Race #08, Hungary: Post-Race Checks

Lol so why huis didn't get a time penalty for running me off track in #6 incident ?

"You guys need to punish more consistently"
Anyway last year i did the same move as #6 ( a bit more harsh ) and got time penalized. He got an advantage here.
You guys you said to me, don't be so agressive, etc I'm really calm this year and maybe more fair in the battle. but when i see that i'm still harder penalized i think i have missed something.
I have no fun atm to drive in this league. It's just because i have a contract with Ghostspeed finishing this year and i'm a loyal guy who doesn't give up his team.
I thought earlier this year all things will go to the good direction ( in terms of racing, fair play and level ) but i was wrong.
I'm really bored about this stuff and my patience is gone.

This is just a game and here it's like you have to "kill" the other concurent to be felt alive. This isn't my conception of this.
We had a good battle yesterday. If a certain team doesn't protest everytime against me for any action i have done ( like #8), i won't protest to huis moves. I let you in your "war games".
I was shocked by the words told here about patrick : "moron, idiot and some others". There is no respect and a moral lynching that i have never seen, or at least maybe in a COD forum.
I have a life, a GF and i have no more time to be in a stuff like this.
I'm not crying about "but F****ck they penalize me again". It's a general impression that FSR atmosphere has changed. Sure i won't here in 2014 ( or even in 2013 if i loose my licence )
All is said and my choice is fixed.
Lol so why huis didn't get a time penalty for running me off track in #6 incident ?
"You guys need to punish more consistently"
Anyway last year i did the same move as #6 ( a bit more harsh ) and got time penalized. He got an advantage here.

There's a small but significant difference in incident #6, compared to your last year's move and incident #10: in all but #6 the driver was forced off track. The video in #6 shows that you still had the room to remain over the curb, which is part of the race track. Sometimes a tiny detail like this will decide whether it is +15 seconds time penalty or nothing. I know as a director that it's a fine line and people will be disappointed either way you decide.
Lol so why huis didn't get a time penalty for running me off track in #6 incident ?
Incident #6 is more similar to Incident #3, where you bump-passed Keithley and got 0.5pp.

I was shocked by the words told here about patrick : "moron, idiot and some others". There is no respect and a moral lynching that i have never seen, or at least maybe in a COD forum.
I'll say again for my part, I've always treated everyone with respect (except for a Certain Someone). Even after being insulted and accused of a million things (yet no one was shocked to see me treated in such a way?).

There is no doubt that your incidents were worse than what Bono did in Incident #6, if you want to keep calling it bias or whatever, that's your problem.

I'm not afraid of discussing anything because I know I'm right. It's easier for you guys (drivers) to just rage on the forum and blame me instead of looking within yourselves to see what you could improve.
After such a eventfull week-end for us, I feel the need to post a statement from the team.
First of all, NetRex is not going to appeal Patrick De Wit's penalty. This in sign of respect to director's job who was in a complicated situation to handle and in sign of apologizing to the whole club for what happened. In particular to Bono and Morgan but, as I said, to everyone really, spectators included. Patrick himself agreed with the decision not to appeal for the same principles. He's sorry for what he did and really regrets what happened.

On a second note, I strongly disliked the language used in some comments against Patrick. That showed totally no respect for the man, in first place, and for the team he's racing for.
If that's the style adopted by some important teams in this club then we clearly fight against windmills. I read about damaging the club or the racing and I wonder what's more damaging than making a guy like Patrick, who's been a golden resource for this club for years, loose all his will to stay in this league with such low insulting and offending. And then you complain we are not attractive to the outside?
I will not bring this topic to the rules level, where you're requested to use an appropriate language toward other club members, as I don't think rules can really solve this but NetRex GP found that behaviour completely unrespectfull.
When we asked for apologizes we've been told that it's better to be straight and use words: that's not our style, we'll not adopt such a policy as it's against our principles. The only straight word coming to my mind about those guys is: disappointment.

On a final note, about that message questioning about me being in COA, I want to thank Christian but I didn't want and will not want to waste a second to reply to such messages.
I feel sorry for Mikko also because his "job" is not easy expecially here in WC. But modestly I think here we need some little changes, this way of judges generally creates problem. I have the feeling that some kind of accident are punished to hard and some other really further actions are not penalized good. I see always Morgan payng for that for example.

