RACE 07 Racing Club (Merged)

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Hya all

As a start lets kick some WTCC cars after the pause period. :)

Time: 19.00 GMT / 20.00 CET
Practise: 30 min
Qualy: 30 min
Race: 2*10 laps
Weather: Dry

Track: Istanbul
Cars: WTCC 06 and 07

Server name: RSC # RPMnet.org
Password: spa

Server 1 - RSC @ RPMnet.org #1
  1. Attila Domján - Chevy
  2. Gareth Hickling - Peugeot
  3. Pauliebhoy Harrigan - Seat Leon
  4. Gregory Degreef - BMW E90
  5. Mehmet Arikan - Seat
  6. Jerome Benard - Alfa Romeo
  7. Cristian Haba - BMW E90
  8. Christian Deparis - Seat 07
  9. Jens Hoeppner - BMW E90
  10. Patrick van Driel -Seat Leon
  11. James Yates - BMW E46
  12. Jari Vinnari - BMW E90
  13. Marcel Hulsbergen - Alfa 156
  14. Peter Böszörményi - Seat Leon
  15. Kent Karlén - Chevy 07
  16. darron miller - Peugeot
  17. Michael Herrmann - Alfa 156
  18. Nico Major - BMW E90
  19. Rami Kaukola - BMW E90
  20. Christopher Aponte - Seat LEon
  21. Simon Trendell - Peugeot
  22. big daddy Morpheus Lightning McQueen - car tbd
  23. Baron-Rouge[NO-B] - Seat Leon
  24. ingemar petersson Seat Leon
  25. Nevermind - Seat Leon
Server 2 - RSC @ RPMnet.org #2
  1. Driver
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  15. Driver
  16. Driver
  17. Driver
  18. Driver
  19. Driver
  20. Driver
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  22. Driver
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  24. Driver
  25. Driver
Good racing all and thanks for setting it all up Warren, sorry if hit any one or you went off track missing me!! but it was fist time racing bmw and need more time but was fun :) only ever use alfa so it was a big change, but look forward to next race with all :)

Very nice race for me. I have done a very good start in each round. The first was the better for me, at the 2nd place during 14 laps if i remember, i am very happy. Otherwise the 2 last laps were very hard because my tyres were totally die. Can i ask if someone has a good tip for preserve tyres?

(PS: If anyone plan to do a video of this race, please dl my skin here http://forum.racedepartment.com/att...15031714-femtos-garage-femto-bmw-e90-v1-1-rar)
  • Grant Daly

Just quickly I will give a much more detalied race report tommorow 2 races one day need sleep...

Anyway I managed to finish both races in tonights race. Y@Y me!
Nuf Fuel so that's good
I came last in the first but 8th in the second luckily I managed to miss anyknocks in the second race at T1 but the first race killed the rear end. Ya get that :)

Anyways I got some points and am so stoked first points in a RD club race for me Y@Y :Hamm3rHed:

I'll get there you'll see ...

Super guys! Great event, Racing here is real fun! Was really enjoying the race!

Run my PB!!!! Some low 1:31 (I know most of the guys here are ginning now, but I got a second fast since last nights race)

Hmmmm, got a good starting position can't remember exactly, but my starts are a nightmare so far! Any hint on improving wellcome! Lost a couple of positions. Race was overall not very good for me. Went a couple of times off track got laped (hope that the right Englich word, the leading gang overtook), for Gary I could let him pass very well without losing myself to much, but the following guys actually kicked me off the road. In case this was my fault, sorry, but I did not know where to let you pass at that point, wanted to let you go after that corner (after the chicane), but also got myself a little bit nervous to not make mistakes :).

Went significantly better for me, beside the start! Again lost positions, after start I was last. Due to the fights in front of me I gained a couple of positions, all went well, till Ian was infront of me, whom I kicked off the road (sorry!!!), but I am also still a learner driving in big fields (but I also got off and let you pass). But got you again :D! After that I had my first figtht with Gary P (I think). After I managed to perform my first well done (I hope) in race overtaking, he pushed me off (no probs), I got on track before you and hold the position but unfortunately Nigel (I think, in a BMW) overtook us and I could not catch up anymore. But brilliant race. First time I could really manage my tire wear off (never left the track because of wrong braking, over or under steer)! And my first points!!!!!!!

Thanks RD, looking forward for next occasions to improve....and:

Guys :hail: you are great drivers, you are driving in another dimension compared to me!!!!!! Great!
I knew that these races were going to be long and hard on tyres, so I drove to conserve them, and it payed off. I finished 5th and 6th for 3rd overall :D Femto, I just backed off the speed a little, not too much tyre scrubbing in the slow corners... slow in and fast out.

