Race Department Forum Racing Season 26

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Nice apex, I'll take it!
Club Staff

Welcome to the 26th season of Race Department Forum Racing! Tobi Kederer has raced to his third title, can he claim the all time lead this season?

Simply post in the thread that you would like to join, and choose a team: either by filling an empty seat, choosing a new team from the list, or creating your own team. Each driver must have a car to drive if they want to compete. There is a database of available liveries, while new ones can be made or requested.

The Races
The premise of the game is to see who can finish races quickest over the season. The moderator makes a race start post containing the phrase GOGOGO. After this, drivers must complete the race according to the race type. Finishing positions are based on the order in which the correct word is posted. Typos are allowed, as long as it resembles the correct word.

This season we diversify the races a bit more, bringing in even more race types.

Sprint Race
When a sprint race happens, you just simply post Finish as soon as possible

Medium Race
When the race starts, you post Start as soon as possible. You must then wait at least 1 hour and 1 minute before posting Finish.

Feature Race
After GOGOGO, post Start as soon as possible. Wait the hour and a minute before posting Pit, before the same gap and Finish. If you pit early, the hour and a minute is counted from the pitting, but penalties will still be applied.

Endurance Race
The 12 Hours of Sebring joins the calendar, so we have an extended Medium race. After the race starts, post Start as soon as possible. You must then wait 12 hours and 1 minute before posting Finish.

The Rally makes its FR debut. A Rally consists of two stages in quick succession, both acting as Sprint races. When the first stage starts, the first to post Finish is awarded a bonus point, and everyone else finishes as normal. Within 24 hours (anything from 1 minute after stage 1 starts), the second stage will start with the same rules as stage 1. The times for each driver to finish both stages is added up, and the quickest driver over the two stages is awarded the win, 2nd quickest 2nd and so on. Ties will be decided by finishing order in Stage 1. Drivers who miss stage 1 but finish stage 2 will be classified behind everyone who finished stage 1, regardless of if they finish stage 2.

The ePrix also makes its FR debut. Players post Start ASAP, then wait the normal 1 hour 1 minute. After this, drivers post Enter Pits, wait 1 minute, post Swap Car, wait 1 minute, post Exit Pits, wait 1 hour 1 minute, post Finish.

You cannot get a penalty for timing infringements in the Sprint race or a Rally. In the other races, each minute you post a section of the race early will earn you a 30 minute penalty to your race time. I will use Forum time for this, so be careful when cutting it fine.

Tagging another driver is banned, and will lead to a 3 place penalty for the driver who tagged another. This does not stop you from contacting your team mate through the means of Private Messages. I will open up a conversation with each team, in which they can talk to both me and each other. Use these for Team Radio.

After you post, you are not allowed to edit that post for 5 minutes. If you post early, you cannot re-post that same order, you must carry on from there and accept the penalty. This also applies to posting the wrong thing, where you must wait 5 minutes and post the correct thing. Your time will be counted from the correction from then onwards. After posting one of the components of a race, if the same one is posted soon after, it will be classed as a correction. This means that times will be counted from that post. Penalties can still be given out for double posting within 5 minutes.

Remember, I have moderator powers, and can see exactly what your edits are, so I can and will be strict on this.

The points system is designed to make it worth finishing races properly in the top 15. Therefore, they stay similar to previous seasons.

1. 25
2. 21
3. 18
4. 16
5. 14
6. 12
7. 10
8. 8
9. 6
10. 4
11. 3
12. 2
13+. 1
Ret. 0

Stage win (R): 1
Pole (M, E, eP): 2
Pole (F): 3

Pole Position is awarded to the first person to post Start in a Medium, Endurance, ePrix or Feature race. 2 points are awarded for the first three, and 3 in the latter. 1 point is awarded for Stage wins in the Rally.

Start times
Each round will start at a different time. They are all based on GMT (Forum Time), to reduce any confusion regarding DST changing. The day is split into 6 blocks of 4 hours. Three races will start in each block. This should mean that every time zone will have times when it is advantageous, and when it is not. The day of the week that the race starts in will be randomised. Each day will have a race start on it twice, and four days will get a third time. The times and day in test races won’t count towards the totals.

The blocks are:

Each team consists of 1 or 2 drivers. Teams may continue between seasons, but I insist on a new livery for the teams. To join a team, either fill in a free spot, look in the zip file provided for a free livery, or make/request a different car and post in the thread the picture.

When you want to join, tell me the team you want to join, your driver name and nationality. You can either use your real name; you can make up a name based on your username (Jimlaad43 becomes Jimmy Laad); you can just make up a silly name; or you can use the name of someone famous. Each driver needs a first name and a second name. If either are made up of a few words, that’s fine.