About me, I am not happy of the 2 races ban also because is a cumulative penality from Montreal in which I get a penality for a thing that I did outside the official event when race is finished. Mikko did not penalize me but COA yes. I can't understand this, I feel like I have to pay attention also going in the bathroom in my house. Now for a little accident and an unexisting one I get 2 races ban. We need i think a better comunication between all the people judging accident.

About Patrick, obviously I agree with Ernesto, I feel sorry for him because some people shows no respect talking bad about him, everyone needs respect and Patrick too also because he is in simracing from a lot.

I also don't like how some TM acts for the protests, I think to help Mikko all of us should judge a bit that some accidents are really immaginary and we can create only problems making protests on normal racing contacts or battles.

All this I say is in full respect of all of you guys, FSR is always the best league and we always talk about bad things to fix them, obviously there are also a lot of good things here.

See you.
I agree in many points with Eros.
Incidents like this show true personalities and nobody is perfect, we can all learn from this and have an even more exiting end of the season to look forward to. Situations like this can break things a part but this fortunately wont happen in fsr, you are all to pro to give up, so if it wont set us all a part then let this problem bring us closer together so it wont happen again and we will have splendid racing weekends once again.
I'm sure Mikko is a serial punisher.

Boys, be serious and respect everyone on and out track.
Dont be a hypocrit, respect everyone ( mikko is not part of that?! ) on and out track and then you point a finger. In all fairness sometimes im like :/ when i read penalties but thats it, some-times. not most of the times but i think he is doing a good job in general.
I feel sorry for Mikko also because his "job" is not easy expecially here in WC. But modestly I think here we need some little changes, this way of judges generally creates problem. I have the feeling that some kind of accident are punished to hard and some other really further actions are not penalized good. I see always Morgan payng for that for example.

Well, this is the classic coment I've read every single season in FSR. But then when one really needs to discuss about such things, this is what happens:

Bad T Pescara Uein

A) I accept the rules

And there were 0 posts on the rules discussion thread from any Bad T Pescara managers. Literally 0. If you want to change something, use the current tools to do it, we have plenty of them. But don't stay in silence and, after getting a penalty, say how wrong is FSR. Because it isn't your first season here, also, so you were already aware of everything...
The rules are good David, is more a "problem" of interpretation. Pescara UEIN is in the first year there so i can't arrive here in march with my team and saying that rules are wrong, I think is not respectful also. I am here as TM for the first year and you know last year the situation of my team so I was not able to understand well rules and all the things.
For the next season I can say you I will do this, also because my team will be here with a full envolvment and with a new bigger "configuration".
Guys, we need a clear video indication of what is acceptable and what isn't out on track. Of course, it should be common sense but if the same kind of incidents are taking place then clearly something's not sitting with some people.
If a video was made showing which kind of moves are fine and which can be penalized, it would be a reference point for all racing in FSR. Therefore, there's no excuse for someone to moan should they find themselves being penalized for a move that has clearly been shown to be illegal.

I mean come on guys, look at ourselves. We bill FSR as rFactor's top F1 league but with all the bitching, moaning, poor driving and flawed rules system I'm pretty sure in some ways people on the outside looking in won't see it that way. We have to get this sorted otherwise other leagues will begin to catch and overtake us in terms of quality and driving standards.

I can only hope that come next season things will be better. I know that as a commentator I won't be around FSR forever, but I would like to look back at it once I do eventually have to leave my post for real work, as a sim racing league that lived up to its reputation and was a true showcase of sim racing talent. I love this community and all involved, but things could and should be better.
An excerpt from the rulebook:

When going two-wide through a bend, both drivers must give the other driver room for (a) their car (b) warping (connection lag) and (c) margin of error. In reality, this means that each driver must give the other driver a fair and sporting amount of space. So squeezing the other driver wide is not allowed.

When overtaking a competitor, the attacking party should only attempt to overtake in a corner if at least the front of his car is alongside the defending party when they arrive at the turn-in point of the corner. If the attacking party tries to make a move from further back and makes contact with the defending party, the attacker will be held accountable.

So basicly:

1. avoid contact when attacking/defending

2. give space when going side by side in a corner when you are attacking/defending

3. profit

Here's a video as well (shameless promotion):


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