RACE - Caterham Expansion Pack for FREE

Bram Hengeveld

Website Founder
Unconfirmed rumour heard today. The Caterham expansion pack will be released for FREE on june 22 for the dedicated RACE - The WTCC Game fans. You can use the free expansion on a one week trial. When you download it after that week you will be able to purchase a full re>>fuel expansion for only $4.95 through Steam.




  • Protar73

Stig you're right when you say that it is a free choice to buy or not the expansion, but consider that the refuel, as Simbin called it, isn't only a package of new cars and tracks, but it also include some improvements of the whole game.
So if you want the game updated you have to buy the expansion pack! Because, i think, you can't free download the update only.
If the "fair" price in the top post is right i'll buy it surely.
Anyhow only few days to wait...we will see.
Opperpanter said:
I think it's about taste as well. I don't care about those ugly buggy-like cars for example. Anybody can decide for themselves what todo, I just hope the mini tournament for example doesn't require refueling.

lol if i take this literally it should. because when you run a 5 lap race with mini and take 5 laps fuel you wont see the checkered flag :)

[ID]-Protar73-;55669 said:
Stig you're right when you say that it is a free choice to buy or not the expansion, but consider that the refuel, as Simbin called it, isn't only a package of new cars and tracks, but it also include some improvements of the whole game.
So if you want the game updated you have to buy the expansion pack! Because, i think, you can't free download the update only.
If the "fair" price in the top post is right i'll buy it surely.
Anyhow only few days to wait...we will see.

The game update will be available for everybody of course. Even if you dont have the caterham you will be able to race with people who do have it but then only in wtcc, 1987's and the mini. Thats one of the advantages of steam (dont shoot me)
[ID]-Protar73-;55669 said:
Stig you're right when you say that it is a free choice to buy or not the expansion, but consider that the refuel, as Simbin called it, isn't only a package of new cars and tracks, but it also include some improvements of the whole game.
So if you want the game updated you have to buy the expansion pack! Because, i think, you can't free download the update only.
If the "fair" price in the top post is right i'll buy it surely.
Anyhow only few days to wait...we will see.

I think your game will be upgraded; That's exactly the 1.2.3 patch we've been testing last weekend.

Hello everybody,

Friday 22nd we can go side-ways with the new re>>fuel addon for RACE - The WTCC Game: The Caterhams.
I would love to invite every member of our Racing Club for a huge welcome party in our Racing Club server(s). (free Caterhams for everybody :D) You can start your upgrading through steam on friday and when its done get in your racingoverall because we go drifting like real Maniacs :) Jeeeeehaaaaaaa! We start with Imola and Estoril. And then check out how the parabolica should be taken at fullspeed! And if you want to stay drifting the rest of the night untill your eyes fall out of your head: fine with us!

Sign up in the Racing Club and we will send you the special password for the Caterham Welcome Party! We try to open up as many servers as needed for this FREE add-on. But remember full=full this night! So hurry up for a spot.

Not a member of our Racing Club yet? Dont worry! We welcome all gentlemen drivers that understand what clean driving is. To post your application click this link:

This is no rumor, the Caterhams will be totally free for us if we download it fast, read this:

Race: Caterham, das Addon zu Simbins Rennspiel Race, wird allem Anschein nach eine Woche lang kostenlos über Valves Download-Plattform Steam erhältlich sein. Das teilten uns Quellen aus gut unterrichteten Kreisen mit.

Den Informationen zufolge soll das Addon bereits nächste Woche allen Besitzern des Hauptprogramms zur freien Verfügung gestellt werden. Alles was Sie tun müssen, ist Race über Steam zu starten. Die Caterham-Erweiterung soll dann automatisch geladen werden und im Anschluss unbegrenzt spielbar sein.

Nach Ablauf der Aktion Ende nächster Woche soll das Addon laut den Gerüchten für 4,95 US-Dollar regulär über Valves Online-Vertrieb bezogen werden können. Gemeinsam mit dem benötigten Hauptprogramm soll Sie Race: Caterham 24,95 US-Dollar kosten.
Sorry it is in German.
Here you can find the site where i found it.
a but of translation :)

Race: Caterham, the Addon to Simbins racing game: Race, will be appearing all for one week long free of charge over Valves Download platform Steam available. That us sources communicated to out well informed circles.
(lol did part i guess didn't get translated well enough true the translator...maybe someone who knows german can explain this part better.. ;)...i think they may say here something like:
"this is well informed by close sources inside the comunity")

According to the information the Addon is to be put already next week to all owners of the main program at the free disposal. Everything which you do must to start is Race over Steam. The Caterham extension should be loaded then automatically and be for an unlimited period playable in the connection.

At expiration of the action end of next week the Addon is to be able regularly to be referred according to the rumors for 4,95 US Dollar over Valves on-line selling. Together with the necessary main program is you Race: Caterham 24.95 US Dollar cost.
I'm thinking that too, but in the article it says that "The Caterham extension should be loaded then automatically and be for an unlimited period playable in the connection". And in my eyes, unlimited period means that there is no ending :)
MrMystic[RPM];55946 said:
I'm thinking that too, but in the article it says that "The Caterham extension should be loaded then automatically and be for an unlimited period playable in the connection". And in my eyes, unlimited period means that there is no ending :)

Everyone who is downloading it within the first week gets it FREE. everyone after the first week needs to pay.

See it as a stunt :) promotion or whatever :cool:

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