RACE 07 Racing Club (Merged)

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Hya all

As a start lets kick some WTCC cars after the pause period. :)

Time: 19.00 GMT / 20.00 CET
Practise: 30 min
Qualy: 30 min
Race: 2*10 laps
Weather: Dry

Track: Istanbul
Cars: WTCC 06 and 07

Server name: RSC # RPMnet.org
Password: spa

Server 1 - RSC @ RPMnet.org #1
  1. Attila Domján - Chevy
  2. Gareth Hickling - Peugeot
  3. Pauliebhoy Harrigan - Seat Leon
  4. Gregory Degreef - BMW E90
  5. Mehmet Arikan - Seat
  6. Jerome Benard - Alfa Romeo
  7. Cristian Haba - BMW E90
  8. Christian Deparis - Seat 07
  9. Jens Hoeppner - BMW E90
  10. Patrick van Driel -Seat Leon
  11. James Yates - BMW E46
  12. Jari Vinnari - BMW E90
  13. Marcel Hulsbergen - Alfa 156
  14. Peter Böszörményi - Seat Leon
  15. Kent Karlén - Chevy 07
  16. darron miller - Peugeot
  17. Michael Herrmann - Alfa 156
  18. Nico Major - BMW E90
  19. Rami Kaukola - BMW E90
  20. Christopher Aponte - Seat LEon
  21. Simon Trendell - Peugeot
  22. big daddy Morpheus Lightning McQueen - car tbd
  23. Baron-Rouge[NO-B] - Seat Leon
  24. ingemar petersson Seat Leon
  25. Nevermind - Seat Leon
Server 2 - RSC @ RPMnet.org #2
  1. Driver
  2. Driver
  3. Driver
  4. Driver
  5. Driver
  6. Driver
  7. Driver
  8. Driver
  9. Driver
  10. Driver
  11. Driver
  12. Driver
  13. Driver
  14. Driver
  15. Driver
  16. Driver
  17. Driver
  18. Driver
  19. Driver
  20. Driver
  21. Driver
  22. Driver
  23. Driver
  24. Driver
  25. Driver
Guys I know you had a great time. These events are 100% recommended. Improves your health and gives u the feel good factor. I missed both the races. I was just in the garage but what happened is this...

Qualied 1st after waiting until the dying minutes of qualy since the forecast predicted a dry weather. I put on my slick tyres and went out to clock the fastest time and have Pole. A good start right....well during warm up my 20 month old Son and 1 month old Daughter decided to wake up at the same time, literally. I figured I'll handle my son and put him to sleep while me Mrs feeds our younger one. He wanted non of it. Was just chilling and talking. Race 1 went by, race 2 went by. Everyone left the server when I came back. Have you seen a man cry just like the weather in Mallala?

Thank you Eric, RD and all participants.
LOL Abdul, the joys of parenting! Sorry you missed out.
I've got to say sorry to Olaf, for punting you off the track in the first race. Racing in the rain is completly new to me. I definitly need to practice this.
I believe I was the last finisher of both races due to my serious lack of skills tonight. Still, it was alot of fun and a new experience for me.
Thanks Eric and RD.
great track very fast drops etc. for sure i had the best mini set up ever so my car was perfect... had a 1stlap crash my mistake so sorry guys:( try to pit knowing it was a long race and would have some changes later on. but i crashed it again and the car was red again and i think that is strange coz in my oppinion it wasnt a hard crash, can it be a bug?
  • Jason Halaby

Thank you everybody, really great fun. Special thanks to Eric for playing God and making the weather so much fun, and to Keith for being the super-helpful weatherman and all-around enthusiastic dude!

Race 1
I drove extra carefully since the track kept getting wetter by the minute. I slowly moved my brake points earlier and earlier on each lap just to be safe. I was not very fast, but I managed to inch my way up from P15 to finish in P7 as the slippery track caught many off guard. I had one major offing at Turn 1 which caused me to spin in the Pit Entry lane as I was trying to avoid those cones of death. I'm sorry if blocked the pit entry for anyone - I think Olaf was behind me at the time.

