RACE 07 Racing Club (Merged)

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Hya all

As a start lets kick some WTCC cars after the pause period. :)

Time: 19.00 GMT / 20.00 CET
Practise: 30 min
Qualy: 30 min
Race: 2*10 laps
Weather: Dry

Track: Istanbul
Cars: WTCC 06 and 07

Server name: RSC # RPMnet.org
Password: spa

Server 1 - RSC @ RPMnet.org #1
  1. Attila Domján - Chevy
  2. Gareth Hickling - Peugeot
  3. Pauliebhoy Harrigan - Seat Leon
  4. Gregory Degreef - BMW E90
  5. Mehmet Arikan - Seat
  6. Jerome Benard - Alfa Romeo
  7. Cristian Haba - BMW E90
  8. Christian Deparis - Seat 07
  9. Jens Hoeppner - BMW E90
  10. Patrick van Driel -Seat Leon
  11. James Yates - BMW E46
  12. Jari Vinnari - BMW E90
  13. Marcel Hulsbergen - Alfa 156
  14. Peter Böszörményi - Seat Leon
  15. Kent Karlén - Chevy 07
  16. darron miller - Peugeot
  17. Michael Herrmann - Alfa 156
  18. Nico Major - BMW E90
  19. Rami Kaukola - BMW E90
  20. Christopher Aponte - Seat LEon
  21. Simon Trendell - Peugeot
  22. big daddy Morpheus Lightning McQueen - car tbd
  23. Baron-Rouge[NO-B] - Seat Leon
  24. ingemar petersson Seat Leon
  25. Nevermind - Seat Leon
Server 2 - RSC @ RPMnet.org #2
  1. Driver
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  19. Driver
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Love this track firstly, and second the battle with Cristian in race #1 was so intense I had to change my shirt. Literally.

Quali: Crazy battle back and forth with cristian who nailed a flyer and put me in 2nd.

Race #1

Start was good and as expected Cristian pulled about .5 away with the RWD. I pushed every lap to get into his draft and when I finally caught it, we battled non stop. It was a give and take battle with some precision driving, alot of two wide, and one mistake on my part which gave up my 1.2 sec lead and allowed him to get it back for the finish. Wicked race man look forward to many more.

Race 2:

Start went well, I was a little over cautious which allowed cristian to get ahead and got in front of Matt, which had him on flying pace in between us. Matt was really tough to pass as he was flying. when i finally did cristian had pulled 2.4 secs and I was maintaining the same distance. i made a small error and it allowed him to get to 3.0. Just around lap 4 i believe I nailed the last sector and he made a small mistake which put me within 1.8 secs i believe when I got a video glitch. the game stopped, and all the colors mixed up. I was able to exit out and the comp never crashed. But I believe it is a result of overheating. Any input appreciated.

All in all wicked fun, thanks for hosting RD and thank Willi for organizing.
  • Matt Alpeter

I got a video glitch. the game stopped, and all the colors mixed up. I was able to exit out and the comp never crashed. But I believe it is a result of overheating. Any input appreciated.

yeah mate, your graphics card either got to hot or the overclocking (if you are) is too high.

hope i didn't hold you back too much, i didn't want to give up the spot THAT easily :)
yeah mate, your graphics card either got to hot or the overclocking (if you are) is too high.

hope i didn't hold you back too much, i didn't want to give up the spot THAT easily :)

Actually not overclocked at all. But the case is in a slightly restricted spot in my comp desk. Also id like to add that I believe the source of most heat was me from the intense racing with cristian. My GF has told me i become like a radiant furnace when I am focused on racing.

As for the spot, you were just as fast man you had no reason to give me that spot. Thats why I was working to hard. Good racing man, well done.

Really hard race, I had to push all over!

Quali: Managed to get 3rd with serious concentration on my last lap. That was really hard, the first half of the field was very close to each other!

