friday^^)
I think this is a difficult subject. It should not be, I know, but it is.
Firstly, I'm certain that no one is ramming people on purpose. We all have different breaking points and some have different racing lines and sooner or later, it will lead to an accident.

Look at real life, WTCC, BTCC, and GT World. On almost every race, someone is crashing out due to hectic racing. Sometimes a driver might get penalized, but often they don't. Even when you see a love tap being made on purpose, and it might lead to someone going off. Racing control often comes up with the conclusion it was a racing incident.

Now, we don't have the luxury to act like a racing control (unless an Admin specifically joins the server, but don't race) so all we have to go on is peoples ability to judge for them-selfs. And mostly, you will hear two sides of the same story.

Even thou the club racing is for casual racing, you can't deny it's still very competitive.
Even when you don't get any prize, no one want to finish last.

All we can do is to simply sit down afterwards, look at the replay and judge from there.
Even then, some might think they unfairly judged.
It IS very simple. I do not see any ramming on purpose or running of cars off track.
"Our" Race Control is mainly concerned with, "Did he stop to wait after the incident" whether contact was intentional or just a mistake. In either case, stopping to wait is the rule and the penalty from Race Control is a 30 day suspension.

Understand that the Golden Rule is to wait if you have affected someones race, displacing them, or gaining position on them due to an error in driving or intent. It doesn't matter if your foot slipped off the pedal in braking or any other reason. You did it, you wait for him.

For the Golden Rule there is only one side to the story, it's the video presented in an Incident Report. It will clearly show if a driver left after making contact that hurt someone's race.
OK, you're not really hot on these cars. They are tough to get used to, I'm not quick or consistent in them. You know you want to drive on Thursday :) and this is the car, this is the track. Who knows, maybe you'll learn something about driving or car setup. Come on, even if you haven't practiced, give them a whirl until you break it apart so badly that every mechanic on your team is throwing wrenches at you :giggle:.
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