Race 2
I was undeservingly granted a P2 grid position, which made me really nervous because I know most of you guys are a lot faster than I. But I decided to hang on to the pace as long as I could. In hindsight I should have let Yves pass me - he was much faster and able to brake way later than me. Sorry for holding you up Yves!

My biggest mistake came when I took a wide line through T1 & 2 which caused a chain reaction pile-up with Steve, Yves, and Keith. Sorry about that guys, at least some good came of it for Keith :) as he was able to navigate the wreck pretty well.

Thanks All!
Blown away with the quality with this group.

Ok, as I am writing this report I am watching the replay, and this is going to be long so this is a warning. Also I have a few things I would like to say after my report. Grab a cup of coffee prior to reading.

Quali: This was really intense due to the weather forecast. I actually received a call from my friend Brandon, and he was asking what tires to choose. I was unsure, and we both watched and i said rains. So I went out and qualid and nailed a lap which put me pole. Later in the session as the track was drying up, Adam puts on Wet fronts and slicks in rear, sneaky bugger. He takes pole. THEN Abdul even sneakier, goes out with seconds to spare with full slicks. He nailed a lap on a drying track and takes pole. I ended up 3rd.

Race 1: Weather again was a tough call. I decided at the start that I would probly be all wets the whole race. I belive Adam was the only one on slicks at the start with a wet track. Abdul had not made the grid and I assumed he fell asleep. Got a good start in the slightly wet but getting wetter conditions. Tucked in behind Yves for third. Was putting alot of pressure on Yves early as he was in RWD, at times inches away. My strength was exiting with FWD. Brandon was pressing me too. The rain keeps coming and it is getting wetter. Yves struggles, but I am hard pressed to get by clean. Brandon continues to push me. Now on laps 3. Brandon is looking to get by me, and I am trying to find my way by yves still. Lap 4 yves bobbles getting me on his bumper. Adam is ahead, as we enter the 180 corner. Adam runs wide, as we are coming through yves checks up and then accelerates getting sideways. I was inside him, and as his car slides sideways my front end pushes him back correct :) (your welcome yves :p ) Brandon slips through, with yves getting in front of me. Next corner Brandon wide me and yves back through yves 2nd and me 3rd. And the rain begins to stop getting heavier on lap 5. (Teamspeak is now the weather channel :) As we approach lap 6 the rain begins dying down and the track drying, and Adam is pitting. Me and Yves proceeed with a gap now on Brandon. The battle with me and yves at times is only seperated by inches. Battle continutes until the start of lap 9 when I get a run through T1 and T2 which puts yves on a defensive line for T3. I setup wide and cross over. Nailed the apex and had my run to get by for T4. Now im focused on distancing and planning for my stop on Lap 10, which would be 2 wet front tires as the track was around 23% wet but the rain had stopped. Nailing my pit stop I maintained the lead with Adam pushing through from his early stop to 2nd. and Brandon 3rd. With clear track in front and about a 7 second lead my goal is to maintain and not make mistakes...just starting lap 12....T1 i caught too much curb and went around. With my knowledge of FWD donuts I slammed it in reverse and got rightways and only lost 4 seconds of my lead. (On teamspeak Olly is sceaming how amazing a spin that was and asking "keith was that you?") Carrying on a bit shaken up goal is no mistakes and bring it home AGAIN!. Luckily no mistakes and I brought home the win.

Grats to Yves for 2nd, and to Peter for 3rd. Bad luck to Adam for Fuel, and to Brandon. He had small unavoidable contact with Peter in T2 coming off the curb, but as a gentlemen he waited for Peter. Good show everyone.

Race 2: Now starting 8th, with a Blue sky, and a damp track....in teamspeak as Olly says "YEEEEEEHAWWWWW" Before the race I switched to my Dry setup, but forgot to add the fuel needed to race, and started with only 11litres. More on this further down.