Race1: Started OK, pulled with Keith and was close for a few laps. Then I lost him and began to run my own pace:D I was very satisfied with it, then started thinking over things and that lead me to a mistake...:) Warren passed me! When we ended the lap I was 3,5s behind him. Tried to get closer but only managed 2,9. Finished 4th

Race2: Great start, and great battle after it. First I thought I see Keith on my left but then I realized it's Marcel:D Then I saw Keith too in my mirrors, he passed me, I tried to fight back but I needed to turn tighter and that meant I couldn't accelerate out of the corner that good. Then I was close to Marcel and tried to pass him where Keith did, but I wasn't enough fast to do that. But then he made a mistake and I passed, and I saw Warren also. In last sector I made a few mistakes, the first was this lap and Warren almost passed me. Then in next lap again, and he passed me!:) Then I was chasing him, tried to pass at many places, really fought hard. And that lead me to a mistake again in last sector where I lost it. I was about 5 seconds back after, saw Matt made a mistake or something and I got closer, but only to about 3 seconds. I tried to get closer but it was too hard!:)

Well done Christian for double win! Well done Keith to be able to stay close to Christian:D Also well done to Warren and Matt!

I finished 4th place overall with 10 points, Matt had also 10 points but also a podium, so he became 3rd:)

Thx for the race!
K, so this track is pretty cool and I know the E90 and the Chevy pretty much kill in straight line type tracks like these, ex. Monza.

Qually: Started in the BMS but I didnt have enough time with it to sort it out and the grip was just not there, so i quickly switched to the E90. Started off slow and I knew that Keith was gonna put the hammer down and so he did. I just edged him out with a 2:37 almost before time ran out. Honestly it was the fastest I could go without risking like a lunatic.

Race 1: I had a pretty good start, although by Sai standards I would for sure be 2nd in turn one :p. Then I tried to relax and not to up my breathing since I got one of the nastiest coughs happening, I got some nasty cold that wont let go its been almost two weeks now. So I restricted to coughing on the straights lol. First few laps I immediately saw I was losing on av. about one tenth down the straights since I was running higher downforce than Keith so I knew I was in for it. First and second sector I would usually win out ( by that I mean keep the gap) and the third sector Kaith was flying espcially the last turn. On lap 8 I missed a gear going into turn 1 and ran wide as a result, this left the door wide open for Keith and he took it. However on the next lap or so, he made a mistake going wide into the fast left hander before the end of T2 and allowed me to get close enough and eventually made the move down the front straight.

In the last lap I mad a mistake in the high speed downhill chicane ran wide and saved it to my amazement but Keith hit me from behind which was totally not his fault since he couldnt have forseen it, in a sense I got lucky. If that didn't happen im sure it would have been a photo finish.

Race 2: Crazy start I was sandwiched between two cars and litterlly saying oh **** oh **** I broke little early and then got the run on Matt, i think, and then had some free air in front of me and could grind out some fast laps. But Keith showed up to ruin the party, was hoping for it really. But after a few laps he misteriosly dropped out, now not a mistery but it was then.

Overall: Crazy intense race 1 cant wait for more. Grats Keith, Warren, Matt etc. this was a very nice event.
  • Matt Alpeter

Qualy: Was about .2 off my PB and landed a spot in 5th

Race 1: Had a pretty good launch and secured a spot in 4th and stayed there for a couple laps until a mistake in the first chicane let Warren by. I was loosing ground from small errors so I started pushing hard to catch back up. However, on lap 4, my big man muscles tore the wheel off my desk and I flew into the dirt after the fast chicane. Driving with one hand and screwing the screws back down with the other, I was able to rejoin in 7th right behind Marcel. Marcel put up a massive fight and we were bumper to bumper for a few laps until he made the same mistake I made earlier at the first chicane and I got by on lap 6. William was a good distance ahead of me and I was barely catching him, maybe a couple tenths a lap, which wasn't good enough. Luckily he made a few mistakes and at the end of lap 9 is was right on his bumper. Going in to T1 my engine was bouncing all over the place off the limiter and I was thinking about trying a pass on the inside when he under-braked and left the track. Finished in a solid 5th.

