Race07 crashing in

tonight, after clicking internet game in multiplayer, it refreshes the server list and then crashes to desktop. Only had the game two nights. What could cause this?

It's not just me either, a friend is having the same issue right at the same time (as in right now).
Seems to be okay at this very moment. Takes some time to refresh but no crashing reproduced here.

By looking at the time of your reports, it might have been a temporary high traffic that caused it. I will reboot the machine hosting the lobby in the coming hour.
Im trying to race online, but it shows no servers , i can host a session and race, i can run my ded/server but cant see it, ive tried switching from raceon/gtevo/stcc/race07.. all the same. Usually gtevo always shows server list.. ive even switched modem's with a dm/zone ...nothing

prob 2. I can enter RD server in a camerro from the retro pack but cant enter my own Ded/server (booted at possible cheat) and its hit and miss on other servers.. if i unistall stcc i get my servers back and can enter all room, if i reinstall stcc problem comes back. If i unistall Retro i get my servers back,( maybe a connection or ramdom effects from my pc)

only working good on Race07, All others take about 1mins to refresh after i get to see them...

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