Racer v0.8.35 released


RACER Developer
After quite some time, here's an update. Still needs things worked out before v0.9 though.
Get it at http://www.mediafire.com/file/1kyapoz4xmbnnlh/racer0.8.35.7z

As for changes between this version and an upcoming v0.9, I expect only the audio pitch_scale to possibly change a bit in behavior (if at all), other than that the graphics are not likely to change anymore. I might have called this one v0.9.0RC1 but there's a few bugs (in Config.exe, and the menu selections) that are not too pretty (I need to remove some non-working items).

- It uses the Lambo from Mr Whippy; I might not have had the latest version; this one gives a brake balance warning currently (admittedly a new feature)
- Next week I'll try and make a list of the things I still want to do for v0.9.

The changes:
- Pacejka window appeared single buffered in Windows XP, resulting in flickering.
- Added 2 pages to ^9 (telemetry) debug view; all possible and actually used view variables
- Added 'surface' group to logging (ASCII/RTD) with world surface intersection coordinates for all wheels (used internally for laser-scanned tracks).
- RTD logging of orientation is now done in Yaw/Pitch/Roll instead of the car rotation quaternion
- Timing has been restructured - only the multiplayer server now keeps track of time, to sync laptimes across multiplayer.
- Added 'fps on' and 'fps off' console commands.
- Added 'view <n>' command to set the view (normally changed with F1)
- Added the start of a 'system' of parameters & signals, which will give inside info on all kinds of parts. This will be useful
for external tweaking tools, and also internal ones. A generalized way to access parameters. Currently the tree is very
limited, and no external tools are available yet to tweak.
- Added 'system export' commands to export the system tree to an HTML file. Racer will open the HTML file after creation.
See also http://www.racer.nl/tutorial/system.htm
- Added 'set <path> <value>' to set a parameter in the system.
- Added 'get <path>' to get float parameter in the system.
- The 'graph' command now also accepts any parameter in the system; i.e. 'graph step 0 600 car0.engine.rotation_vel'
- Added 'camera <n>' command to switch cameras using a console command.
- Added 'fov <f>' command to set camera FOV directly.
- Added power steering curves for assist/friction/damping/spring (spring only for high-end platforms)
- Curved can now also offset all points
- GPLex dropped for now.
- Added alpha version of 3DS Max exporter (see max/ directory)

The dof originally had flag=6. I guess tracked adds 1024 to whatever the flags=, ie. 1024+6=1030. The object is made transparant not movable and inserting code like other tracks that have moveables don't work. real bummer.
Will try again with object flags=0.

Tried again and found that 1024 is added to whatever the flags=, start with flags=6 and end with flags=1030.

Tried to add code to make moveable but it only made the object transparent, car drives theu it. This is with an existing track.
Eh... movables is 1024.

A solid object is flags = 6.

Thus a solid movable is 1024, so a movable that isn't solid is 1018?

I still didn't test here, but pretty sure 1024 makes an item movable :D

My cones.

flags=0 visible but drive through
flags=6 visible and very solid
flags=1024 visible and bounce around when hit (and cost loads of FPS all the time :( )
Try it with the Laguna Seca track using ver 0.0834's tracked and see what happens. That's what I used and it didn't work, ie., flags=1024 and the object is drive thru.

Here's anothe problem with ver 0.0835:

Qlog error:
ERR ): [racer/1388] PSystem 'root': dtor called but still 1 children present
ERR ): [racer/1388] child 0: 'multiview'
WARN): [racer/1388] PSystem:RemoveChild(multiview) not found (from system )
How does one get rid of this Qlog error? The info on racer.nl is very vague and useless!!
When an item is clicked the page that appears has a 404 error. WTF
It started with Mr Whippy sunning his balls in the backyard in the name of 'research', now everyone's fixated on their movables:rolleyes:!

All of you AMD/ATI (DAAMIT?) GFX owners should probably try the new beta drivers for RAGE. Rage had a few issues at launch, AMD released a new driver that apparently has up to date OpenGL code in it. Hopefully for you guys it'll also improve Racer performance, visual quality or even both.
boomer541: I think we all get that message, but I could swear it only appeared after a couple of starts, not from the beginning? I had a look at the .html file in the dump folder as well, but it didn't seem to have an influence at all so I deleted it... and still get the error log XD
Thanks a lot Ruud :)

How do we use the powersteering curves? I put them in the main car folder and tried a few combinations of having normalized and absolute factor curves, but without knowing what the values are measured in or what the procedure is... no success yet.

On cars with not even an empty elt0 tree defined in views.ini, the second page of Ctrl+9 crashes Racer immediatelly (I have some cars with no dials/view elements at all, they use an almost empty views.ini with only view0{} in them as a placeholder, just to clarify the situation Simply adding elt0{} in the view0 tree does the trick).

Pacejka player has been ignoring the a0 parameter for several versions now - you can click and select the tickbox, but the shown value doesn't change from the previous one and the slider/double click window are nonfunctional.

dof-fix.exe also doesn't seem to work - instead, it throws this error message in an endless loop: ** Error: DBitmapTexture:FromBitMap(): OpenGL error (1282): invalid process.

I'm sorry, powersteering curves only work yet for high-end controller. I must make it work for wheels like the G27 too...
The Ctrl-9 bug is fixed in v0.8.36, as is the Pacejka edit bug and the dof_fix problem.
Ruud can you possibly explain how the vertex damage works? I've been going through the shader but have had little luck so far.

I'm not too happy with it atm, UV mapping discontinuities. And you need a gfxcard capable of reading textures in the vertex shader as well, to limit deformation per vertex. In short, this has to come later...

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