RACE 07 Racing Club (Merged)

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Hya all

As a start lets kick some WTCC cars after the pause period. :)

Time: 19.00 GMT / 20.00 CET
Practise: 30 min
Qualy: 30 min
Race: 2*10 laps
Weather: Dry

Track: Istanbul
Cars: WTCC 06 and 07

Server name: RSC # RPMnet.org
Password: spa

Server 1 - RSC @ RPMnet.org #1
  1. Attila Domján - Chevy
  2. Gareth Hickling - Peugeot
  3. Pauliebhoy Harrigan - Seat Leon
  4. Gregory Degreef - BMW E90
  5. Mehmet Arikan - Seat
  6. Jerome Benard - Alfa Romeo
  7. Cristian Haba - BMW E90
  8. Christian Deparis - Seat 07
  9. Jens Hoeppner - BMW E90
  10. Patrick van Driel -Seat Leon
  11. James Yates - BMW E46
  12. Jari Vinnari - BMW E90
  13. Marcel Hulsbergen - Alfa 156
  14. Peter Böszörményi - Seat Leon
  15. Kent Karlén - Chevy 07
  16. darron miller - Peugeot
  17. Michael Herrmann - Alfa 156
  18. Nico Major - BMW E90
  19. Rami Kaukola - BMW E90
  20. Christopher Aponte - Seat LEon
  21. Simon Trendell - Peugeot
  22. big daddy Morpheus Lightning McQueen - car tbd
  23. Baron-Rouge[NO-B] - Seat Leon
  24. ingemar petersson Seat Leon
  25. Nevermind - Seat Leon
Server 2 - RSC @ RPMnet.org #2
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Great fun everyone
Race 1
Started in 13’h (or ?) and since the start was a bit messy in the other lane I got some position directly.
Drove I clean race (I hope no one disagrees) and had 10’th for the last half of the race. Hade some cars behind me that was somewhat quicker (Neil T i think ?), but I managed to handle the pressure and hold my tight racing line and never left the door open. Finishing 10 after some laps of great fighting.
An incident free race overall.

2’dn race
Had 10’th position (again) going out on the 2’nd lap, but at that “wheeeeee” corner before the hard chicane Zoltan K spun in front of me and came back onto the track and I couldn’t avoid hem and rammed hem right into the side.
I rejoined in 16-17 place or so with suspension damage, but managed to drive it home to a 12’th place anyhow.

As always some really great fun, and really hope we do it again soon :laugh2:
  • Michael Sharpe

Name on RD forum: Michael Sharpe
Name in game: same
Your Country: UK
Control: Keyboard
Car: SEAT Toledo
Special remarks: three red stars please :)
An interesting, if frustrating day. I qualified with a PB of 1:20.5xx, but that left me in 17th spot on the grid. The start of race 1 was hectic, and I just tried to stay clean. A few laps in, I made a mistake over the big crest, and went off. I let a bunch of cars pass, and hopped on the track when it was clear. As soon as I got on, Stuart came over the crest. I saw him, and trid to hug the right side (off the line) to let him past, but then he went right as well to go around me, and we hit. Sorry Stuart! I was trying! I had suspension damage, so I waited for Stuart to pass me before rejoining as I knew I would be slow. I went to the pits, and came out 2 laps down after fixing the suspension. I had a clean run after that, and finished 2 laps down, moving over to let the leaders past right at the line.

Race 2 started a bit better, but a couple of laps in, I misjudged Stuart's braking point on turn 3, and tapped him from behind. Sorry Stuart again! I really did not have it out for you or anything, I just made a mistake.:disapointed: I pulled off and waited for him, and followed him for a bit. He got into a battle with Zoltan, and passed him. I then battled with Zoltan, and he went tail happy in the Moss bend, and almost stopped in the middle of the turn. I had no where to go, and hit him (going slow). I waited for Zoltan, and then resumed. After a couple of laps we caught Niel, and I had a jolly battle with Neil until the end of the race.

Overall, I made too many mistakes. On two of the incidents, I don't know what I could have done to avoid them, but I clearly should not have rear ended Stuart. Sorry again! I really need to get more practice in large fields as I still have real trouble judgeing where people are going in traffic, and I make too many mistakes.

Thanks to all for a great outing. Sorry if I caused any heartbreak.

Take Care!

Wow...Intense...(mixed emotions)..

Qual: Pole Finish: 1st

My first flying qual lap was the one that done it,i joined the grid at the 42secs mark and found myself being dropped on to Ries i think?,thankfully landed on its wheels just next to Ries,Mitja inherited pole and made good of it,Ries showed nice common sense letting me get a bit clear at start saving us both possible problems :good:,early pace was very nice and i could stick to Mitja,but to pass was probably going to require some kind of mistake with us both so close pace,i got my chance about lap 8 i think?,and Mitja gave the space at T1 to finish the pass,but now he could happily stick with me!!,right to the line with a .3xx gap.
Incredible close hard race!