The start was hairy, damp track slick tires. With a few at the front getting off at different speeds there was a conflict. Many cars little real estate :p when this happens it is hard to avoid an incident. Looks like Rhys went to change lanes and Peter was just at his rear quarter. When Rhys moved it sent him around no fault to Peter. This sent him into Brandon and peter across into Yves path. Everyone slows down, and as I approach yves I am rear ended, again to no fault of anyone. It was a scenario of alot of cars with little room, it happens. After the madness I settle into 8th and seeing newcomer Glenn making his way clean through the pile of cars (well done man, not easy navigating cleanly in that). I believe Glenn gave me a pass by him which I appreciate, but is not necessary. You have every right to a position out there as I do. But thank you tho. I was now in 6th entering T4 and Michel Usal runs wide which gets me P5. With a raging battle up front of 4 cars bumper to bumper, I am pushing to catch. Yuri and Brandon exhcange positions in T3 and then again in T4, and I am looking for an opening. Starting lap 3 Yuri gets Brandon again in T3 but runs wide getting in the grass, allowing Brandon to crossover and me to get a run down the long straight. I managed to get by Yuri, but his car was better under braking, and Yuri got back inside but I was able to hold the outside now taking P5. Same lap entering T6 Brandon gets inside Jason who gets wide and I managed to sneak beside him. Then in T7 very cleanly Jason and I ran side by side and I just barely held the outside to take P3. Now behind Brandon, who is chasing down Jarrod (newly back to sim racing) Im thinking about how mucht time I will lose in the pits taking my fuel. On lap 5 I get a run outa T3 on Brandon down the straight and we run side by side through the 180degree T4. Heading to T6 I am close and put a fake move inside on Brandon, and he runs ever so slightly wide. I was able to get by before T7 and was pushing for Jarrod who was still leading. On lap 6 through T1 and T2 Jarrod runs wide losing momentum. Entering T3 I pushed for a good corner to get a draft/run on Jarrod, which worked perfect and I was able to slip by for T4. Now leading the fuel issue im addressing and I add the 13litres to my 2 front tire stop...BUT...I forgot to accept and pit only taking 2 tires. Now with 1.4 litres left I do one more lap to get back and pit again to take my fuel for stop #2. Entering the pits I missed the corner to enter, and lost more time. Get my fuel and reenter the track in P9, now on lap 9. Now pushing to salvage the overall result, i gain one position from Michel Usal pitting, up to P8 on lap 10. Jarrod gets loose in T2 on lap 11 up to P7. With Steve ahead after his late stop Im pushing even harder for a possible top 5. With Steve in front and Yves and Jason in the distance starting lap 13 going down the long straight into T4, it looks like Yves downshifted too quickly and locked up into the grass collecting Jason (sorry for your luck Jason you were having a wicked run, but it can happen at anytime). With this happening it allows Steve by Yves, with me tucking in behind Yves. With a top 5 in the cards, im waiting to see an opening. T1 on lap 14 Jason runs a little wide and has a bad entry to T2, this pushes his car wide into the grass, and sends the car sideways. Steve gets in the grass as he checks up and gets sideways with Yves right there to collect him and Jason who was slowed on the grass. As I am a little bit behind I see an opening and go for it, and Jasons sideways car came across the track and knicked my front end as I was going by. This put me up to 4th which was where I ran til the end.

Big congrats to Brandon Lawson for his first ever RD race win. Grats to Adam and Yuri for the top 3's. Tough luck to Jason, and to Steve who had amazing runs going.

With all that had happened this race with a 1st and a 4th I managed to get 15 points. This put me in a tie for the win with my long time friend Brandon Lawson, who did amazing today and deserved where he finished. Big congratulations buddy, you drove amazing today and showed amazing sportsmanship.

Id also like to say well done to Glenn Peterson for his first ever race at RD, Jason Habley for his ever improving races here with us, John Sydenstricker who litrelly bought STCC thanks to my subtle persuasion just so he could race with us, Yuri Braham who stayed up til 4:30am to race with us, and Jarrod Keen who is back from a break from Sim racing, thanks for joining us tonite. I could go on but I got other things id like to write.

Ok now that I finished that novel. Sorry everyone for the length but I wrote the report while I watched the replay in real time, only stopping it for a few seconds to recap big incidents.

