RACE 07 Racing Club (Merged)

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Hya all

As a start lets kick some WTCC cars after the pause period. :)

Time: 19.00 GMT / 20.00 CET
Practise: 30 min
Qualy: 30 min
Race: 2*10 laps
Weather: Dry

Track: Istanbul
Cars: WTCC 06 and 07

Server name: RSC # RPMnet.org
Password: spa

Server 1 - RSC @ RPMnet.org #1
  1. Attila Domján - Chevy
  2. Gareth Hickling - Peugeot
  3. Pauliebhoy Harrigan - Seat Leon
  4. Gregory Degreef - BMW E90
  5. Mehmet Arikan - Seat
  6. Jerome Benard - Alfa Romeo
  7. Cristian Haba - BMW E90
  8. Christian Deparis - Seat 07
  9. Jens Hoeppner - BMW E90
  10. Patrick van Driel -Seat Leon
  11. James Yates - BMW E46
  12. Jari Vinnari - BMW E90
  13. Marcel Hulsbergen - Alfa 156
  14. Peter Böszörményi - Seat Leon
  15. Kent Karlén - Chevy 07
  16. darron miller - Peugeot
  17. Michael Herrmann - Alfa 156
  18. Nico Major - BMW E90
  19. Rami Kaukola - BMW E90
  20. Christopher Aponte - Seat LEon
  21. Simon Trendell - Peugeot
  22. big daddy Morpheus Lightning McQueen - car tbd
  23. Baron-Rouge[NO-B] - Seat Leon
  24. ingemar petersson Seat Leon
  25. Nevermind - Seat Leon
Server 2 - RSC @ RPMnet.org #2
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Me and Emil after i came out of pits:

This race was incredibly intense. Grats to all who finished.

Well done to Henrik, and to Adam for the tie for overall. Well fought battle.

All the newcomers, you did excellent, and should be proud.

As Mtommi just posted....quali was .065 apart from 1-4th...how much closer does it get?

Will post more shortly. Need a shower.

Tough night for me. My throttle would only give me 60% throttle.. So I was keeping up with everyone in the technical parts of the track but on the 2 straights, i was being passed like i was driving a bicycle. Fastest lap in race 2 was 1.40..... barely breaking 100 mph in the straight stretch... Oh well.... g25 here I come. Goodbye MOMO.
Wow! For my first online race ever, I had a blast! First race was wild in the rain. Slipping and sliding like crazy. Second race felt more comfortable with the other drivers. Like I was telling the guys on teamspeak, I was getting dizzy. It's like all I saw were autobots and decepticons! =) Daniel and Paul Wood that was great racing with you guys in both races. Thanks for everyone's help to get me up to speed.

One question...Where do I sign up for next friday? =)

Will, In a few days, there'll be a post up on the evo club racing forums where you can sign up for next week's race. Check back Sunday or Monday.
Poor qual lap saw me well down in 16th.

Race: 1. Damp track made for a good opening lap for me up to 8th. Kept close behind the car in front with remaining top 6 all in sight. Felt confident that once onto wets I'd be able to pick up a couple more spots, but blew it all on lap 4. Slipped wide thumping a barrier and getting a puncture to boot. Limped back to pits for full set of wets. Rejoined around 15th. Kept chugging along and eventually finished 10th. Realised that my poor front end grip was down to my front splitter missing from lap 4 incident which I thought was just suspension damage:(. Oh well.

Race: 2. Dry track and I knew my lack of pace would be more obvious in these conditions. Decent start and made a couple of places. Down into Graham Hill bend I was following Abdul and thought I'd made a clean pass on Adam who I thought had just ran wide whilst trying to give me room. Having seen the replay I was probably to blame for him going off. There was contact as I hadn't got in as tight as I'd thought I had and his car definately bounces off mine. Sorry Adam. Pitted late after a poor inlap whilst leading and rejoined in 5th where I would of finished if Keith wasn't trying to reverse over the line!! So finished 4th. My driving is getting worse now that I'm no longer doing the Mini's on Friday. My confidence was high as I was competitive in those and it was showing in other races too.