Race 2: Started 4th and had an amazing launch which put me in 1st by T1. Spent about half the lap in first until Cristian drafted up and passed me. Spent another lap with Keith all up in my rear view mirror and he drafted up and went for a pass after the long backstretch. I went wide, but got a little wobbly and nearly took him out, but luckily he was up on the curb and out of the way of my sliding death car. After all that, he dropped out due to a graphics glitch. Back in second, I took a moment to breathe and realized Warren and Peter were reeling me in fast. I made a mistake on lap 6 which led to Warren passing me. I was able to keep up and ride his tail for a bit and was trying to look off to the sides to see the braking point (was right on him) and blew it..hit the last chicane wall and bounced over to the right barrier wall. Luckily the car was undamaged and I managed to start pulling him back in, but ran out of laps and finished 3rd.

Overall, finished a proud 3rd!

Thanks again to RD and to Willy for setting it up!

Grats to Bob for completing his first race! Look forward to many races with you!
That was some amazing racing, great track, great close and clean driving from everyone, and heaps of fun. William talked me into using the Volvo S60 again, but it was pretty easy to convince me when I compared my times with the Mercedes. This Volvo is proving to be a lucky car for me, and I'm starting to get comfy with it. It's really different, has some unusual habits, but it is very quick in the high speed turns. During practice it was obvious that Matt, Peter, William, and I were going to be very close, our lap times were extremely close every session. Surprisingly though, I checked the sector times and noticed that they were up to 1 sec faster in the first two sectors, but I was gaining it all back in the last sector (the high speed bends). And so it proved mostly in the races.

Qualified about P6 I think, but again the times around me were extremely close.

Race1. Managed a reasonable start and jumped William (he obviously needs practice getting the lumbering Volvo off the line :) ) and settled into P5. Cristian and Keith cleared out for their own private alien battle, leaving Matt, Peter and I to wage our own fierce battle. This was going to be decided by who made the fewest mistakes and I managed to keep mine to a minimum (wasn't strong enough to yank the wheel off the desk lol ) and finished P3.

Race 2. This was even more intense. Just like Race 1, Peter, and I were nose to tail and swapping spots behind Marcel. Marcel slipped off to the grass letting Peter and I through, and a small mistake by Peter let me sneak by. However he stayed glued to my tail and pushed me hard, so hard we both started gaining on Matt, and it became a three way battle for many laps. Unfortunately, Peter made a small mistake, leaving me to concentrate on Matt in front who was very quick in some parts, but I was quicker in others. I needed a small mistake from Matt to gain a place, and he finally made a very small wide exit and I was through. It wasn't to end there though, Matt now glued himself to my tail. He eventually tapped the wall looking for a small gap to pass me so I hung on for P2 (only because Keith dropped out with rotten luck).

Grats to Cristian for the wins, and also to Keith who, with Cristian, was in another league. Fantastic racing with Matt and Peter, you had those Audi's and Peugeot's flying. It was a pleasure to see a battle with three very different cars, but very close speed. There was absolutely nothing between the three of us.

Thanks to all who raced and a special welcome to Bob who had is first outing. :clap:
Well, I thought it would be fun to grab the s60 and give Warren a run for his money, but after a pretty good qualifying (4th) I just couldn't stay consistent.

race one - I really have trouble getting the s 60 started and this race was no different. I went from 4 to 9 off the line and i raced my way back up to 5th but a mistake in lap 9 let Matt by and it was set that sixth is what I would finish.

race two - the start was no different again, lost quite a few spots before turn one. I had fun chasing Marcel for a few laps, but bumped him in the fast back stretch at the bottom of the hill, Sorry for that. It didn't seem to bother him but I went off the track. I couldn't concentrate after that not really paying attention and then decided to try and get some good laps in before the end. Was fun but not my night.