Lap 1 race 1 was a bit tough - a lot of pushing and bumping and nearly getting spun. It's only lap 1 of 17, cold tyres and brakes etc etc... take it a bit easier on lap 1, please!

Race 2, I got shunted off the track while in P4 by Paolo D. Paolo, in the replay I saw you put a few other cars off the track too. You have to wait until the car you put off rejoins the track and passes you again. I thought that was a bit sub-standard. Other than that, I had a fun couple of races. Race 1 was a bit lonely, in race 2 I was entertained by watching the trio of Warren, Gregory Cogotti and Grant Morrison slugging it out, but I just couldn't get close enough to join in.

Looking forward to the next race!
Name on RD forum:ian beech
Name in game:ian beech
Your Country:ENGLAND
Control:Wheel Formula Force EX
Car:BMW E90
Special remarks:
will try BMW again if that's ok with all?
Will teamspeak be open?
My skin for download same as last weeks


  • PJ RACING.rar
    632.4 KB · Views: 141
Went a couple of times off track got laped (hope that the right Englich word, the leading gang overtook), for Gary I could let him pass very well without losing myself to much, but the following guys actually kicked me off the road. In case this was my fault, sorry, but I did not know where to let you pass at that point, wanted to let you go after that corner (after the chicane), but also got myself a little bit nervous to not make mistakes :).
The best place to let faster cars past is on the next straight section of the track - just move off the racing line and slow just a little. The fast car behind should be patient enough to wait for the next convenient spot to get past you without having to push you off the track. We should all know that a lapped car can't just magically get out of the way on any bit of track.
hohohoho i am shaking at my whole body
that was such a great fun i will have a smile on my face for the next 2 weeks

i felt out of my bed 10 mins befor the praccy startet just enough to make 2 gallons of black black coffee*texas style*
totally dizzy in my head the first lap i put on the track was a 1.30.9 not bad eh ?
but that it was there was not much more to gain got down to a 1.30.6 and place 9

still struggeling with a death brain i got a 1.30.075 in what is 1/100 of my pb ;D
but in that verry competive field it was just enough for place 10 on the grid right besides warren :D

*race1* got a pretty good start and endet up 9th at the first turn was working may way up to 7th in the first lap but was unable to close the gap of 5-7 secs to that 7 guys who run a awsome train of cars in front of me
somehow at lap 10 i did a big bumer at the last fast 4th gear flatout left hander and spun it by my self into the barrier...... well place 13 it was now
all my body was shaking that kind of rush i was in while ppl keep shot there tyers
i was able to atleast get back to place 8 ..... wait 8th yea 8th means pole for race two

pole position ...and again besides of warren who startet 2nd ;D, the lights turned of and i shoot of the line like a beemer
letting warren left in the dust made up a little gap for a safe braking till the chicane and... damn the shaking body i messed it totaly up so warren got past me,
from now i was able to watch the dance of the alfa warren was threating his alfa so well i was only thinking cool down, cool down, his tyers wont least the whole race
at the beginning of lap two gary showed up in my mirror and put so much pressure on me that i started to sweat like hell
but o keeped trying to keep hin behind me, but at the end of lap 4 or was it 5 (need to watch the replay) he got past me, i lost a bit time to warren and gary.
but till lap 8th i could close up again cuz warren was starting to slow down cuz of his tyers i think
then final gary got past warren at lap 10th i was right under warrens tail he did a little mistake in this fast uphill right and i could go besides warren
now i was not sure where he was exactly so i runned a bit wider in that last fast left hander
to awoid contact, that prolly deliverd warren a big moment while i got the right rear weel on the grass i spund over the track into the barrier
sorry warren i nearly ended your race there
oh well back on place 12th, till lap 12 i was back to to 7th in view of place 2-6 while we all run up to that (yea you are right) the last fast left hander a honda spun in front of me
and i had nowhere to go.. result of that meeting a broken suspension :( but i am not in anger cuz it was such a great race and that guy realy could do nothing cuz he spun out of a contact i think could not realy see it i was to far away

thank you all for that exiting race guys need more of this :) and plz plz plz someone make a vid of race 2 its so awsome material

looking forwart to the next oceanic event with a big smile in my face
Wow I had a blast, what a track this is, and the racing was extremely close and tense (around me anyway).

Qualy: My first lap was a PB of 1.29.8 and I expected it to be competitive. Was I ever wrong. I just sat there watching so many guys pushing me down the grid, but from the times posted, it was obviously going to be a very close race. Ended up starting P9.

Race 1. The first few turns were a sea of cars bumping and grinding each other and entering the chicane I was given a nudge which pushed me off, dropping me to about P17. Throughout the race I kept moving forward with some great battles along the way. Finished P7, so a nice starting spot for Race 2.