Thank you everyone for joining tonite. As you can see there is a direction that these events are headed with the social group, with Eric K, myself and the input of you guys the racers. I truly feel that the US races should never had less then 20 people per race. The key to getting there and maintaining is quality of racing, along with organization. Tonites race with 20 entries tied for the most entries in a Friday event. I believe we can see 25 on a regular basis. The format is there, the extras are there, the quality of racing is there, the great group of people is here, its just a matter of keeping what we have now and improving on that. Racer input, suggestions, complaints, are all key to making that possible. The racing group I believe can make that possible, so I really hope everyone will subscirbe to the group, and put in their 2 cents whenever they have time.

Ive got so much more on my mind I would like to say, but just cant get it all out right now. But know that my efforts, and enthiusiasm towards our events is because I truly have a passion for the racing and comradery that comes from these events. I think the future is looking bright and tonite was simply the foreshadowing of what is to come.

Thank you Eric K for all your hard work, and I look forward to what is coming. Thank you RD and Admins, for hosting and providing us with this place. Lastly thank each and everyone one of the racers that came out tonite, you guys are what makes racing these races a joy.

Final thank you....this is for anyone who read everything I wrote :rotfl:

And a final note if you are in the Group for friday racers located here http://forum.racedepartment.com/groups/s2000-friday-night-racers.html please subscribe to that group. This will give you email updates of changes/practice sessions/events. If you are not a member there and would like to be please PM me and I will send you invite ASAP.

Finally done typing,
Wow great roll up. Great to see the new guys in the mix.

Had fun while it lasted but had trouble with pits and got DQ because I could not see my pit arrow on lap 11 so I drove straight through and could'nt make it up.
Not a big fan of the changing weather as I dont adjust well to variables and all the technical aspects of racing. I like it dry and predictable. Would love to see some racing with default car setups only. Looking forward to next weeks dry forcast on Friday.
John I really appreciate you joining us tonite, I knew that post would convince you :) When you break it down like that it makes sense.

As for the practice that is what we are all here for, anything you need help with there is usually someone who can. My best suggestion is to subscribe to the Friday racers group here http://forum.racedepartment.com/groups/s2000-friday-night-racers.html and you will receive daily emails about practice sessions, updates, and anything related to our races.

Again thanks for racing, and we will see you on the grid soon.


LOL Abdul, the joys of parenting! Sorry you missed out.
I've got to say sorry to Olaf, for punting you off the track in the first race. Racing in the rain is completly new to me. I definitly need to practice this.
I believe I was the last finisher of both races due to my serious lack of skills tonight. Still, it was alot of fun and a new experience for me.
Thanks Eric and RD.
Sorry guys, yet another PC freeze up as it switched from warm up to race.
My feelings about this stuff are just about unprintable right now.

I have tried every piece of advice on about 5 forums, also tried recommendations and advice from friends, nothing makes any difference. :at-wits-end:

I am sooooo close to giving up.

Warren talked some with Olly on TS about your issue, and what he described you guys trying, it left one thing in my mind as the problem. The power supply. I had very similar symptoms as you and replacing that solved it.

I hope you get it sorted, and we have you back racing at 100% PC health. You would be missed if you just gave up.

Olly said he would speak with you about a PS. Hope it works out.

Finally gave up on the BMS and drove the Honda this time. Guess I won't be back.:smile: I don't get Simbin's implementation of rwd. Just doesn't seem right to me.

Thanks again!:beer:

Steve, I am really sorry you feel this way. I personally have raced the BMS and although it is difficult to setup, when properly setup it is VERY fast. Ive won numerous events with it, and others have run it and been competitive.

I hope you will stick around and race, if you want to practice with the BMS id be happy to get on track with you running them.

If there is anything I can do PM me please.

not a god friday night for me i have the same graphic issues as Steve Palmer

Since practice time try to fix enter and living the the server a few times
but it always come back and when the server went to qualify was good again but all starts again during the race and was impossible to driver with that psychedelic graphics :damnit:cant see nothing with silver mirror
Qualified 10th I think, feeling pretty good. Seemed to be a fair bit of chaos on the first lap but I took it easy and eventually wound up 5th, and was surprised I was holding off those behind me and chasing down Piotrek Blaszczak. Had a really good battle for the early part of the race mate. He eventually ran wide and I got by but I never like to pass like that really.