congrats to the winner Cristian - again - and to Warren for kicking my butt in his volvo. :)
Marcel, I can manage a 1:20 easily with the Ferrari and Porsche. I can also do a 1:20 in the Mosler, with the rest of the GT Sport cars doing 1:21 or higher.
When scca1981 converted these cars, he did say that they would be faster than the standard cars. He has slightly reduced their performance levels to ensure parity, but they are certainly faster than the original GT Sports.
But today, more important for me are the complaints about my brother (Reik). I know him for a long time now :) and I can asure you, he is a fair and clean driver like me. He sufferd from a bad internet connection with a bad ping today. He has a crappy provider. Some days are good some days are bad.

thanks for the explanation & vid Nico. i hope Reik can get his internet sorted soon :good:

as for the races, Gary picked a great track car combo. i just wish i had done some practice as towards the end of race 2 i was finaly setting some good times and having great fun sliding the car about :in-love:
And also sorry Neil for smashing you in the side at T1 race2, I was pushed out to you and had no time to react.
No worries i was still trying to recover from the shunt i got from behind at the start so i was probably slower then normal around turn one.

They were good fun races but i still do not like practicing on this track so i just did not do enough and it showed when i started nearly right at the back:disapointed:
As the race wore on i started to move through the field until my front tyres started to show how poor my setup was as the front left was constantly glowing red and i struggled to hold onto 7th place and ended up loosing it to Marc on the very last corner on lap 20, but i was still very happy to get 8th place.:laugh2:

Race 2 i started on pole and thought this was going to be fun trying to keep some of these guys behind me but it was not to be as i got a push from behind as we moved off the line which proceeded to cause mayhem further down the field and when the dust settled i was down in 17th :disapointed: with only some worse off bent cars behind me but surprisingly i got off with very little damage and had a good time dragging my dented car back up to 8th place again.
So all in a good nights racing so thanks to everyone who made it so and congrats to the podiums.:clap:
  • Jeff Leroux

Hi guys ,

just to said , THANKS to Andrew another times for this RD :good:

thanks for the choice CARS ( i like this cars ) and TRACK

thanks also for few laps that i run with you a réal pleasure , it's was very funny :good:

( for the incident with you , it's not your fault )

and yes unfortunate moments with Lee :)
you were too slow out of that corner :tongue: so it was hard to avoid you every time especially when I've had another car just behind me, but we also have few laps with good fight :dance2:

Heh Heh ... maybe you are right ... although I saw on the replay what happened to you when I wasn't close by to slow you down - seems you tried to go a bit faster into there, resulting in some overshooting of the corner and a spot of the ol' grass-tracking ... LOL's :roflmao:
Good races everyone, I was using the night to try and get comfortable with the BMS. Went OK at times, but I still haven't run with the RWD touring cars enough to get a feel for their "randomness". Definitely are not as predictable grip-wise as the GT cars, that is for sure.

Was pretty satisfied with qualy all things considered, 2:41.xx put me in mid-pack. Starts in the BMS were a luxury as I picked up 3-4 spots on that alone, however after exiting turn 1 of race 1 a glance at my fuel gauge promptly reminded me that I loaded my qual setup instead of my race setup, leaving me with about half as much fuel as I needed.:shout: That pretty much killed race 1 for me, as I got mad and lost concentration, had to pit, somehow got black flagged for speeding in the pits with the limiter on etc. Just used the rest of the race for extra practice.

Race 2 was going much better - again had a good start and picked up a few places. Was running between P6 and P7 as Gaynall and I had a good back and forth, until somewhere around lap 6 or 7 I lost the rear coming out of T1 and knocked the right side wall. Suspension was damaged and I limped it to the finish in P8.

Kinda wish I would have picked a familiar car to get in on the close action, but it was worth the practice. Great racing up front though, so some good action up there.
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