I need more track time, but even having had a week off work I've still had little time to drive. Just doesn't seem to be enough time to enjoy my simming these days.

Thanks to Eric and Keith for hosting and running the show. Amazing how this event is pulling in the crowds now:).

Some very good driving out there 2nite especially from some of the newer guys :good:.
I wrong use wet setting wet tire on qualify,because before on practice is raining,so,i forget change it,oh,very dangerous,

Race 1:
I use wet setting wet tire on race 1,race 1 the weather is raining,some good battle on race 1,i not fast,but,very fun,very nice race for all :)

Race 2:
Wrong load setting again,yes,is dry weather,this time,i load dry setting,but,forget change tire on the pit in menu......ohhhhh!!,mistake again,so,pit in after,this tire is wet tire,so,i stay on the grass,and i always remember lap 2 touch the car,because my wrong,so......I stop my car in the race,

If race 2 not mistake,i think is happy today,but,all is good and nice race :)

See all on the next week,:)
Qualified 2nd highlight of my night. race was wild very slick have to watch your breaking points got rear ended really good and that was enough racing for my night maybe try back in a couple weeks that was enough for me for awhile thanks for the race hf
Yes sorry Brandon,that was me that rearended you going into the pit straight,just a liitle bit late on the brakes and being wet i locked up and was a passenger....sorry for ruining your race .kev.
Qualifying: I thought I'd give Keith's setup a try for my lap. What a mistake that was. :p The rear end was sliding all over the place... 1:37.657 was my time, which put me down in an uncharacteristic 18th position.

Race 1: I was caught up in the midfield smashup at Druids, and continued on with suspension damage. As the rain came down, I knew that I would be able to grab some positions because I had chosen to go out on wet tyres. Just how many I got was staggering. From about 20th to 5th by the halfway point, when I decided to take my pitstop. I had some great racing with many people, and had a crack at pole for Race 2 when I was chasing Claudio down, but my own mistakes put me out of contention. I brought the car home in 12th.

Race 2: The dry weather that greeted us was a bit too much of a change for me - I was still stuck in rain mode, and the sudden grip the dry weather and slicks gave me meant that my first laps were pretty ragged and overdone. I watched the top 8 pull away from me, and about when more rain started falling, I began to lose focus. I spun off and bogged myself down far more than I would have liked to, and overall the race wasn't as enjoyable for me. However the highlight was being the French meat in a BMW sandwich for the latter third of the race. There was some great racing between Neil and Kevin until I overestimated my braking at the second-last turn. I finished around 12th again.

This was some of the best racing of my career, despite me not getting quite the results I expected. This was the first time that the weather actually made a difference for me, and I'm really excited that these events are drawing huge grids now. Thanks to Keith and Eric for their great work, Thanks everyone for the racing and banter on TS, and I'll see you all next week... :D

Class: STCC / WTCC '07&'06 / WTCC '87

Track:Singapore GP Night-> download

Start Time: Saturday 1.00 GMT / Friday 9.00PM EST USA / Saturday 11.00am AEST AUS
Practice: 30mins
Qualification: 15mins - Superpole
Warmup: 10mins
Race: 2x10 laps - One mandatory pit per race with 2 tire change.

Notes: Click here to read the password and golden rules!
Also, note we are using the same track for the Wednesday and Friday event:)

Friday night group [click] to join

Dry this time:)

Hey guys, this is a quick summary of how things should go tonite for this race. It involves setting up prerace, racing, etiquette, and a few other reminders.


Here you should be getting a handle on your car, whether it is wet or dry. Get comfortable racing around others, and get your awareness up.

You should also be practicing your pit stops. As with all Friday races we require a mandatory 2 tire stop each race. The practice will help you with pit entry, and prevent you from getting a stop and go because of speeding into pit lane.

Now as added excitement of the Friday races, we have chaging weather. With this in mind during practice you should set a few presets. Here are exmaples of mine:

1) Two dry front tires
2) All four dry tires
3) Two wet front Tires
4) All four wet tires
5) Full damage repair

Setting these presets will decrease your chances of having a problem when pitting.

