Don't feel discouraged to ask me, I sometimes forget to answer, but it is not intentional.
I have heard one or two who got this bug (pit crew on track) before.
This is because the pit crew doesn't work for some reason. It might be because of missing animation files. Do you have the latest version of race remaster?
Otherwise here are the files, I hope it helps:
MediaFire is a simple to use free service that lets you put all your photos, documents, music, and video in a single place so you can access them anywhere and share them everywhere.
If not, you might want to set pitcrew option to lowest setting or delete the files in 'Gamedata/Scripts'
To give a track the remaster treatment:
1. Open the gdb file and update the lights setting. This does a lot for the look of the tracks and cars.
The most important values are:
DayAmbientColour = (110,110,120)
DayDirectionalColour = (255,245,240)
DayFogColour = (97,110,120)
RainDayAmbientColour = (126,124,119)
RainDayDirectionalColour = (100,98,91)
RainDayFogColour = (88,93,98)
2. Edit track in 3dsimed.
To use the updated shaders add them from race 07/Shaders to "...3dsimed2\Hardwareshaders"
If 3dsimed crashes when opening a track, make a copy of the .trk file and delete sky objects and possibly rain reflects, corners etc. If it is a simbin track you might want to disable included scene file and 3d peoples (might be too many polys for 3dsimed, might be corrupted)
Track objects:
* change all materials so that all t1diffuse materials except trees gets specular rgb (usually black) to medium dark gray.
If needed recalculate normals, but you don't want to do this for trees and sometimes also ground, so it might require a special trk file without all tree objects
edit objects LOD settings to decrease objects popin
* manually move polygons and objects to avoid z-flickering, problem areas are mainly tyre barriers and house windows/doors. Often problems on simbin tracks.
Move signs/banners about 10cm away from walls
* Horizon (bka etc) set to shader
t1horizon specular black, emissive black, if too bright adjust rgb to gray, mipmap -2
or t1diffuse if no remaster shaders, specular black, emissive black,
Guard rails, set mipmap bias to lower value, about -0.3 for less pixel flickering
track banners/advertising, are often too high negative bias are set, resulting in pixel flickering, set to about 0, depending on texture resolution
fences, 2d spectators, grandstand bars etc. If possible set transparency blend to 'simple'. Do this to all objects where it is possible. Usually increase negative mipmap bias to compensate for pixely edges. Set 2d spectators to
t1peopleflat (remaster shader)
trees (optional), set to t1trees for darker textures, t1trees2 if brighter.
specular and emissive lights to black, normals upwards if possible. Transparency to simple, mipmap bias -2. There are sometimes duplicated trees, one alpha and one chroma, but this will result in flickering when seen from car inside view, so one of the material meshes has to be deleted.
This can be a bit tricky sometimes
If no remaster shaders use t1diffuse, black specular and emissive.
* sometimes move, replace 3d spectators, but that is a different story
* Some track windows and other objects uses material alpha. Remaster shaders work differently, so textures has to be given some alpha instead.
* Sometimes disable double sided for materials where needed (things like tents can have z-fighting, and work better without this).
These are the main things, but of course it could be a lot of other things too