Racer v0.8.37 released


RACER Developer
Just in time for X-mas. ;)

Get the new version at http://www.mediafire.com/?hc44aiq5izp4iqi
Then get the racer.exe/pdb which fixes reflections at www.racer.nl/temp/racer0838_alpha.7z

At some point we're going to have to call it v0.9rc1, since this one does a little tweaking to the graphics intensities (energy conserving) and sets cast_shadow to 0 by default. Most shadows will disappear; a huge fps boost until you put shadows back in shader files (.shd).

Merry Christmas!

The changelist for v0.8.37:
- Added views.ini keep_aspect property to maintain aspect ratio for static images. See http://www.racer.nl/tutorial/dials.htm
- dyn_standard_reflect_window_f.cg now uses alpha as reflectiveness as well; opaque parts get less reflection
- TrackEd's AutoAseToDof has improved error messages on bad submaterial usage.
- TrackEd: some (progress) dialogs never appeared. Copy flags to group didn't work.
- TrackEd now colorizes the Collide and Surface flags in Props mode (F4) for easy tweaking of flags.
- standard_bump_detail_f.cg had a hardcoded 12x scale; now it uses the scale defined in the .shd file
- The garage track is not shown in the 'Select Track' screen anymore.
- Added log.events.host/port settings for remote racer tracking (niche usage).
- Lidar data (track.rld files) can now be sorted and driven on. Pro use only.
- Added car pitch/roll in body AND world coordinates in the Ctrl-9 debug screen.
- Added 'analyse shaders' command to check all shaders (track.shd/car.shd).
- The shaders default 'reflect' value for each layer is now 0 (was 1).
- Final tweaks in the shading system; energy conservation for diffuse and specular. For diffuse colors, this
means diffuse colors are divided by PI (assuming diffuse colors are kept between 0 and 1), and specular
colors are being corrected with (n+6)/8*PI.
See also http://www.rorydriscoll.com/2009/01/25/energy-conservation-in-games/
- Timers are now in microsecond accuracy using QueryPerformanceTimer(). Multicore machine issues?
- Profiling is more accurate due to the better timer accuracy. More graphics divisions added.
- Shader cast_shadow property by default is now 0; it's better to explicitly define shadow-casting materials
since you don't need a lot of shaders to cast shadows to still get a good image.
You *will* need to add cast_shadow=1 lines for shaders that you want to cast shadows.
- Depth texture setup optimized for shadowmapping; quite a big fps increase.
- Added look/left right controls (look_left, look_right) to dynamically look left or right (Q/W by default)
- In your controller file you can add global.left_right_look_velocity to set left/right look velocity (default=250)
- In your controller file you can add global.left_right_look_max to set the max left/right look angle (default=45)
Should probably mention it's a Billion 7800NL

It just throws an error saying "IP Address: Invalid"
The DHCP scope is -
Threw the Invalid error trying to set a static IP to

Thought that racer might be getting "localhost" confused in the racer.ini so tried changing that to (my new IP) but that didn't work either. It's now back at "localhost"
Still not working.
Do you have any other pC's/laptop to test the network, narrow it down to either the Billion or new PC? Otherwise I'd write down the Bollion settings, reset it to factory, and reconfigure it fresh. The PC should 'just work' using dhcp.
Billion's are usually pretty good.
Is your Antivirus software baulking it? You could also enable Windows firewall & add exceptions for any port/ip in administrative tools icon. Sometimes this works better than disabling it (especially on domain joined PC's)
Haven't installed any AV yet (Don't judge me)
Tried enabling windows firewall and allowing racer, both that and disabling the firewall don't work.

Oh, hang on...let me try this...
Nope, it's not my hosts file.
what is the subnet mask you are using? gateway ip should be the Billion IP, invalid IP would indicate either the ip your giving it or the subnet mask is incorrect. I'd guess ur subnet mask should be from the ip ranges u've given.
You have changed the network cable to check it's not flaky of course?
Make sure jumbo frames aren't enabled, this could cause similar issues too
Gateway is router IP, subnet is
Haven't tried a different network cable cause I don't have another one long enough (JUST over 3m from the wall plug)

Router apparently supports 9k jumbo frames, but I have no idea what the hell that means and there's apparently no way to disable it.

Looks like I won't be using racer for a while :(
Thanks for the suggestions guys, made a new thread so there's not like 4 pages of my problems in here lol


David, I'll try updating drivers
Alex, If I disable it then I can race, I can also re-enable it while racer's running and it'll continue to work as long as I don't quit racer, then it goes back to not working.

FYI I've not had any other issues with any other games or programs. This is the first trouble I've had with networking.
So all this happens when I'm away? Dammit.

Ruud/smart people: I have a problem...
Got a new PC, it's awesome, however...When I start Racer it goes fine until I try to race/quickrace. QLOG reports:
Mon Jan 02 10:24:13 (WARN): [racer/6216] QNClient:Connect(); failed to create enet peer; out of connections (RNetwork)

Firewall is disabled. No firewall that I can tell on the router however if I disconnect my network cable it runs.
Does anyone have any ideas what's going on?

Hehe, many many years ago I had this problem, kinda (this was in 2002 iirc)

Racer would only run if I either removed my network card, or plugged a wire into the RJ45 slot... if the network card was just sat without a wire Racer wouldn't load.

Yes, almost a decade later, but it's annoying that these things still crop up. Why the network card has ANY bearing on the loading in single 'player' is beyond me!

Been checking out Ver 0.0837-8a testing a number of tracks, results:

bahrain - car has very bright speculars that flicker can't find a fix.

freehand - get a overrun detected, fps goes from 180 to 7 just after starting to move car and at various locations.

Gyral - overrun detected just before crossing s/f line at end of run.

Some tracks have good lighting while others look like an overcast day, all dark with a bright blue cloudless sky.

Making a video from a replay crashes racer when finished with the audio run. Get the avi which is all blocky, using mpeg-4 codec.

Background movie doesn't work.

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