Race 2. Started next to Michael (again), but he blew me away off the line, only to make a tiny slide in the chicane letting me into clear air in front. So I threw everything at the Alfa to see if I could get some sort of break before the pack descended. Michael just kept hanging on to my tail though ( a very loose and sliding tail it was too). I held the lead for about half the race until Michael let Gary through and I knew he would have me soon. I tried my hardest to keep him at bay but eventually I slid the tail too much and he pounced. Manny was next to slip past in exactly the same place as Gary. Then the tyres told me they were sick of the way I was treating them and started to get lazy and not grip. This allowed Michael to squeeze past but he slid sideways just as he cleared me. I threw out every anchor I had and somehow missed him but that let the next three cars pounce onto my tail. With three laps to go three of us (Gregory, Grant and I) had a mighty scrap to the finish and I somehow held on with melted rubber for P3. Very clean driving guys, sorry I was drifting a bit on the track but all my grip was gone. The poor Alfa copped a flogging but gave me a podium, woohoo.

This was great racing with very clean drivers on a brilliant track. A couple of incidents for people to improve on.
1. The first lap can be very busy but remember that we have a long race ahead. A little more patience will give everyone a much better race in the long run. Too many people trying to win in the opening turns.

2. Remember the golden rule at Race Dept. if you push someone off, wait for them to gain that spot back. Paolo, I watched you punt the car in front of us and just drive on. Please wait to redress in future.

I hope you all enjoyed the racing and will continue to support our Oceania Group. We can really turn this group into some great racing.

Thanks to all who raced. :thumb:
  • Gary Paszek

Was alot of fun racing this sad i missed last nights race. Anyway, had a rpetty good start gained a few positions but i got taped off was mainly my fualt got back on and fought with a few different people then
Race2 had a good fight with mcbrain he overtook me then i missed my breaking point and got into him sending us both into the gravel (sorry), but other then that had tons of fun was very tired after the races tho.
Very glad i made the effort to join in for this one,i think we could race some kind of shopping trolley mod round that track and still have a 100% blast..!?.

Although i couldnt get the speed i was getting out of the Honda as i did in the Chev last night,it was a bit easier to drive,Manny made his pace and intentions clear in qually getting within a poofteenth of my 1:28.8xx,me and Manny seemed to make the best break from the start and both cleared away from the raging gang behind,Manny seemed happy to follow for lap one,then gradually turned the heat up on me,doing some fine rear bumper shadowing,we seemed to have different fast parts of the track and the gap bobbed up and down all over the place,but still a very present Chev in my rear view,unfortunately Manny must have pushed a bit too hard to a run on my down the long (back straight)? and dropped away losing a place or two as well i think?,now i had the luxury of a good gap to bring it home.
Race2 start from 8th is all a bit of a blur tbh,but somehow all near and around me were very well behaved and good caution round the opening turns,although i remember being gifted some early places,main highlights chasing down Michael and then Warren,great fun racing with you guys there,i told Warren afterwards how i got this mental image of him with a demon race face on literally manhandling that Alfa round the place :D,excellent stuff m8,and some handy speed on critical parts of the track too,making me have to think hard about where to clean pass,you going wide a tiny bit just gave me enough to squeez it past,appreciate the wee bit room given there :thumb:.
Again Big Thanks to the RD organisers for another 2 rounds of fine racing at what is now probably favourite track in Race07,also thanks to all i had the pleasure of racing with,and the sometimes overly kind blue flag guys! :thumb:.

@Femto: Tyres, eeech,dont start me off on tyres problems...Paleez!:p
Something i suffered with hugely up until a couple of months ago.
Solutions for me with cheap SaitekR220 wheel non FFB and very small rotation degrees turn: I had to turn down the control sensitivities many clicks of % otherwise steering was too "rapid and sudden",almost like keyboard or gamepad style,watch your in-cockpit wheel move when you move your wheel and make sure its not acting too sensitively,i also got better feeling and performance turning the pedals down some % too.
Alas,none of that will probably apply to you guys with a nice fancy pants G25 900deg. rotation etc. wheel,so probably more importantly for trying to help tyres a bit i picked up on some threads here with our resident aliens talking about reducing all your caster/cambers and generally "softening" the car up a bit,and it helps for sure,Wally makes very good points too about driving style having a big effect,but sometimes in the heat of battle it others that dictate the pace being run,and not easy to do when you simply have to push to maximum every meter or be passed!!...
@ Attila,sorry you couldnt make it to these awesome races at this track m8,i am not looking forward to your next hot lap time report we here from you!!,i really enjoyed the Chevy there,i think that track is real Chevy home stomping ground,in the hands of the "Chevmeister",im seeing 1:27's......:cool:
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