If you don't finish lots of races in succession, two things will happen. Firstly, you will lose the right to be waited for in the results, so if everyone else has finished, I will get on with the results. If it carries on, your team mate is allowed to replace you with a new driver if one appears. If the booted out driver does finish, they must choose a new team to join. Drivers will be ignored after their 3rd unaccounted for cumulative DNF (accounted for DNFs are ones where I’m told of people being on holiday, in hospital etc BEFORE the race), and will be kicked after their 5th cumulative DNF.

Feel free to make suggestions or complain, but be prepared to back down quickly when necessary.

If you complain, and they are deemed to be without reason, and they persist, or you become rude in any way, I do have the power to give out race bans. If it ever happens, I will notify you with warnings in PM's first. Bans are awarded to teams rather then drivers, so even if it is only one driver, you and your team mate will miss a round. Bans will always be only in Sprint Races (unless there is no alternative).

But overall, this is a fun and prestigious game, so please join up, create rivalries and fake race reports for you. Remember to role play when interviewed for a reaction to the race.

So enjoy racing and LET THE RAAAAAAACES BEGIN!


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Race Calendar

Race Type Summary
Races Summary.jpg

Teams and Drivers
This zip file contains all available liveries. More can be requested to be made, or templates found, in the Forum Racing Livery Maker 2.0 thread.

1: Tobi Kederer (GER)
2: Free Seat

The defending champ returned out of the blue with a part time drive as he scrabbles to find funds to race. Ferrari and Kederer burned so much money winning all the previous championships that they now can't afford to turn up to every race. The triple champ is stuck in jobs elsewhere, so may have to watch a few races on TV.

Online AMG Racing
3: Donald Brugman (NED)
4: Ben Utzer (GER)

After a hugely successful debut season, Donald Brugman moves from Mercedes to Online Racing, who have parted with Martini after a good few seasons. Ben Utzer is looking for a much better showing than last year, in which the team recorded one of their worst finishes ever. The star signing has to live up to his reputation.

5: Milos Ancevski (SRB)
6: Tim Engberink (NED)
Williams 1999.png

Fresh from a year out, Tim Engberink unites with Serbian Milos Ancevski who has been close to the title most of the years he's raced. This team is one of two run by Sir Frank Williams this year, and the rivalry between this team and the BMW Williams will be extremely interesting.

7: Aidan Keranen (AUS)
8: Tapio Rinneaho (FIN)

Meanwhile, the McLaren lineup stays unchanged for another year. The Finnish connection will hopefully bring good results, as part Finn Keranen is overshadowed by the full blown Finn in Tapio Rinneaho. Perhaps the Finnish team of a Finnish and part-Finnish drivers will cross the Finish Line to finish the races before other drivers can Finish. This concept of choosing drivers by the team is quite interesting, and it would be a massive shame if it didn't work.

Van Diemen Formula Ford
9: Daniel Harvey (GBR)
10: Jack Laskey (GBR)
Van Diemen.png

In a break from the regular slicks-and-wings cars comes a bold move, as Van Diemen turn up for the series with a Formula Ford car! To compensate for the obvious lack of speed and grip in the small car, the team has signed two fantastic drivers in Daniel Harvey and Jack Laskey. The Teesiders will be ones to watch, especially with Harvey's Constructors Championship to defend.

Grip Racing
11: Manolis Sigoulakis (GRE)
12: Omer Said (TUR)

Grip Racing follow Van Diemen's lead and avoid an F1 car, instead opting for a Justin Wilson tribute Indycar. They should be awesome down the straights, but time will tell if the lack of cornering speed is a problem. The Byzantine driving lineup continues with Greek Manolis Sigoulakis and Turk Omer Said continuing with the team again. Sadly, for the last few seasons these drivers have been "alsorans", hopefully this is the car to push them back to the top.

BMW Williams
14: Sasha Jednak (SBR)
15: Andy Graham (GBR)
Williams 2004.png

Sir Frank Williams' other entry comes with factory support from the might of the German car manufacturers, BMW. The Walrus nose will certainly turn heads as Sasha Jednak continues his return to Forum Racing, bringing the crash-prone Andy Graham in as a team mate. After it transpired rival teams were planting saboteurs in the crowd to throw certain chocolate bars into gravel traps, Mars Bars have been banned from entering the race venues. Time will tell if this has an adverse reaction on the Brit.

Raider - Lamborghini
16: Steven Poirier (CAN)
17: Oorjit Mishra (IND)
Modena 1991.png

Raider are a new team sprung up from the ashes of Viper. Powered by Lamborghini, the Canadian team is led by Steven Poirier, who struggled last season in a car that dominated the drivers championship while driven by Tobi Kederer. He is joined by Indian Oorjit Mishra, who makes his Forum Racing debut. The new car looks good, so we must wait before judging.

18: Jason Lutz (USA)
19: Free Seat
Arrows collapsed and were renamed Haas, as the American team took over the base and operations. A new car and a rookie driver aren't usually the best combination, but it may just work out for them.
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