Race2 from 8th i leaped 2 places right at the lights and slotted in place 6th for T1,early on some places were handed to me,and some avoiding work also saw me suddenly up to 2nd behind Dave Gelnik,again even though i had a bit of extra speed on Dave at certain parts of the track it was going to be hard to get a clean pass done,unfortunatly i didnt get to pursue this nice hunt for another win,i found myself being bumped into the gravel at the chicane going 9th,some good fun trying to recover as much as i could,but 5th would have to do for this race,just ahead of Mitja who finished 6th :kiss:.

Close hard racing at that kind of on the edge pace can result in accidents and crashes guys,we all know and understand that,at any event,any one of us,at any time can make errors.
We wait and give the places back caused by the mistake,we say our apologies,learn from the whole thing and move on.

Thank you all for making the 2nd installment of "Spirit of 67" another fantastic fun event again guys,...........are we keen for more?........

Big thanks to my RD colleagues for there time and facilities!.
Just watched the replay of my incident with Dave ...

The nudge I got was not so harsh on the replay as it felt in car, and I know it was accidental and I had slowed to get it back on line already, but was at a crucial moment in getting the car turned in ... there was little else I could do and as you can see from the following picture, I had downchanged and was braking hard as I re-entered the track to try to avoid more incidents/contact, and the rear was locked up ... unfortunately it seems you didn't see it coming and got the worst of it.:kissing:


  • Mosport Contact.jpg
    Mosport Contact.jpg
    145.8 KB · Views: 203
  • Andrew Evans

race 1 - quallied 9th with another pb crushing lap - this seems to be my thing of late! was rolling around in 8th with zoltan right behind me... tagged a rear wheel on the grass on the start/finish and got a lovely tank-slapper that ended in a puncture... booooo... limped around and repaired it but car was undriveable and soon crashed into the tyres of death....

race 2 - started 22nd after the r1 debacle but managed to get up to 14th by halfway around the first lap - sheep on drugs! :sheep:... by the midpoint i was up to 8th which is when karl started his uber huntdown... 4 or 5 laps to go i'm up to 7th and karl is pressuring hard... last lap up to 6th and i've got a mixture of the grins and the sweats with karl all over my arse!... halfway around the last lap i caught the tiniest bit of grass (fading tyres :bluff: ) and got sucked in... re-joined 10th and came home there... top stuff karl, mate!

joyous event, gary... where next mate? :wink:
My best nights racing yet at RD.!!!

Race 1

You know the score I like to start last so as not to get in the way 27th in this case and saw people skidding off on the first lap that moved me up a few places. Never really had to overtake anyone as they very kindly started cutting the grass or smoothing the gravel as I reached them and as I made very few mistakes (a first for me) I managed to finish 13th.

Race 2

Oh dear starting 13th on the grid (heart pounding, sweat dripping, blood pressure blowing the top of my head off) I needed a good start, but my car said "How about Nooooooo!" and spent the first lap trying to stay out of everybodies way while I dropped to 18th. Pressure was off now so started to relax and kept it nice and tue on the track when others spun off to finish in my highest position yet 7th.

Moral: slow and steady wins 7th place and a great deal of satisfaction.

Thanks for yet another great event!!!!!!!

These races are primarily aimed towards our trial members, we also welcome Premium Members to join the event (but Trial members will get priority if necessary) in Australia, New Zealand, and S.E. Asia so the race times are set for that zone. However, we welcome entrants from other timezones who would like to race at this time and help us to maximize our starting grids.
The only thing we ask is that priority be given to Oceania trial members since they often don't get the opportunity to race other events.

These events will both give our trial members a taste of what RaceDepartment.com has to offer Premium Club members, and also give us a chance to see how the Trial members conduct themselves online. These events will potentially help in the promotion to Premium member status in a faster manor.

For this event, we will use the WTCC cars & will use the Brno '07 track.

Signups will close 1Hr before the Practice start time

New start time has been imposed to reflect New Zealand and Australian D.S.T.

Event details
Game: Race 07
Date: Monday 1st of December 2008
Server: Racedepartment.com AU
Car: WTCC 06 & 07
Skins: Custom skins allowed.
Circuit: Brno 07

Password: click here

Event schedule (GMT time)
Practice: 9:00 GMT, 30 mins (8.00PM Aust Eastern DST)
Qualifying: 9:30 GMT, 30 mins (8.30PM AEST)
Race: 10:00 GMT, (9.00PM ADST)
Laps: 2 by 10 laps

Server settings
Allowed driving aids: Auto clutch/auto gears
Weather: Dry
Failures: Normal
Start: Standing

Please use the following format for sign up:

Name on RD forum:
Name in game:
Your Country:
Special remarks:


*** Prepared to step aside to make room for Oceania Trial & Premium members if needed.

1. Jaius Dewing - Trial Member - Honda
2. Richard Hamstead - Trial Member - Seat
3. Ries Notenboom - Trial Member - Honda
15. Gunthar Rowe - Premium Member - Chevrolet Lacetti Skin
16. Warren Dawes - Premium Member - Seat Toledo
17. Péter Bártfai - Premium Member - Chevrolet Lacetti Skin
18. Andrew Dawes - Premium Member - Peugeot
19. Mtommi Tam - Premium Member - Honda Skin
20. Michael Stead - Premium Member - BMW E90
21. Olaf.j Linortner - Premium Member - Seat
22. Marty Pierce

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