Then I had my usual misktake and hit a wall causing suspension damage. And I was being closely followed, can't remember who by but it was about lap 11 so I got into the pits.

Arghh, last time I use autopit, came in ok, fuel, tyres, repairs. Then my mini just sat there shaking its butt, most of lost 2 mins or more, which is a long time to be sat doing nothing in a race, it wasn't look good until it eventually seemed to find a route out, at 1 mph!! It eventually picked up speed and I was back in the race, albiet in last or there abouts, which was 11th. Guy in front was 30 seconds and I whittled it down to about 10 over the course of the next 7 laps or so until I lost it over the hill, couldnt save it from the barrier, race over level damage. I would like to have seen where I would have finished after the pit stops had all finished.

Anyway thanks all, learned my listen regarding pitstops though!
And i'm totally blastered. glad i was not mixing your fun... as A Evans Have boldlighted...guess he was pissed..he's speaking the trhuth, or whatever the correct aaronspelling is..i wouldn't stay on the track not alone with my mind, probably the only good decision i have made tonight to not join.... can hardly walk.. i have no reason to post but i did it anyway...watched a goddamned scorpions jr on a truckbed in a f%cking beach on this godforsaken town.. AAAARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
I'm so sorry for the first corner mess, it was my fault. I was coming up fast on the first 4, had to break, then Kieran got passed and that's where things got complicated, clipped the sand and round I went. Sorry To Laurence, I think it was you I hit.
Qualifiyng wasn't great, started at position 23, could not stay on the track for a moment.

During some practice sessions i did not have that problem, so i had no worries whatsoever.

Decided to go for no pitstops at all. Added enough fuel so i thougt to drive the whole race -/- 1 lap. (the lap i reckoned i would be lapped, so lots of mathematics in this).

The race started real good for me, saw lot of problems so i could manage to go to place 12 i think.

Lot of drop outs, i managed to go to place 7th, also due to that a lot went for a pitstop.

Sadly after 18 rounds i saw that fuel wasn't sufficient, so i had to slow down my mini. But i could manage to stay on place 7.

but in lap 22 or so i had to go for a pitstop no more fuel, freewheeling downhills already.

I entered the pitlane, no autopit, and could not find the right buttons to add fuel.

When added, manually, for about 4 laps. i drove with speedlimiter and i just ended at place 9, but to bad fuel havent been added at all. so race was over. Still ended at place 9.

Most of the race i had to drive alone, but thats quiet normal for me.

So again it was a great happening.

Andrew thx, and heep heep hoereeh.

ordinarily, i'd do this as a pm... but since i don't think you were the only person to do this tonight (but were the only person who had the nuts to own up to it) we'll have a public service announcement....

as everyone knows, the mini event is premium stuff... we always have more people wanting to race than we have slots... the event is always posted on a sunday or a monday.... you have four days to decide if you like a track or not....

check it out beforehand... if you don't like it, don't bloody sign up... if you can't check the track out, don't bloody sign up - why would you turn up raw cold to an event? how do you know what to expect without even one or two cursory laps? i wouldn't do it, ffs...

quitting out of an event "because i don't like it" is disrespectful to me, disrespectful to your fellow club members and frankly, i don't want that kind of moronity and selfishness hovering around my events...

so don't bother signing up for minis for a bit - because you're not welcome... :pissed-off:

Ok Andrew.

I understand your feelings perfectly.

I have to turn up to most of the Mini Fridays cold as I have little time during the week and as you must be aware I'm a regular competitor in this meeting and always enjoy it and give my sometimes long winded reviews after. Last weeks 3 tracks were all new to me and yet I had competitive and clean races in all 3.

I'm trully sorry, but last night it was impossible after 20mins of practice and the 30min qually I just couldn't get into this track. I new the layout by then and roughly how quick I could drive, but it was souless for me. I'm sorry I wasn't able to try before hand, but 99% of the time it wont matter as the mini's will be great anywhere.

I'll do as you request and stay away from the Event until or if I'm welcome again.

I was just being straight with you with my previous post as I could of blamed a disconnect or anything like that (not suggesting anyone else did) but I'm an honest person especially amongst friends.

I hope that all of you who did compete last night had a good time :)
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