Also it is beneficial to practice both with full race fuel, and with qualifying fuel. Running all your practice with 5-10 liters of fuel will not help when you put in your 30 litres for race time as it adds weight and changes the car.


We run 15 minutes of Super pole which is an incdividual qualification. When you leave the pits you have 3 laps and they are as follows:

1) Outlap - Used to warm up tires. Also do not damage car this lap :)
2) Hotlap - Your one and ONLY lap to qualify with. It is sometimes better to relax a bit so you do not make a mistake and run off leaving you with a poor qualification and bad starting position
3) Inlap - A cool down lap which you run and enter the pits when finished , you can hit escape when done your hotlap, but it is more fun and real to finish the inlap and also gives you another chance to practice pitting in.



Use this session to get comfortable with race fuel, and to once again practice you pit stops. At this point make sure you have all your presets set in place, and you are comfortable and ready to race. Also a good time to hit the bathroom!


Now the Friday events have such large fields, on track behaviour is critical. Because one aggresive move, doesnt just affect you and one car, but more like 5-10 cars. Remember this! Everyone is here to have fun just like the other, but think about how one move takes the fun out of it for another. We all like to do well, and make passes, but think of the big picture. Races are decent length, with changing weather, and with pit stops. Things happen and the race unfolds. Let it get there, use caution the first lap.

A few rules of thumb when around multiple cars.

1) Be aware of cars behind, and their position. Do not just think about the car in front. The car behind is just as important
2) When changing lanes to pass, or miss cars ran off, check before changing
3) If you are defending, and attempting to block. You can only make one lane change. There is no swerving to block
4) If a car has a run on you and you see him go inside, BE AWARE. You cannot just turn into a car that is fully beside you (and I mean nose to nose beside you). He is there, and you have to concede position. More then likely if you turn into him and he is there you are going off and your race is hindered
5) When entering pits do so in a safe manner that does not cause obstructions for others.
6) When re-entering the track from the pits, please do so in a safe manner. However remember that you ARE racing for position. Remain behind the line until it breaks, but do not pull a Schumacher and swerve into the lane of a full speed car. (this ends in sorrow)
7) When you are receiving the blue flag, do not panic. Have a look behind and see how close, and plan for a safe spot to allow them by. You do not need to jam your brakes on. Simply back off the throttle off the race line and they will find their way as they are at full pace.

That is all I can think of for now, but I wanted to share this with everyone as we have started having alot of new players join us. I know this is just a refresher for some, but also at the top is a bit of strategy that I use prerace.

I suggest to everyone that races on fridays to use teamspeak, even if you dont have a Mic. It is beneficial, because if someone runs off they announce it, and it gives early warning. Even if you leave it on but on quiet.

Also everyone prerace please remember to download the Most recent skinpack.

Thanks to all the new guys for trying out racing with us, and to all the regulars who race week in week out. I see big things coming for these friday nights and its all because of you guys.

Hope this Summary helps out, I will repost is for each event.

Keith Barrick
  1. Keith Barrick
  2. Will Marquez
  3. Rhys Gardiner
  4. Brandon Lawson
  5. Wing Hin Wong
  6. Philip Antonia
  7. Michael Carver
  8. Adam Vaughan
  9. Glenn Petersen
  10. Claudio Caferri
  11. Willie Watt
  12. Yuri Braham
  13. Luis Lynce
  14. Daniel Wood
  15. Corey Theman
  16. Jason Halaby
  17. Paul Wood
  18. Robert Isles
  19. Péter Bártfai
  20. Steve Emmons
  21. Mtommi Tam
  22. Henrik Horvath
  23. Lewis Fergusson
  24. Neil Tennant
  25. Yves Larose

  1. Abdul Ahmed
Two beauty shots of the grid, and one of the start.

The one behind the fence, im thinking this "Why sit on the sidelines, when you can be a part of this every Friday night?"


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  • Race 1 Brands 2.jpg
    Race 1 Brands 2.jpg
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  • Sideline picture.jpg
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